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Releases: lestrrat-go/jwx


08 Apr 11:19
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v1.2.22 08 Apr 2022
[Bug fixes]
  * [jws] jws.Verify was ignoring the `b64` header when it was present
    in the protected headers (#681). Now the following should work:

      jws.Sign(..., jws.WithDetachedPayload(payload))
      // previously payload had to be base64 encoded
      jws.Verify(..., jws.WithDetachedPayload(payload))

    (note: v2 branch was not affected)


03 Apr 23:51
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v2 has many incompatibilities with v1. To see the full list of differences between
v1 and v2, please read the Changes.v2 file

v2.0.0-alpha1 - 4 Apr 2022
  * Initial pre-release of v2 line. Please note that there is no stability guarantees
    on pre-releases.


29 Mar 22:51
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v1.2.21 30 Mar 2022
[Bug fixes]
  * [jwk] RSA keys without p and q can now be parsed.


03 Mar 05:57
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v1.2.20 03 Mar 2022
  * Dependency on has been upgraded to
    v0.0.0-20220214200702-86341886e292 to address (#598)


22 Feb 01:41
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v1.2.19 22 Feb 2022
[New Feature]
  * [jwk] jwk.Parse (and (jwk.AutoRefresh).Configure) can accept a new
    option `jwk.WithIgnoreParseError(bool)`, which allows users to ignore
    errors during parsing of each key contained in the JWKS, allowing
    you to "skip" invalid keys.

    This option should not be used lightly, as it hides the presence of
    possibly faulty keys. However, this can be an escape hatch if you are
    faced with a faulty JWKS that you do not control.


23 Jan 00:23
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v1.2.18 23 Jan 2022
[Bug fixes]
  * [jwe] When presented with jwk.Key with a key ID, the jwe encryption
    code path did not assign this key ID to the resulting data structure.
    This has been fixed, and now the key ID is properly applied to the
    `kid` field.
  * [jws] Use for `crypto.Signer`s were implemented for signing, but verification was
    never properly implemented. This has been fixed.

  * [jws] Because of fixes to code path that deals with `crypto.Signer`s, we are
    now able to fully integrate with Cloud services, such as Google's Cloud KMS
    and AWS KMS, that provide key management and signing payloads

    An implementation for these are available at

    Suppot `crypto.Signer` in JWE encryption has not been implemented.


12 Jan 10:12
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v1.2.17 12 Jan 2022
  * Re-release v1.2.16 as v1.2.17 because of an error in the release process.
    The code is exactly the same as what v1.2.16 intended to release.
    v1.2.16 has been retracted in go.mod.

The content for v1.2.16 is left below for reference:

v1.2.16 12 Jan 2022


[Bug Fixes]
  * Peviously, `jws.Sign()` could not create a signed payload with
    detached and unencoded payload, even when the documentation said it could.
    Now you may use the `jws.Sign()` in the following way to create
    a JWS message with detached, unencoded state:

       hdrs := jws.NewHeaders()
       hdrs.Set("b64", false)
       hdrs.Set("crit", "b64")
       jws.Sign(nil, alg, key, jws.WithDetachedPayload(payload), jws.WithHeaders(hdrs))

    Notice the use of `nil` for the first parameter, and the use of

    We realize this is not exactly a clean API, but this is currently the
    only way to implement this in a backward-compatible fashion. Most likely
    this will change in a future major version.
  * `jws.WithDetachedPayload()` is now of type `jws.SignVerifyOption`, which
    satisfies both `jws.SignOption` and `jws.VerifyOption`


12 Jan 05:30
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v1.2.16 12 Jan 2022
[Bug Fixes]
  * Peviously, `jws.Sign()` could not create a signed payload with
    detached and unencoded payload, even when the documentation said it could.
    Now you may use the `jws.Sign()` in the following way to create
    a JWS message with detached, unencoded state:

       hdrs := jws.NewHeaders()
       hdrs.Set("b64", false)
       hdrs.Set("crit", "b64")
       jws.Sign(nil, alg, key, jws.WithDetachedPayload(payload), jws.WithHeaders(hdrs))

    Notice the use of `nil` for the first parameter, and the use of

    We realize this is not exactly a clean API, but this is currently the
    only way to implement this in a backward-compatible fashion. Most likely
    this will change in a future major version.
  * `jws.WithDetachedPayload()` is now of type `jws.SignVerifyOption`, which
    satisfies both `jws.SignOption` and `jws.VerifyOption


06 Jan 23:31
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v1.2.15 07 Jan 2022
[New Features]
  * `(jwk.AutoRefresh).Remove()` has been implemented.
[Bug Fixes]
  * ES256K is now included in the list of JWS inferred algorithms, if it's
    enabled via -tags jwx_es256k
  * `jwt.Parse` has been improved for efficiency and has more tests to
    cover corner cases.
  * Documentation fixes


22 Dec 01:36
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v1.2.14 22 Dec 2021
[New Features]
  * `jwk.Fetch()` and `(*jwk.AutoRefresh).Configure()` can now take `jwk.Whitelist`
    object to check for the validity of a url to be fetched
  * `jws.VerifyAuto()` has been added to verify payloads that can be verified
    using the JWK set provided in the "jku" field. This function is purposely
    separated from the `jws.Verify()` function because 1) the required parameters
    are different, and 2) Users MUST be aware that they are doing a totally
    different operation than a regular `jws.Verify()`
  * `(jwk.AutoRefresh).IsRegistered()` has been added.

[Bug fixes]
  * `jws.SignMulti()` has been fixed to assign the "kid" field of the key used
    for signing the payload
  * `jws.SignMulti()` has been fixed to respect the "kid" field of the protected
    header, not the public header