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uHooks - React Project

Production version can be found at:

App Overview

This is essentially going to be a YouTube browser application in code, approach and design.

At the very top a user is going to enter in some search term, for example, in this case, I used buildings.

After the write out the search term in the search bar, the user will hit enter which is going to trigger a search request over to the YouTube API.

Once a user gets a list of videos back from this YouTube API they will be displayed on the right hand side of the browser. The user will then be able to click on one of these videos and it will be featured in the top left so the user can click on the actual video. The user will be shown a video title and description and will also be able to watch the video by clicking the play button. So this React application will have a search bar, its going to make a request to an outside API, its going to render a list of items which are features that any React engineer worth his salt should be able to do. metube_diagram

Component Design

So I have taken this mockup and broken it down into separate components so that I can get a good idea of what I am going to be building as I work on the application. metube_components

So the above mockup is my idea on how I am going to split this up into separate components.

I think I will have a search bar component at the top of the screen. This search bar is going to show some text input. A user can type in the search bar and this will update my state and then anytime a user hits the enter key, that will trigger a form submit event and send that search term back up to some other app component or parent component which will then take that search term and do an actual API request.

On the right hand side I will have a VideoList that is going to render the entire list of videos.

And then each of those individual parts or each of those individual boxes will be a component called VideoItem.

So if VideoItem is one particular video then all the video items will be contained by the VideoList component.

This explains why I have a green box around one VideoItem inside of the blue box that encompasses all the items in the VideoList component.

Finally, I will add the VideoDetail component which will be responsible for actually showing a video player that can play the actual YouTube video that has been fetched and the title and description right underneath the video.

So these are going to be the actual videos from YouTube that will be playing in this application minus the commercials.

I need to figure out how I am going to actually show a video directly from YouTube and embed it inside my application, but I suspect this will be fairly straightforward.

The last thing I want to show you below is my component hierarchy. component_hierarchy

So at the top I am still going to have the overarching App component which is responsible for holding all the state of this application, for retrieving a list of videos and for storing whatever the current search term is.

The App is then going to configure the SearchBar, VideoDetail and VideoList by passing props from the App down to each of these components.

In turn, the VideoList component will pass some props down to the VideoItem component or the collection of video items.

So at the top I am still going to have the overarching App component which is responsible for holding all the state of this application, for retrieving a list of videos and for storing whatever the current search term is.

The App is then going to configure the SearchBar, VideoDetail and VideoList by passing props from the App down to each of these components.

In turn, the VideoList component will pass some props down to the VideoItem component or the collection of video items.

Accessing the YouTube API

youtube_api My React app will make use of the Axios library. It is going to make a network request over to the YouTube API looking for videos related to a search term.

The YouTube API is then going to respond with a list of videos to show on the screen. The list of videos will be an array of objects where every object represents a different video.

In order to make use of the YouTube API I have to get an API key. To get the API key I have to navigate to inside the browser and go through a setup process.


A YouTube web app refactored from class-based React components to function components






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