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Lifemapper Lab roll


This roll installs Lifemapper tools for S^n services. All prerequisite software listed below are a part of the roll and will be installed and configured during roll installation. The roll has been tested with Rocks 7.


This section lists all the prerequisites for lifemapper-lab code dependencies. The dependencies are either build from source or installed from RPMs during the roll build.


Individual package dependencies

  • biotaphypy
    • matplotlib
  • lmpy
  • gdal
    • proj
  • python wheels
    • numpy
    • scipy
    • cython
    • more-itertools
  • dendropy
  • cherrypy
  • mod-wsgi
  • pytest-cov
  • requests
  • six
  • solr
  • zipp

maybe later: ete3 (PyQt4, python-lxml (installed on FE only as part of Centos roll))

Required Rolls

Building a roll

Checkout roll distribution from git repo :

# git clone 
# cd lifemapper-lab/

To build a roll, first execute a script that downloads and installs some packages and RPMS that are prerequisites for other packages during the roll build stage: :

# ./  

For each dependency to be built as an RPM :

# cd src/lmpy
# make prep 
# make rpm

When all individual packages are building without errors build a roll via executing the command at the top level of the roll source tree :

# make roll

The resulting ISO file lifemapper-lab-*.iso is the roll that can be added to the frontend.

Debugging a roll

Recreate roll ISO

When updating only a few packages in the roll, there is no need to re-create all packages anew. After re-making updated RPMs from the top level of roll source tree :

# make reroll

The new rpms will be inlcuded in the new ISO.

Adding a roll

The roll (ISO file) can be added (1) during the initial installation of the cluster (frontend) or (2) to the existing frontend.

Adding a roll to a new server

Adding a roll to a live frontend

Where installed roll components are

  1. /state/partition1/lmscratch/ -
    • /state/partition1/lmscratch/sessions - cherrypy sessions.
    • /state/partition1/lmscratch/tmpUpload - landing spot for uploaded files
    • /state/partition1/lmscratch/log - script and daemon logs.
    • /state/partition1/lmscratch/run - PID files.
    • /state/partition1/lmscratch/worker - Workqueue workers and Makeflow data?
  2. /var/www/tmp/ - for mapserver temp files
  3. /var/www/html/roll-documentation/lifemapper-server - roll documentation, bare minimum as a place holder.

Updating parts of a roll

If you are re-installing the lifemapper-lmserver rpm (Lifemapper source code), and/or the rocks-lifemapper rpm, see Update code and scripts at Updating to update the configuration, database, and restart services.

Removing a roll

When debugging a roll may need to remove the roll and all installed RPMs. Before removing the roll stop postgres and pgbouncer services with service or systemctl command :

# /etc/init.d/pgbouncer stop
# /etc/init.d/postgresql-9.1 stop 
# bash

These commands remove the installed roll from Rocks database and repo :

# rocks remove roll lifemapper-server
# (cd /export/rocks/install; rocks create distro)  

Using a Roll

See Using Lifemapper


  1. Compiling pylucene: make rpm (deprecated)
    1. On 2Gb memory host: is barely succeeding or failing intermittently. Need to shut down any extra daemons (like postgres and pgbouncer) and limit the java heap size. Currently, heap sie is limited by added environment _JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xmx256m" in Makefile. May need to investigate -XX:MaxPermSize=128m and -Xms128m options in addition to -Xmx. Other solutions (excerpt from hs_err_pi*log from one of failed runs): :

      # There is insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment to continue.
      # Native memory allocation (malloc) failed to allocate 32744 bytes for ChunkPool::allocate
      # Possible reasons:
      #   The system is out of physical RAM or swap space
      #   In 32 bit mode, the process size limit was hit
      # Possible solutions:
      #   Reduce memory load on the system
      #   Increase physical memory or swap space
      #   Check if swap backing store is full
      #   Use 64 bit Java on a 64 bit OS
      #   Decrease Java heap size (-Xmx/-Xms)
      #   Decrease number of Java threads
      #   Decrease Java thread stack sizes (-Xss)
      #   Set larger code cache with -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=

      If possible use 4Gb memory host.

    2. On 4gb memory host: compile succeeds.
  2. Free memory loss: during building a roll some java-based packages are not releasing allocated memory properly which results in available memory loss. After building a roll check host memory with free -m and run:

    sync && echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches


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