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Merge pull request #2273 from locustio/add-RestUser
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Add RestUser
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cyberw committed Dec 12, 2022
2 parents e60c1f5 + 5a45e28 commit fb61cae
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Showing 9 changed files with 305 additions and 113 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion docs/index.rst
Expand Up @@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ Other functionalities
testing-requests-based SDK's
Expand Down
74 changes: 55 additions & 19 deletions docs/testing-other-systems.rst
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
.. _testing-other-systems:

Testing non-HTTP systems
Testing other systems/protocols

Locust only comes with built-in support for HTTP/HTTPS but it can be extended to test almost any system. This is normally done by wrapping the protocol library and triggering a :py:attr:`request <locust.event.Events.request>` event after each call has completed, to let Locust know what happened.

Expand All @@ -14,38 +14,74 @@ Locust only comes with built-in support for HTTP/HTTPS but it can be extended to

Some C libraries allow for other workarounds. For example, if you want to use psycopg2 to performance test PostgreSQL, you can use `psycogreen <>`_. If you are willing to get your hands dirty, you may also be able to patch a library yourself, but that is beyond the scope of this documentation.

Example: writing an XML-RPC User/client
Example: XML-RPC

Lets assume we had an XML-RPC server that we wanted to load test.
Lets assume we have an XML-RPC server that we want to load test.

.. literalinclude:: ../examples/custom_xmlrpc_client/

We can build a generic XML-RPC client, by wrapping :py:class:`xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy`.

.. literalinclude:: ../examples/custom_xmlrpc_client/

Example: writing a gRPC User/client
Example: gRPC

If you have understood the XML-RPC example, you can easily build a `gRPC <>`_ User.
We can also build a `gRPC <>`_ User.

The only significant difference is that you need to make gRPC gevent-compatible, by executing this code before opening the channel:
Lets assume we have a gRPC server that we want to load test:

.. code-block:: python
.. literalinclude:: ../examples/grpc/

import grpc.experimental.gevent as grpc_gevent
The generic gRPC User base class sends events to Locust using an `interceptor <>`_:

.. literalinclude:: ../examples/grpc/

Dummy server to test:
And a locustfile using the above would look like this:

.. literalinclude:: ../examples/grpc/
.. literalinclude:: ../examples/grpc/

gRPC client, base GrpcUser, interceptor for sending events to locust and example usage:
.. _testing-request-sdks:

.. literalinclude:: ../examples/grpc/
requests-based libraries/SDKs

If you want to use a library that uses a `requests.Session <>`_ object under the hood you will most likely be able to skip all the above complexity.

Some libraries allow you to pass a Session explicitly, like for example the SOAP client provided by `Zeep <>`_. In that case, just pass it your ``HttpUser``'s :py:attr:`client <locust.HttpUser.client>`, and any requests made using the library will be logged in Locust.

Even if your library doesn't expose that in its interface, you may be able to get it working by overwriting some internally used Session. Here's an example of how to do that for the `Archivist <>`_ client.

.. literalinclude:: ../examples/sdk_session_patching/

Example: REST

While the base HttpUser/FastHttpUser is capable of testing RESTful endpoints, it can be simplified by using a specialized subclass :py:class:`RestUser <>`. It extends FastHttpUser by adding the ``rest``-method, a wrapper around ``self.client.request()`` that:

* automatically passes ``catch_response=True``
* automatically sets ``Content-Type`` and ``Accept`` headers to ``application/json`` (unless you have provided your own headers)
* automatically checks that the response is valid json, parses it into an dict and saves it in a field called ``js`` in the response object.
* catches any exceptions thrown in your ``with``-block and fails the sample (instead of crashing the task)

.. code-block:: python
from import RestUser
from locust import task
class MyUser(RestUser):
def t(self):
with"POST", "/", json={"foo": 1}) as resp:
if resp.js and resp.js["bar"] != 1:
resp.failure(f"Unexpected value of foo in response {resp.text}")
For a complete example, see ` <>`_. That also shows how you can subclass :py:class:`RestUser <>` to provide behaviours specific to your API, like like always sending common headers or always applying some validation to the response.

.. note::

As base class for interceptor is used `grpc-interceptor <>` library.
For more examples of user types, see `locust-plugins <>`_ (it has users for WebSocket/SocketIO, Kafka, Selenium/WebDriver and more).

For more examples of user types, see `locust-plugins <>`_ (it has users for WebSocket/SocketIO, Kafka, Selenium/WebDriver and more).
18 changes: 0 additions & 18 deletions docs/testing-requests-based SDK's.rst

This file was deleted.

61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions examples/grpc/
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
import time
from typing import Any, Callable
import grpc
import grpc.experimental.gevent as grpc_gevent
from grpc_interceptor import ClientInterceptor
from locust import User
from locust.exception import LocustError

# patch grpc so that it uses gevent instead of asyncio

class LocustInterceptor(ClientInterceptor):
def __init__(self, environment, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

self.env = environment

def intercept(
method: Callable,
request_or_iterator: Any,
call_details: grpc.ClientCallDetails,
response = None
exception = None
start_perf_counter = time.perf_counter()
response_length = 0
response = method(request_or_iterator, call_details)
response_length = response.result().ByteSize()
except grpc.RpcError as e:
exception = e
response_time=(time.perf_counter() - start_perf_counter) * 1000,
return response

class GrpcUser(User):
abstract = True
stub_class = None

def __init__(self, environment):
for attr_value, attr_name in ((, "host"), (self.stub_class, "stub_class")):
if attr_value is None:
raise LocustError(f"You must specify the {attr_name}.")

