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fix(publish): remove workspace prefix on publish (#3397)
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fahslaj committed Nov 1, 2022
1 parent ab5adeb commit 1f0e546
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Showing 3 changed files with 278 additions and 3 deletions.
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions commands/publish/index.js
Expand Up @@ -240,6 +240,7 @@ class PublishCommand extends Command {

chain = chain.then(() => this.resolveLocalDependencyLinks());
chain = chain.then(() => this.resolveWorkspaceDependencyLinks());
chain = chain.then(() => this.annotateGitHead());
chain = chain.then(() => this.serializeChanges());
chain = chain.then(() => this.packUpdated());
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -551,6 +552,33 @@ class PublishCommand extends Command {

resolveWorkspaceDependencyLinks() {
// resolve relative workspace: links to their actual version range
const updatesWithWorkspaceLinks = this.updates.filter((node) =>
Array.from(node.localDependencies.values()).some((resolved) => !!resolved.workspaceSpec)

return pMap(updatesWithWorkspaceLinks, (node) => {
for (const [depName, resolved] of node.localDependencies) {
let depVersion;
let savePrefix;
if (resolved.workspaceAlias) {
depVersion = this.updatesVersions.get(depName) || this.packageGraph.get(depName).pkg.version;
savePrefix = resolved.workspaceAlias === "*" ? "" : resolved.workspaceAlias;
} else {
const specMatch = resolved.workspaceSpec.match(/^workspace:([~^]?)(.*)/);
savePrefix = specMatch[1];
depVersion = specMatch[2];

// it no longer matters if we mutate the shared Package instance
node.pkg.updateLocalDependency(resolved, depVersion, savePrefix, { retainWorkspacePrefix: false });

// writing changes to disk handled in serializeChanges()

annotateGitHead() {
try {
const gitHead = this.options.gitHead || getCurrentSHA(this.execOpts);
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions core/package/index.js
Expand Up @@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ class Package {
* @param {String} depVersion semver
* @param {String} savePrefix npm_config_save_prefix
updateLocalDependency(resolved, depVersion, savePrefix) {
updateLocalDependency(resolved, depVersion, savePrefix, options = { retainWorkspacePrefix: true }) {
const depName =;

// first, try runtime dependencies
Expand All @@ -270,10 +270,10 @@ class Package {
depCollection = this.devDependencies;

if (resolved.workspaceSpec) {
if (resolved.workspaceSpec && options.retainWorkspacePrefix) {
// do nothing if there is a workspace alias since they don't specify a version number
if (!resolved.workspaceAlias) {
const workspacePrefix = resolved.workspaceSpec.match(/^(workspace:[*|~|^]?)/)[0];
const workspacePrefix = resolved.workspaceSpec.match(/^(workspace:[*~^]?)/)[0];
depCollection[depName] = `${workspacePrefix}${depVersion}`;
} else if (resolved.registry || resolved.type === "directory") {
Expand Down
247 changes: 247 additions & 0 deletions e2e/tests/lerna-publish/lerna-publish-npm-workspace-prefix.spec.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
import { writeJsonFile } from "@nrwl/devkit";
import { Fixture } from "../../utils/fixture";
import { normalizeCommitSHAs, normalizeEnvironment } from "../../utils/snapshot-serializer-utils";

const randomInt = (min: number, max: number) => Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
const randomVersion = () => `${randomInt(10, 89)}.${randomInt(10, 89)}.${randomInt(10, 89)}`;

serialize(str: string) {
return normalizeCommitSHAs(normalizeEnvironment(str))
.replaceAll(/integrity:\s*.*/g, "integrity: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX")
.replaceAll(/\d*\.?\d+\s?[KMGTkmgt]?B/g, "XXXB");
test(val: string) {
return val != null && typeof val === "string";

describe("lerna-publish-workspace-prefix", () => {
let fixture: Fixture;

beforeEach(async () => {
fixture = await Fixture.create({
name: "lerna-publish-workspace-prefix",
packageManager: "npm",
initializeGit: true,
runLernaInit: true,
installDependencies: true,
afterEach(() => fixture.destroy());

