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Copier Python Package Template

A copier template to create a Python package.


# From local repo
copier copy --trust .../copier-py-package .../projects/some-new-pkg

# From GH repo
copier copy --trust gh:level12/copier-py-package .../projects/some-new-pkg

# Then bootstrap...assuming mise activates when changing into pkg directory
cd .../projects/some-new-pkg
mise run bootstrap

NOTE: the method you choose affects the _src value stored in the copier answers file and will be used by copier update. Using a template stored on the local file system will save a _src that may not be accurate for other users of copier update.



  • env-config for environment profiles and 1password integration
  • pre-commit
  • badges
  • review keg-app-cookiecutter

System Dependencies

To use a project generated by this template, you will need to have the following tools installed and available on the path:

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