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Releases: lestrrat-go/jwx


11 Aug 00:20
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v2.0.5 - 11 Aug 2022
[Bug fixes]
  * [jwt] Remove stray debug log
  * [jwk] Fix x5u field name, caused by a typo
  * [misc] Update golangci-lint action to v3; v2 was causing weird problems


19 Jul 05:26
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v2.0.4 - 19 Jul 2022
[Bug Fixes]
  * [jwk], which jwk.Cache depends on,
    had a problem with inserting URLs to be re-fetched into its queue.
    As a result it could have been the case that some JWKS were not
    updated properly. Please upgrade if you use jwk.Cache.

  * [jwk] cert.Get could fail with an out of bounds index look up

  * [jwk] Fix doc buglet in `KeyType()` method

[New Features]
  * [jws] Add `jws.WithMultipleKeysPerKeyID()` sub-option to allow non-unique
    key IDs in a given JWK set. By default we assume that a key ID is unique
    within a key set, but enabling this option allows you to handle JWK sets
    that contain multiple keys that contain the same key ID.

  * [jwt] Before v2.0.1, sub-second accuracy for time based fields
    (i.e. `iat`, `exp`, `nbf`) were not respected. Because of this the code
    to evaluate this code had always truncated any-subsecond portion
    of these fields, and therefore no sub-second comparisons worked.
    A new option for validation `jwt.WithTruncation()` has been added
    to workaround this. This option controls the value used to truncate
    the time fields. When set to 0, sub-second comparison would be
    FIY, truncatation will still happen because we do not want to
    use the monotonic clocks when making comparisons. It's just that
    truncating using `0` as its argument effectively only strips out
    the monotonic clock


13 Jun 12:27
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v2.0.3 - 13 Jun 2022
[Bug Fixes]
  * [jwk] Update dependency on to v1.0.2 to
    avoid unintended blocking in the update goroutine for jwk.Cache


23 May 12:59
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v2.0.2 - 23 May 2022
[Bug Fixes][Security]
  * [jwe] An old bug from at least 7 years ago existed in handling AES-CBC unpadding,
    where the unpad operation might remove more bytes than necessary (#744)
    This affects all jwx code that is available before v2.0.2 and v1.2.25.

[New Features]
  * [jwt] RFC3339 timestamps are also accepted for Numeric Date types in JWT tokens.
    This allows users to parse servers that errnously use RFC3339 timestamps in
    some pre-defined fields. You can change this behavior by setting
    `jwt.WithNumericDateParsePedantic` to `false`
  * [jwt] `jwt.WithNumericDateParsePedantic` has been added. This is a global
    option that is set using `jwt.Settings`


23 May 12:49
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v1.2.25 23 May 2022
[Bug Fixes][Security]
  * [jwe] An old bug from at least 7 years ago existed in handling AES-CBC unpadding,
    where the unpad operation might remove more bytes than necessary (#744)
    This affects all jwx code that is available before v2.0.2 and v1.2.25.


23 May 12:25
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v1.2.24 05 May 2022
  * Upgrade (#724)


24 Apr 04:20
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v2 has many incompatibilities with v1. To see the full list of differences between
v1 and v2, please read the file (

v2.0.0 - 24 Apr 2022
  * This i the first v2 release, which represents a set of design changes
    that were learnt over the previous 2 years. As a result the v2 API
    should be much more consistent and uniform across packages, and
    should be much more flexible to accomodate real-world needs.

    For a complete list of changes, please see the file,
    or check the diff at

  * Minor house cleaning on code generation tools

  * `jwt.ErrMissingRequiredClaim()` has been added


16 Apr 06:53
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v2.0.0-beta2 - 16 Apr 2022
  * Updated `jwk.Set` API and reflected pending changes from v1 which were
    left over. Please see file for details.

  * Added `jwk.CachedSet`, a shim over `jwk.Cache` that allows you to
    have to write wrappers around `jwk.Cache` that retrieves a particular
    `jwk.Set` out of it. You can use it to, for example, pass `jwk.CachedSet`
    to a `jws.Verify`

      cache := jwk.NewCache(ctx)
      cache.Register(ctx, jwksURL)
      cachedSet := jwk.NewCachedSet(cache, jwksURL)
      jws.Verify(signed, jws.WithKeySet(cachedSet))


13 Apr 09:53
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v1.2.23 13 Apr 2022
[Bug fixes]
  * [jwk] jwk.AutoRefresh had a race condition when `Configure()` was
    called concurrently (#686)
    (It has been patched correctly, but we may come back to revisit
     the design choices in the near future)


09 Apr 13:18
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v2.0.0-beta1 - 09 Apr 2022
  * Renamed Changes.v2 to
  * Housecleaning for lint action.
  * While v2 was not affected, ported over equivalent test for #681 to catch
    regressions in the future.
  * Please note that there is no stability guarantees on pre-releases.