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Move function definitions from one file to another, moving or copying associated import statements along with them


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Package providing command line tools to move/copy function/classes and their associated import statements between files

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  • Python 3.10+


pip install mvdef



Moves functions named by -m/--mv and their associated imports from src to dst, or just previews the changes as a diff if passed -d/--dry-run.

usage: mvdef [-h] -m [MV ...] [-d] [-e] [-c] [-f] [-v] src dst

  Move function definitions from one file to another, moving/copying
  any necessary associated import statements along with them.

  Option     Description                                Type        Default
  —————————— —————————————————————————————————————————— ——————————— ———————
• src        source file to take definitions from       Path        -
• dst        destination file (may not exist)           Path        -
• mv         names to move from the source file         list[str]   -
• dry_run    whether to only preview the change diffs   bool        False
• escalate   whether to raise an error upon failure     bool        False
• cls_defs   whether to use only class definitions      bool        False
• func_defs  whether to use only function definitions   bool        False
• verbose    whether to log anything                    bool        False

positional arguments:

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m [MV ...], --mv [MV ...]
  -d, --dry-run
  -e, --escalate
  -c, --cls-defs
  -f, --func-defs
  -v, --verbose


Copies functions named by -m/--mv and their associated imports from src to dst, or just previews the changes as a diff if passed -d/--dry-run.

Has the same flags and signature as mvdef, but never changes src.

usage: cpdef [-h] -m [MV ...] [-d] [-e] [-c] [-f] [-v] src dst

  Copy function definitions from one file to another, and any necessary
  associated import statements along with them.

  Option     Description                                Type        Default
  —————————— —————————————————————————————————————————— ——————————— ———————
• src        source file to copy definitions from       Path        -
• dst        destination file (may not exist)           Path        -
• mv         names to copy from the source file         list[str]   -
• dry_run    whether to only preview the change diffs   bool        False
• escalate   whether to raise an error upon failure     bool        False
• cls_defs   whether to use only class definitions      bool        False
• func_defs  whether to use only function definitions   bool        False
• verbose    whether to log anything                    bool        False

positional arguments:

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m [MV ...], --mv [MV ...]
  -d, --dry-run
  -e, --escalate
  -c, --cls-defs
  -f, --func-defs
  -v, --verbose


Has a similar signature, but no dst (it operates on just one file) and the mv argument is replaced by match, which can specify regular expressions (default * matches any name).

usage: lsdef [-h] [-m [MATCH ...]] [-d] [-l] [-e] [-c] [-f] [-v] src

  List function definitions in a given file.

  Option     Description                                Type        Default
  —————————— —————————————————————————————————————————— ——————————— ———————
• src        source file to list definitions from       Path        -
• match      name regex to list from the source file    list[str]   ['*']
• dry_run    whether to print the __all__ diff          bool        False
• list       whether to print the list of names         bool        False
• escalate   whether to raise an error upon failure     bool        False
• cls_defs   whether to use only class definitions      bool        False
• func_defs  whether to use only function definitions   bool        False
• verbose    whether to log anything                    bool        False

positional arguments:

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m [MATCH ...], --match [MATCH ...]
  -d, --dry-run
  -l, --list
  -e, --escalate
  -c, --cls-defs
  -f, --func-defs
  -v, --verbose

How it works

The structure of a mvdef invocation

When you call mvdef -d -c -m A, equivalent to:

mvdef --dry-run --cls-defs --mv A

You're requesting to show the file diffs it'd take (--dry-run) to move the class definition (--cls-defs) named A (--mv A) from (the src, first positional argument) to (the dst, second positional argument).

Parsing the request

The request to move a definition is stored on a dataclass mvdef.transfer.MvDef immediately upon invoking the program command.

Upon creation, this class stores 2 attributes src_diff and dst_diff (both are mvdef.diff.Differ objects) which will coordinate the creation of patches, or 'diffs'. These start their life with empty agendas (mvdef.agenda.Agenda).

Next, the main MvDef class calls its check() method, which returns an exception (or raises it if escalate is True), preventing further work if the source file does not contain a class named A as requested.

If the source file has the required definitions to fulfil the request, then the MvDef.diffs() method gets called next, populates the empty agendas on the Differ objects for the 2 files, then produces the diffs they imply.

If the dry run setting is not used, the source and destination files are overwritten with the changes, instead of just displaying the diffs.

lsdef approach

lsdef is similar, but instead of making a src_diff it makes a src_manifest (mvdef.manifest.Manifest object), and there is no dst file to handle.

Error handling is the same as above.

mvdef is available from PyPI, and the code is on GitHub


Move function definitions from one file to another, moving or copying associated import statements along with them







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