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A Japanese morphological dictionary builder for IPADIC NEologd.


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Lindera IPADIC NEologd Builder

License: MIT Join the chat at

IPADIC NEologd dictionary builder for Lindera. This project fork from fulmicoton's kuromoji-rs.


% cargo install lindera-ipadic-neologd-builder


The following products are required to build:

  • Rust >= 1.46.0
  • mecab >= 0.996 (for building a dictionary)
% cargo build --release

Dictionary version

This repository only tested data of mecab-ipadic-NEologd.

NOTE : This builder skip 2 words, カブシキガイシャ and タカラヅカカゲキダンキセイ, to avoid dictionary build failure. These words are SKIP_WORDS in src/ .

Building a dictionary

Building a dictionary with lindera-ipadic-neologd command:

% curl -L > ./
% unzip -o
% ./mecab-ipadic-neologd-master/bin/install-mecab-ipadic-neologd --create_user_dic -p $(pwd)/mecab-ipadic-neologd-master/tmp -y
% IPADIC_VERSION=$(find ./mecab-ipadic-neologd-master/build/mecab-ipadic-*-neologd-* -type d | awk -F "-" '{print $6"-"$7}')
% NEOLOGD_VERSION=$(find ./mecab-ipadic-neologd-master/build/mecab-ipadic-*-neologd-* -type d | awk -F "-" '{print $NF}')
% lindera-ipadic-neologd ./mecab-ipadic-neologd-master/build/mecab-ipadic-${IPADIC_VERSION}-neologd-${NEOLOGD_VERSION} lindera-ipadic-${IPADIC_VERSION}-neologd-${NEOLOGD_VERSION}

Dictionary format

Refer to the manual for details on the IPADIC dictionary format and part-of-speech tags.

Index Name (Japanese) Name (English) Notes
0 品詞 part-of-speech
1 品詞細分類1 sub POS 1
2 品詞細分類2 sub POS 2
3 品詞細分類3 sub POS 3
4 活用形 conjugation type
5 活用型 conjugation form
6 原形 base form
7 読み reading
8 発音 pronunciation

Tokenizing text using produced dictionary

You can tokenize text using produced dictionary with lindera command:

% echo "羽田空港限定トートバッグ" | lindera -d ./lindera-ipadic-2.7.0-20070801-neologd-20200130
羽田空港        名詞,固有名詞,一般,*,*,*,羽田空港,ハネダクウコウ,ハネダクーコー
限定    名詞,サ変接続,*,*,*,*,限定,ゲンテイ,ゲンテイ
トートバッグ    名詞,固有名詞,一般,*,*,*,トートバッグ,トートバッグ,トートバッグ

For more details about lindera command, please refer to the following URL:

API reference

The API reference is available. Please see following URL: