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Add support for CRD conversion
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Signed-off-by: Mikail Bagishov <>
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MikailBag committed Aug 28, 2022
1 parent 251728e commit 27f44ef
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@@ -1,7 +1,12 @@
use k8s_openapi::apiextensions_apiserver::pkg::apis::apiextensions::v1::CustomResourceDefinition;
use std::convert::Infallible;

use k8s_openapi::{apiextensions_apiserver::pkg::apis::apiextensions::v1::{CustomResourceDefinition, CustomResourceConversion, WebhookConversion, WebhookClientConfig, ServiceReference}, ByteString};
use kube::{
api::{Api, Patch, PatchParams},
conversion::{ConversionHandler, StarConverter},
runtime::wait::{await_condition, conditions},
Client, CustomResource, CustomResourceExt, ResourceExt,
Expand All @@ -11,7 +16,6 @@ use tracing::*;

mod v1 {
use super::*;
// spec that is forwards compatible with v2 (can upgrade by truncating)
#[derive(CustomResource, Serialize, Deserialize, Default, Debug, Clone, JsonSchema)]
#[kube(group = "", version = "v1", kind = "ManyDerive", namespaced)]
pub struct ManyDeriveSpec {
Expand All @@ -20,26 +24,179 @@ mod v1 {
mod v2 {
// spec that is NOT backwards compatible with v1 (cannot retrieve oldprop if truncated)
use super::*;
#[derive(CustomResource, Serialize, Deserialize, Default, Debug, Clone, JsonSchema)]
#[kube(group = "", version = "v2", kind = "ManyDerive", namespaced)]
pub struct ManyDeriveSpec {
pub name: String,
pub extra: Option<String>,
pub newprop: u32,

// As you can see, two CRD versions are not compatible on schema level, and default
// custom resource conversion strategy (which simply changes apiVersion)
// will lead to data loss. Therefore we will implement conversion webhook which allows us
// to seamlessly work with the objects using both api versions, allowing for safe and gradual migration.
mod conversion {
use kube::core::{NotUsed, Object};

// At first, we need to define internal, unversioned representation of our resource.
// it never leaks to the outer world, so it can evolve independently of published versions
// (as long as it is logically compatible with all versions).
pub struct ManyDeriveSpec {
pub beautiful_name: String,
pub prop: u32,
type ManyDerive = Object<ManyDeriveSpec, NotUsed>;

pub struct RayV1;
impl kube::core::conversion::StarRay for RayV1 {
type Unversioned = ManyDerive;

type Versioned = super::v1::ManyDerive;

fn into_unversioned(&self, versioned: Self::Versioned) -> Result<Self::Unversioned, String> {
let spec = ManyDeriveSpec {
prop: versioned.spec.oldprop,
Ok(Object {
metadata: versioned.metadata,
status: None,
types: None,

fn from_unversioned(&self, unversioned: Self::Unversioned) -> Result<Self::Versioned, String> {
let spec = super::v1::ManyDeriveSpec {
name: unversioned.spec.beautiful_name,
oldprop: unversioned.spec.prop,
Ok(super::v1::ManyDerive {
metadata: unversioned.metadata,

pub struct RayV2;
impl kube::core::conversion::StarRay for RayV2 {
type Unversioned = ManyDerive;

type Versioned = super::v2::ManyDerive;

fn into_unversioned(&self, versioned: Self::Versioned) -> Result<Self::Unversioned, String> {
let spec = ManyDeriveSpec {
prop: versioned.spec.newprop,
Ok(Object {
metadata: versioned.metadata,
status: None,
types: None,

fn from_unversioned(&self, unversioned: Self::Unversioned) -> Result<Self::Versioned, String> {
let spec = super::v2::ManyDeriveSpec {
name: unversioned.spec.beautiful_name,
newprop: unversioned.spec.prop,
Ok(super::v2::ManyDerive {
metadata: unversioned.metadata,