describe("from-git", () => {
it("should publish to the remote registry, removing workspace: prefix from dependencies", async () => {
await fixture.lerna("create test-workspace-alias-star -y");
await fixture.lerna("create test-workspace-alias-tilde -y");
await fixture.lerna("create test-workspace-alias-caret -y");
await fixture.lerna("create test-workspace-exact -y");
await fixture.lerna("create test-workspace-compat -y");
await fixture.lerna("create test-workspace-approx -y");
await fixture.lerna("create test-main -y");

await fixture.updateJson(`packages/test-main/package.json`, (json) => ({
dependencies: {
...(json.dependencies as Record<string, string>),
"test-workspace-alias-star": "workspace:*",
"test-workspace-alias-tilde": "workspace:~",
"test-workspace-alias-caret": "workspace:^",
"test-workspace-exact": `workspace:0.0.0`,
"test-workspace-compat": `workspace:^0.0.0`,
"test-workspace-approx": `workspace:~0.0.0`,

const version = randomVersion();
await fixture.createInitialGitCommit();
await fixture.exec("git push origin test-main");

await fixture.lerna(`version ${version} -y`);

const output = await fixture.lerna(
"publish from-git --registry=http://localhost:4872 -y --concurrency 1"

const replaceVersion = (str: string) => str.replaceAll(version, "XX.XX.XX");

const unpublish = async (packageName: string) => {
const unpublishOutput = await fixture.exec(
`npm unpublish ${packageName}@${version} --force --registry=http://localhost:4872`

