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Releases: kuasar-io/kuasar


09 Apr 08:22
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Quick Start

Wellcome to the v0.6.0 release of Kuasar!

We're glad to say Kuasar is now a CNCF sandbox project!

To make a better user experience, excutable binaries(sandboxer, containerd) and their supported files(containerd config file and image/kernel of Cloud Hypervisor) are packed in the attached artifacts. If you got error in building Kuasar, come and find in this artifacts. Additionally, a source code package including vendor code is also provieded, allowing to build without network.

tar xzvf kuasar-v0.6.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
cd kuasar-v0.6.0-linux-amd64
mkdir -p /var/lib/kuasar
cp kuasar.img vmlinux.bin config_clh.toml /var/lib/kuasar

Please use our config.toml by passing a flag -c config.toml to contaienrd, the config.toml is the minimal config for running containerd with Kuasar.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.5.2...v0.6.0

Kuasar v0.5.2

01 Feb 07:16
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Quick Start

Wellcome to the v0.5.2 release of Kuasar!

We're glad to say Kuasar is now a CNCF sandbox project!

To make a better user experience, excutable binaries(sandboxer, containerd) and their supported files(containerd config file and image/kernel of Cloud Hypervisor) are packed in the attached artifacts. If you got error in building Kuasar, come and find in this artifacts. Additionally, a source code package including vendor code is also provieded, allowing to build without network.

tar xzvf kuasar-v0.5.2-linux-amd64.tar.gz
cd kuasar-v0.5.2-linux-amd64
mkdir -p /var/lib/kuasar
cp kuasar.img vmlinux.bin config_clh.toml /var/lib/kuasar

Please use our config.toml by passing a flag -c config.toml to contaienrd, the config.toml is the minimal config for running containerd with Kuasar.


Full Changelog: v0.5.1...v0.5.2

Kuasar v0.5.1

16 Jan 06:14
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Quick Start

Wellcome to the v0.5.1 release of Kuasar!

We're glad to say Kuasar is now a CNCF sandbox project!

To make a better user experience, excutable binaries(sandboxer, containerd) and their supported files(containerd config file and image/kernel of Cloud Hypervisor) are packed in the attached artifacts. If you got error in building Kuasar, come and find in this artifacts. Additionally, a source code package including vendor code is also provieded, allowing to build without network.

tar xzvf kuasar-v0.5.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz
cd kuasar-v0.5.1-linux-amd64
mkdir -p /var/lib/kuasar
cp kuasar.img vmlinux.bin config_clh.toml /var/lib/kuasar

Please use our config.toml by passing a flag -c config.toml to contaienrd, the config.toml is the minimal config for running containerd with Kuasar.


Full Changelog: v0.5.0...v0.5.1

Kuasar v0.5.0

15 Jan 12:07
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Quick Start

Wellcome to the v0.5.0 release of Kuasar!

We're glad to say Kuasar is now a CNCF sandbox project!

To make a better user experience, excutable binaries(sandboxer, containerd) and their supported files(containerd config file and image/kernel of Cloud Hypervisor) are packed in the attached artifacts. If you got error in building Kuasar, come and find in this artifacts. Additionally, a source code package including vendor code is also provieded, allowing to build without network.

tar xzvf kuasar-v0.5.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
cd kuasar-v0.5.0-linux-amd64
mkdir -p /var/lib/kuasar
cp kuasar.img vmlinux.bin config_clh.toml /var/lib/kuasar

Please use our config.toml by passing a flag -c config.toml to contaienrd, the config.toml is the minimal config for running containerd with Kuasar.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v0.5.0

kuasar v0.4.0

11 Dec 09:18
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Quick Start

Wellcome to the v0.4.0 release of Kuasar!

To make a better user experience, excutable binaries(sandboxer, containerd) and their supported files(containerd config file and image/kernel of Cloud Hypervisor) are packed in the attached artifacts. If you got error in building Kuasar, come and find in this artifacts. Additionally, a source code package including vendor code is also provieded, allowing to build without network.

tar xzvf kuasar-v0.4.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
cd kuasar-v0.4.0-linux-amd64
mkdir -p /var/lib/kuasar
cp kuasar.img vmlinux.bin config_clh.toml /var/lib/kuasar

Please use our config.toml by passing a flag -c config.toml to contaienrd, the config.toml is the minimal config for running containerd with Kuasar.

Notable Updates

Support of Runc Sandbox

We're glad to say that runC container is supported in Kuasar from now on! We added a new runc package where the runc-sandboxer built from. To run a runC container , you need to install runC firstly, which can be found in its github release pages. What’s exciting is that it doesn’t need a virtualization-enabled machine like microvm sandbox so please be free to try and enjoy it. #94

What's Changed

  • [feature] add support of a runc sandboxer by @abel-von in #94
  • doc: Add some descriptions for runc sandbox and microvm sandbox by @Burning1020 in #101

Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v0.4.0

Kuasar v0.3.0

09 Nov 07:51
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Quick Start

Wellcome to the v0.3.0 release of Kuasar!