// this function actually implements conversion service
async fn run_conversion_webhook() {
let star_converter = StarConverter::builder()
let handler = ConversionHandler::new(star_converter);

let routes = warp::path("convert")
.and_then(move |req| {
let result = handler.handle(req);

async move { Ok::<_, Infallible>(warp::reply::json(&result)) }

// You must generate a certificate for the service / url.
// See as a starting point for how to do this, configuration of the
// conversion and admission webhooks is similar.
let addr = format!("{}:8443", std::env::var("WEBHOOK_BIND_IP").unwrap());

async fn add_conversion_config(crd: &mut CustomResourceDefinition) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
// path to the CA root certificate which issued webhook serving certificate
let ca_crt = tokio::fs::read(std::env::var("CA_PATH").unwrap()).await?;
let mut client_config = WebhookClientConfig {
ca_bundle: Some(ByteString(ca_crt)),
service: None,
url: None
// If you launched webhook outside the cluster (e.g. locally), set WEBHOOK_URL
// to its url (must end with '/convert', must be reachable from the apiserver).
if let Ok(url) = std::env::var("WEBHOOK_URL") {
client_config.url = Some(url);
} else {
// If you launched webhook in cluster (e.g. as a Deployment), create a
// service pointing to webhook pods, and set WEBHOOK_NAMESPACE and
// WEBHOOK_SVC to the namespace and name of the service.
// YOu may refer to crd_derive_multi.yaml for example manifests.
client_config.service = Some(ServiceReference {
namespace: std::env::var("WEBHOOK_NAMESPACE").unwrap(),
name: std::env::var("WEBHOOK_SVC").unwrap(),
port: Some(443),
path: Some("/convert".to_string())
crd.spec.conversion = Some(CustomResourceConversion {
strategy: "Webhook".to_string(),
webhook: Some(WebhookConversion {
client_config: Some(client_config),
conversion_review_versions: vec!["v1".to_string()],


async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {

// to run this example, you need to launch two instances in parallel:
// one with RUN_WEBHOOK=1 - it will be conversion webhook (also set WEBHOOK_BIND_IP, WEBHOOK_TLS_CRT, WEBHOOK_TLS_KEY)
// one without - it will be example itself (also set CA_PATH, WEBHOOK_NAMESPACE and WEBHOOK_SVC or WEBHOOK_URL)
if std::env::var("RUN_WEBHOOK").is_ok() {
return Ok(());

let client = Client::try_default().await?;
let ssapply = PatchParams::apply("crd_derive_multi").force();

let crd1 = v1::ManyDerive::crd();
let crd2 = v2::ManyDerive::crd();
let all_crds = vec![crd1.clone(), crd2.clone()];
let mut crd1 = v1::ManyDerive::crd();
let mut crd2 = v2::ManyDerive::crd();
add_conversion_config(&mut crd1).await?;
add_conversion_config(&mut crd2).await?;
let mut all_crds = vec![crd1.clone(), crd2.clone()];

// apply schema where v1 is the stored version
apply_crd(client.clone(), merge_crds(all_crds.clone(), "v1")?).await?;
Expand All @@ -48,60 +205,76 @@ async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let v1api: Api<v1::ManyDerive> = Api::default_namespaced(client.clone());
let v2api: Api<v2::ManyDerive> = Api::default_namespaced(client.clone());

// create a v1 version
let v1m = v1::ManyDerive::new("old", v1::ManyDeriveSpec {
name: "i am old".into(),
oldprop: 5,
// create a v1 resource
let v1m = v1::ManyDerive::new(
v1::ManyDeriveSpec {
name: "i am old".into(),
oldprop: 5,
let oldvarv1 = v1api.patch("old", &ssapply, &Patch::Apply(&v1m)).await?;
info!("old instance on v1: {:?}", oldvarv1.spec);
let oldvarv2 = v2api.get("old").await?;
info!("old instance on v2 truncates: {:?}", oldvarv2.spec);
info!("old instance on v2 not truncated: {:?}", oldvarv2.spec);
assert_eq!(oldvarv2.spec.newprop, 5); // no data loss

