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Security: konstantinzolotarev/sails-hook-adminpanel



Security for AdminPanel

Policy setup

You can set up policy that will be checked before open any AdminPanel route. This could be done into config/adminpanel.js file. Using policies config option.

Option could be setuped into 4 ways:

  • string - simple string with policy name.
  • array - Array of ordered strings. All policies from Array will be applied in order you define it.
  • function - a policy function.
  • array of functions - Array of policy functions.


string notation:

module.exports.adminpanel = {

    policies: 'isAdmin',


It will load policy from your api/policy/isAdmin.js file and apply it to all admin panel routes.

array notation

module.exports.adminpanel = {

    policies: ['isAuthorized', 'isAdmin'],


It will load 2 policies from your api/policy/ folder and apply it into order you defined. In this example isAuthorized.js policy will be applied first and isAdmin.js second.

function notation

module.exports.adminpanel = {

    policies: function(req, res, next) {
        if (!req.user || !req.user.isAdmin) {
            return res.forbidden('You have no rights !');
        return next();


This policy will be applied to all admin panel routes.

array of functions notation

module.exports.adminpanel = {

    policies: [
        function(req, res, next) {
            if (!req.user) {
                return res.forbidden('You have no rights !');
            return next();

        function(req, res, next) {
            if (!req.user.isAdmin) {
                return res.forbidden('You have no rights !');
            return next();


For now this is only one way to protect AdminPanel. Later there will be added more flexible options...

There aren’t any published security advisories