To make a better user experience, excutable binaries(sandboxer, containerd) and their supported files(containerd config file and image/kernel of Cloud Hypervisor) are packed in the attached artifacts. If you got error in building Kuasar, come and find in this artifacts. Additionally, a source code package including vendor code is also provieded, allowing to build without network.

tar xzvf kuasar-v0.3.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
mkdir -p /var/lib/kuasar
cp kuasar.img vmlinux.bin config_clh.toml /var/lib/kuasar

Please use our config.toml by passing flag a -c config.toml to contaienrd, the config.toml is the minimal config for running containerd with Kuasar.

Notable Updates

Optimized Code Organization Structure

Code organization structure in vmm/sandbox folder was not very clear as there is three sandbox features(cloud_hypervisor, stratovirt and qemu), we have made some optimization to make sandboxer building more clean. See #55.

Support Lightweight Stratovirt Vm

Vmm-sandboxer support starting stratovirt lightweight vm sandbox, which uses lightweight microvm mainboard and mmio bus. #93

What's Changed

  • sandbox code optimization by @dierbei in #55
  • vmm: support starting stratovirt lightweight vm sandbox by @Vanient in #93

Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.3.0

Kuasar v0.2.0

11 Oct 09:53
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Quick Start

Wellcome to the v0.2.0 release of Kuasar!

To make a better user experience, excutable binaries(sandboxer, containerd) and their supported files(containerd config file and image/kernel of Cloud Hypervisor) are packed in the attached artifacts. If you got error in building Kuasar, come and find what you need in this artifacts. Additionally, a source code package including vendor code is also provieded, allowing to build without network.

tar xzvf kuasar-v0.2.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
mkdir -p /var/lib/kuasar
cd kuasar-v0.2.0/
cp kuasar.img vmlinux.bin config_clh.toml /var/lib/kuasar

Please use our config.toml by passing flag a -c config.toml to contaienrd, the config.toml is the minimal config for running containerd with Kuasar.

Notable Updates

Support of Wasmtime

Wasmtime sandbox has been integrated since Kuasar v0.2.0, as planned in Roadmap before. Users can run a container that use wasmtime as the WebAssembly runtime. (#47)

Limit and Stat Resources for WasmEdge Container

Container resources of CPU/memory/... are basic metrics for kubernetes cluster monitor and scheduler. We have limited the sandboxer and wasmEdge process(including container process) into container cgroup so that their metrics can be collected and exported. (#74, #87)

Add Release workflow

Add a new github action workflow for release, binaries and vendor codes could be packed automatically. (#95)

Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.2.0

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.2.0

Kuasar v0.1.0

24 Aug 12:06
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Quick Start

This is the v0.1.0 release of Kuasar. In order to make it easy for users to experience Kuasar, we provide some binaries, including sandboxers, containerd, containerd config file and image/kernel of Cloud Hypervisor. If you get error in buding image or kernel, you can use files in this release. Additionally, a package of source code with vendor is also provieded, allowing to build without network.

tar xzvf kuasar-v0.1.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
mkdir -p /var/lib/kuasar
cd kuasar-v0.1.0/
cp kuasar.img vmlinux.bin config_clh.toml /var/lib/kuasar

Run containerd with config.toml -c config.toml, this config.toml is the minimal config for running with Kuasar.

Notable Updates

  • workflow: add clippy and cargo-deny linters by @dierbei in #22
  • [vmm]: add vmm-sandboxer as a systemd service by @flyflypeng in #44
  • vmm: support time synchronization by @Burning1020 in #50
  • [vmm]: support sandbox cgroup management in the host by @flyflypeng in #52
  • vmm: support stratovirt and qemu sandbox recovery by @Vanient in #40

Full Changelog: v0.0.1-alpha1...v0.1.0

Kuasar v0.0.1-alpha1

17 Apr 14:22
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Kuasar v0.0.1-alpha1 Pre-release

This is the v0.0.1-alpha1 release of Kuasar. In order to make it easy for users to experience Kuasar, we provide some binaries, including sandboxers, containerd, containerd config file and image/kernel of Cloud Hypervisor. If you get error in buding image or kernel, you can use files in this release.

Quick start

tar xzvf kuasar-v0.0.1-alpha.1-linux.amd64.tar.gz
mkdir -p /var/lib/kuasar
cp kuasar.image vmlinux.bin config_clh.toml /var/lib/kuasar

Run containerd with config.toml -c config.toml, this config.toml is based on the default containerd config.

Because this is a preview release, just to get users started quickly, so only ubuntu 22.04 is available.