// create a v2 version
let v2m = v2::ManyDerive::new("new", v2::ManyDeriveSpec {
name: "i am new".into(),
extra: Some("hi".into()),
let v2m = v2::ManyDerive::new(
v2::ManyDeriveSpec {
name: "i am new".into(),
newprop: 4,
let newvarv2 = v2api.patch("new", &ssapply, &Patch::Apply(&v2m)).await?;
info!("new instance on v2 is force downgraded: {:?}", newvarv2.spec); // no extra field
let cannot_fetch_as_old = v1api.get("new").await.unwrap_err();
info!("cannot fetch new on v1: {:?}", cannot_fetch_as_old);

// apply schema upgrade
apply_crd(client.clone(), merge_crds(all_crds, "v2")?).await?;
info!("new instance on v2 was force downgraded on storage: {:?}", newvarv2.spec);
assert_eq!(newvarv2.spec.newprop, 4); // no data loss
let can_fetch_as_old = v1api.get("new").await.unwrap();
info!("fetched new instance using old api version: {:?}", can_fetch_as_old);

// nothing changed with existing objects without conversion
//let oldvarv1_upg = v1api.get("old").await?;
//info!("old instance unchanged on v1: {:?}", oldvarv1_upg.spec);
//let oldvarv2_upg = v2api.get("old").await?;
//info!("old instance unchanged on v2: {:?}", oldvarv2_upg.spec);
// as you can see, proper conversion allows us to access the same object under different
// apiVersions without any problems. For example, you may have custom controller which uses v1 api
// and admission webhook which uses v2.

// re-apply new now that v2 is stored gives us the extra properties
let newvarv2_2 = v2api.patch("new", &ssapply, &Patch::Apply(&v2m)).await?;
info!("new on v2 correct on reapply to v2: {:?}", newvarv2_2.spec);
// Now imagine that we upgraded all our clients to the v2 API
// and we want to drop support for the legacy v1 API (after all you see how many code we had to write
// for conversion).

// at first, we need to promote `v2` version as stored (so that all new or updated resources are persisted
// in the cluster storage using new version).
info!("Selecting v2 as storage version");
apply_crd(client.clone(), merge_crds(all_crds.clone(), "v2")?).await?;
// here we use `migrate_resources` utility function to migrate all previously stored objects.
info!("Running storage migration");
kube::api::migrate_resources(v2api.clone(), Api::all(client.clone()), &()).await?;
// and now we can apply CRD again without specifying v1, completely removing it.
info!("Removing v1");
apply_crd(client.clone(), merge_crds(all_crds, "v2")?).await?;

// note we can apply old versions without them being truncated to the v2 schema
// in our case this means we cannot fetch them with our v1 schema (breaking change to not have oldprop)
let v1m2 = v1::ManyDerive::new("old", v1::ManyDeriveSpec {
name: "i am old2".into(),
oldprop: 5,
// now it is impossible to use v1
let v1m2 = v1::ManyDerive::new(
v1::ManyDeriveSpec {
name: "i am old2".into(),
oldprop: 5,
let v1err = v1api
.patch("old", &ssapply, &Patch::Apply(&v1m2))
info!("cannot get old on v1 anymore: {:?}", v1err); // mandatory field oldprop truncated
// ...but the change is still there:
info!("cannot get old on v1 anymore: {:?}", v1err);
// but objects which were initally stored as v1, were migrated to v2
// and now are available through the v2 API.
let old_still_there = v2api.get("old").await?;
assert_eq!(, "i am old2");
assert_eq!(, "i am old");


async fn apply_crd(client: Client, crd: CustomResourceDefinition) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let crds: Api<CustomResourceDefinition> = Api::all(client.clone());
info!("Creating crd: {}", serde_yaml::to_string(&crd)?);
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