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DevOps Exercise

This project is Shell Software's implementation of a Python package for sorting integer lists using the DevOps software development approach. Sort Lib

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pre-commit-config.yaml: Linting with Black and Flake8

The .pre-commit-config.yaml file limits the maxima file size to 200kb. It detects AWS credentials, but allows there to be missing credentials using an argument. Black uses version 22.8.0 and uses the --diff arg to show what is changed in a file. The pyproject.toml file specifies more settings for the black tool including: line-length and includes different python versions. Flake8 uses version 5.0.4 and has a maximum line length of 120 and excludes the files under .git, pycache files, and build files. To run the linting locally first install all dependencies.

python3 -m pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

pre-commit install

Once the dependencies are installed, pre-commit can be run.

pre-commit run --all-files

Implementation of Sorting Algorithms

Standard Python implementations of bubble sort, quicksort, and insertion sort have been defined in /basic_sort_shell_software/ The implementations for the sorting algorithms have been replicated from the following sources:

Bubble sort, by 9 contributors on GeeksforGeeks

Quicksort, by 8 contributors on GeeksforGeeks

Insertion sort, by 5 contributors on GeeksforGeeks

Implementation of Testing (Using PyTests)

Standard Pytests implementation. Using pytest to assert the sorting algorithms, and checking if it is sorted with a is_sorted function. If it is sorted then it will return True, otherwise it will return False.

is_Sorted, contributed by ManJeet_04 on GeeksforGeeks

Implementation of Linting

Linting is implemented in the .pre-commit-config file to lint before commits, as well as in the .github/workflows/main.yml file (which lints, tests, and packages).

Modification of the GitHub actions workflow so that it tests and builds the package for all three operating systems (OSX/Linux/Win) and for Python versions 3.9 and 3.10.

The Github actions workflow was edited by editing the main.yml file found under .github/workflows/. In this file for each job a matrix was specified with an OS argument and python-version argument. The OS argument specifies all three operating systems [ubuntu-20.04, windows-latest, macos-latest] and python versions [3.9.0, 3.10.0].

Due to issue #401 in actions/setup-python, Ubuntu has issues setting up with python version 3.10.0. To fix this, ubuntu-20.04 is used rather than ubuntu-latest.

Successful Workflow

Badges added to this File

The badges added to this workflow states if the workflow passes.


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