self._channel = grpc.insecure_channel(
interceptor = LocustInterceptor(environment=environment)
self._channel = grpc.intercept_channel(self._channel, interceptor)

self.stub = self.stub_class(self._channel)
76 changes: 5 additions & 71 deletions examples/grpc/
@@ -1,87 +1,21 @@
# make sure you use grpc version 1.39.0 or later,
# because of that affected earlier versions
from typing import Callable, Any
import time

import grpc
import grpc.experimental.gevent as grpc_gevent
import gevent
from locust import events, User, task
from locust.exception import LocustError
from grpc_interceptor import ClientInterceptor

import hello_pb2_grpc
import grpc_user
import hello_pb2

import hello_pb2_grpc
from hello_server import start_server

# patch grpc so that it uses gevent instead of asyncio
from locust import events, task

# Start the dummy server. This is not something you would do in a real test.
def run_grpc_server(environment, **_kwargs):
# Start the dummy server. This is not something you would do in a real test.

class LocustInterceptor(ClientInterceptor):
def __init__(self, environment, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

self.env = environment

def intercept(
method: Callable,
request_or_iterator: Any,
call_details: grpc.ClientCallDetails,
response = None
exception = None
start_perf_counter = time.perf_counter()
response_length = 0
response = method(request_or_iterator, call_details)
response_length = response.result().ByteSize()
except grpc.RpcError as e:
exception = e
response_time=(time.perf_counter() - start_perf_counter) * 1000,
return response

class GrpcUser(User):
abstract = True

stub_class = None

def __init__(self, environment):
for attr_value, attr_name in ((, "host"), (self.stub_class, "stub_class")):
if attr_value is None:
raise LocustError(f"You must specify the {attr_name}.")

self._channel = grpc.insecure_channel(
interceptor = LocustInterceptor(environment=environment)
self._channel = grpc.intercept_channel(self._channel, interceptor)

self.stub = self.stub_class(self._channel)

class HelloGrpcUser(GrpcUser):
class HelloGrpcUser(grpc_user.GrpcUser):
host = "localhost:50051"
stub_class = hello_pb2_grpc.HelloServiceStub

def sayHello(self):
101 changes: 101 additions & 0 deletions examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
from contextlib import contextmanager
from locust import task, run_single_user
from locust.contrib.fasthttp import ResponseContextManager
from locust.user.wait_time import constant
from import RestUser

class MyUser(RestUser):
host = ""
wait_time = constant(180) # be nice to, and dont run this at scale.

def t(self):
# should work
with"GET", "/get", json={"foo": 1}) as resp:
if resp.js["args"]["foo"] != 1:
resp.failure(f"Unexpected value of foo in response {resp.text}")

# should work
with"POST", "/post", json={"foo": 1}) as resp:
if resp.js["data"]["foo"] != 1:
resp.failure(f"Unexpected value of foo in response {resp.text}")
# assertions are a nice short way of expressiont your expectations about the response. The AssertionError thrown will be caught
# and fail the request, including the message and the payload in the failure content
assert resp.js["data"]["foo"] == 1, "Unexpected value of foo in response"

# assertions are a nice short way to validate the response. The AssertionError they raise
# will be caught by rest() and mark the request as failed

with"POST", "/post", json={"foo": 1}) as resp:
# mark the request as failed with the message "Assertion failed"
assert resp.js["data"]["foo"] == 2

with"POST", "/post", json={"foo": 1}) as resp:
# custom failure message
assert resp.js["data"]["foo"] == 2, "my custom error message"

with"POST", "/post", json={"foo": 1}) as resp:
# use a trailing comma to append the response text to the custom message
assert resp.js["data"]["foo"] == 2, "my custom error message with response text,"

# this only works in python 3.8 and up, so it is commented out:
# if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
# with"", "/post", json={"foo": 1}) as resp:
# # assign and assert in one line
# assert (foo := resp.js["foo"])
# print(f"the number {foo} is awesome")

# rest() catches most exceptions, so any programming mistakes you make automatically marks the request as a failure
# and stores the callstack in the failure message
with"POST", "/post", json={"foo": 1}) as resp:
1 / 0 # pylint: disable=pointless-statement

# response isnt even json, but RestUser will already have been marked it as a failure, so we dont have to do it again
with"GET", "/") as resp:

with"GET", "/") as resp:
# If resp.js is None (which it will be when there is a connection failure, a non-json responses etc),
# reading from resp.js will raise a TypeError (instead of an AssertionError), so lets avoid that:
if resp.js:
assert resp.js["foo"] == 2
# or, as a mildly confusing oneliner:
assert not resp.js or resp.js["foo"] == 2

# 404
with"GET", "") as resp:

# connection closed
with"POST", "", json={"foo": 1}) as resp:

# An example of how you might write a common base class for an API that always requires
# certain headers, or where you always want to check the response in a certain way
class RestUserThatLooksAtErrors(RestUser):
abstract = True

def rest(self, method, url, **kwargs) -> ResponseContextManager:
extra_headers = {"my_header": "my_value"}
with super().rest(method, url, headers=extra_headers, **kwargs) as resp:
resp: ResponseContextManager
if resp.js and "error" in resp.js and resp.js["error"] is not None:
yield resp

class MyOtherRestUser(RestUserThatLooksAtErrors):
host = ""
wait_time = constant(180) # be nice to, and dont run this at scale.

def t(self):
with"GET", "/") as _resp:

if __name__ == "__main__":

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