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Releases: kyle-west/bashful

3.1.3: [bashful] gist install crash was corrupting the registry file (#11)

06 Aug 16:27
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Releases as v3.1.3

When `getGistVersion` returns an empty string, this corrupts the entire registry file. So half of the pkgman features don't work anymore.

This PR not only fixes why `getGistVersion` was breaking, it makes it so that it defaults to an empty string so that it does not corrupt the file.


17 Sep 23:03
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[UPDATE] fix bashful update issue (#10)


10 Sep 22:11
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[version] add version info to readme (#7)

3.1.0 - bashful gist update-registry

10 Sep 20:12
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Add support for bashful gist add <url> to save the URL in the manifest so that later, the user can choose to update the registry listing without having to look it up.

To update a registry listing on your machine, run the following command. It will grab the latest data so that you can access it via bashful gist info.

bashful gist update-registry <name of the registry>

Also, I updated some of the test output to be more clear when things pass.


06 Sep 01:57
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[TESTS] fix cold test run


06 Sep 00:33
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Recent changes to the design, architecture, and API of bashful require a major version release.

  • NodeJS is now a prerequisite of bashful. Note that it has always been a (silent) dependency of json, but now that bashful uses json under the hood: node is required for all users of bashful@3.0.0
  • bashful and its native tools (json, inc, cache, and utils) now have tests to ensure that regression does not break their API's and use cases.
  • bashful gist install <url> now records the origin so that the user can run bashful update <package> (previously, they had to re-install it themselves)
  • bashful now has a concept of Gist Package Registries that host the descriptions of gists and their url's for the user to install from (bashful gist install <package-name> will install from the registry)

Additionally, some minor changes were made.

  • The API for cache upgraded (cache --restore [<folder 1> <...>]): If no folder names are given as arguments, it will restore all folders in the cache for the current directory.
  • bashful man <gist-program> is now supported (opens up the gist url)
  • git is now quiet when pulling down data

Coming soon (hidden internal features subject to change)

  • bashful.parseArgs use this to pre-parse the arguments to scripts you write (being tested in cache)
  • bashful.autoDocs auto generate help info from the comments in the script code itself (being tested in bashful)


29 Jan 22:12
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Install with npx!

npx -q

2.1.0 - Introducing `bashful gist install <url>`

21 Nov 21:02
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Installing GitHub Gists

Warning: this feature is experimental and subject to possible change

bashful gist install <url-to-github-gist>

I once wanted to send a coworker a script that ran a useful set of instructions for
a particular common work task. It ended up being a painful process to have the file
added to PATH and setting the permissions so that it could be invoked from the
command line. So I decided to add a feature to bashful to install gists as
executable files.

Example: Installing a gist from GitHub to the command line

I wrote a test gist to QA this feature of bashful. Feel free to install it.
It's called bacon, and all it does is echo out a congratulations message.

bashful gist install # <-- link to `bacon` program

Now I can run bacon from the terminal and see that it worked. (Note that the
bashful will treat this as a normal native program, and you can remove it by
typing bashful uninstall bacon).

2.0.0 - Introducing `bashful` CLI

21 Nov 18:10
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You no longer need to use NPM to manage the BASHful Suite updates (only the initial install). See the CLI Docs for details.

Note to Version 1 users:

Version 2 will break your current installation. Please run npm run uninstall before pulling this version to your machine*

1.1.0 - Introducing `inc` tool

16 Nov 15:53
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Increment the version number in both the bower.json and package.json files.

inc [major | minor | patch]