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A project templating/bootstrapping engine

Project goal: instead of focusing on different project "archetypes" or "categories", like Maven Archetypes (or Lazybones, or Yeoman, or New Project in IntellijIDEA) do, this application allows you to take very basic project (e.g. gradle-kotlin) and apply some "layers" on it. Layers would be typically various frameworks with dependencies, e.g. JUnit for testing or Jackson for JSON or whatever. Applying different layers allows you to get pre-configured project with all dependencies in buildscript out-of-the-box, more like Spring Initializr - however, latter has one big disadvantage. It (surprisingly) works only with Spring.

Example usage

kompositor create <templateName> with <layer1,layer2,...> called <projectName> [optionalParams]

Create project called 'MyKotlinApp' based on gradle with junit:

kompositor create gradle-kotlin with junit called MyKotlinApp

You can specify output folder with --outdir:

kompositor create gradle-kotlin with junit called MyKotlinApp --outdir="test" # Create in test

Template variables can be overridden with -Vkey=value:

kompositor create gradle-kotlin with junit called MyKotlinApp -Vkotlin.version=1.1.50

Repeated and default config can be written in ~/.kompositor.yml. It will be resolved last.

group: top.sandwwraith
version: 0.1-SNAPSHOT
kotlin.version: 1.2.10

You can specify another config file with higher priority via -c.

Available templates and layers can be discovered via kompositor templates and kompositor layers , correspondingly. By default, they're located in kompositor/templates and kompositor/layers repositories.


You can download latest .zip from releases page. Unpack it and add bin/kompositor (bin/kompositor.bat for Windows) to your path.