lerna notice cli v999.9.9-e2e.0
Found 7 packages to publish:
- test-main => XX.XX.XX
- test-workspace-alias-caret => XX.XX.XX
- test-workspace-alias-star => XX.XX.XX
- test-workspace-alias-tilde => XX.XX.XX
- test-workspace-approx => XX.XX.XX
- test-workspace-compat => XX.XX.XX
- test-workspace-exact => XX.XX.XX
lerna info auto-confirmed
lerna info publish Publishing packages to npm...
lerna notice Skipping all user and access validation due to third-party registry
lerna notice Make sure you're authenticated properly ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯
lerna WARN ENOLICENSE Packages test-main, test-workspace-alias-caret, test-workspace-alias-star, test-workspace-alias-tilde, test-workspace-approx, test-workspace-compat, and test-workspace-exact are missing a license.
lerna WARN ENOLICENSE One way to fix this is to add a file to the root of this repository.
lerna WARN ENOLICENSE See for additional guidance.
lerna success published test-workspace-alias-caret XX.XX.XX
lerna notice
lerna notice 📦 test-workspace-alias-caret@XX.XX.XX
lerna notice === Tarball Contents ===
lerna notice XXXB lib/test-workspace-alias-caret.js
lerna notice XXXB package.json
lerna notice XXXB
lerna notice === Tarball Details ===
lerna notice name: test-workspace-alias-caret
lerna notice version: XX.XX.XX
lerna notice filename: test-workspace-alias-caret-XX.XX.XX.tgz
lerna notice package size: XXXB
lerna notice unpacked size: XXXB
lerna notice shasum: {FULL_COMMIT_SHA}
lerna notice total files: 3
lerna notice
lerna success published test-workspace-alias-star XX.XX.XX
lerna notice
lerna notice 📦 test-workspace-alias-star@XX.XX.XX
lerna notice === Tarball Contents ===
lerna notice XXXB lib/test-workspace-alias-star.js
lerna notice XXXB package.json
lerna notice XXXB
lerna notice === Tarball Details ===
lerna notice name: test-workspace-alias-star
lerna notice version: XX.XX.XX
lerna notice filename: test-workspace-alias-star-XX.XX.XX.tgz
lerna notice package size: XXXB
lerna notice unpacked size: XXXB
lerna notice shasum: {FULL_COMMIT_SHA}
lerna notice total files: 3
lerna notice
lerna success published test-workspace-alias-tilde XX.XX.XX
lerna notice
lerna notice 📦 test-workspace-alias-tilde@XX.XX.XX
lerna notice === Tarball Contents ===
lerna notice XXXB lib/test-workspace-alias-tilde.js
lerna notice XXXB package.json
lerna notice XXXB
lerna notice === Tarball Details ===
lerna notice name: test-workspace-alias-tilde
lerna notice version: XX.XX.XX
lerna notice filename: test-workspace-alias-tilde-XX.XX.XX.tgz
lerna notice package size: XXXB
lerna notice unpacked size: XXXB
lerna notice shasum: {FULL_COMMIT_SHA}
lerna notice total files: 3
lerna notice
lerna success published test-workspace-approx XX.XX.XX
lerna notice
lerna notice 📦 test-workspace-approx@XX.XX.XX
lerna notice === Tarball Contents ===
lerna notice XXXB lib/test-workspace-approx.js
lerna notice XXXB package.json
lerna notice XXXB
lerna notice === Tarball Details ===
lerna notice name: test-workspace-approx
lerna notice version: XX.XX.XX
lerna notice filename: test-workspace-approx-XX.XX.XX.tgz
lerna notice package size: XXXB
lerna notice unpacked size: XXXB
lerna notice shasum: {FULL_COMMIT_SHA}
lerna notice total files: 3
lerna notice
lerna success published test-workspace-compat XX.XX.XX
lerna notice
lerna notice 📦 test-workspace-compat@XX.XX.XX
lerna notice === Tarball Contents ===
lerna notice XXXB lib/test-workspace-compat.js
lerna notice XXXB package.json
lerna notice XXXB
lerna notice === Tarball Details ===
lerna notice name: test-workspace-compat
lerna notice version: XX.XX.XX
lerna notice filename: test-workspace-compat-XX.XX.XX.tgz
lerna notice package size: XXXB
lerna notice unpacked size: XXXB
lerna notice shasum: {FULL_COMMIT_SHA}
lerna notice total files: 3
lerna notice
lerna success published test-workspace-exact XX.XX.XX
lerna notice
lerna notice 📦 test-workspace-exact@XX.XX.XX
lerna notice === Tarball Contents ===
lerna notice XXXB lib/test-workspace-exact.js
lerna notice XXXB package.json
lerna notice XXXB
lerna notice === Tarball Details ===
lerna notice name: test-workspace-exact
lerna notice version: XX.XX.XX
lerna notice filename: test-workspace-exact-XX.XX.XX.tgz
lerna notice package size: XXXB
lerna notice unpacked size: XXXB
lerna notice shasum: {FULL_COMMIT_SHA}
lerna notice total files: 3
lerna notice
lerna success published test-main XX.XX.XX
lerna notice
lerna notice 📦 test-main@XX.XX.XX
lerna notice === Tarball Contents ===
lerna notice XXXB lib/test-main.js
lerna notice XXXB package.json
lerna notice XXXB
lerna notice === Tarball Details ===
lerna notice name: test-main
lerna notice version: XX.XX.XX
lerna notice filename: test-main-XX.XX.XX.tgz
lerna notice package size: XXXB
lerna notice unpacked size: XXXB
lerna notice shasum: {FULL_COMMIT_SHA}
lerna notice total files: 3
lerna notice
Successfully published:
- test-main@XX.XX.XX
- test-workspace-alias-caret@XX.XX.XX
- test-workspace-alias-star@XX.XX.XX
- test-workspace-alias-tilde@XX.XX.XX
- test-workspace-approx@XX.XX.XX
- test-workspace-compat@XX.XX.XX
- test-workspace-exact@XX.XX.XX
lerna success published 7 packages

await fixture.exec("mkdir test-install-published-packages");
writeJsonFile(fixture.getWorkspacePath("test-install-published-packages/package.json"), {
name: "test-install-published-packages",
dependencies: {
"test-main": version,

// ensure that the published packages can be installed
// this verifies the validity of the updated package.json file that was published by `lerna publish`
await fixture.exec(
"npm --prefix ./test-install-published-packages install --registry=http://localhost:4872"

await unpublish("test-workspace-alias-star");
await unpublish("test-workspace-alias-tilde");
await unpublish("test-workspace-alias-caret");
await unpublish("test-workspace-exact");
await unpublish("test-workspace-compat");
await unpublish("test-workspace-approx");

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