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The Leaderboard Micro-Service implements a stand-alone leaderboard score-keeper inspired by Redis Sorted Sets.

References: Ladder Tournament, Using Redis To Build Your Game Leaderboard, How to Implement a Simple Redis Leaderboard, agoragames/leaderboard git See also: Background, Benchmarks, Anecdotes







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Redis Limitations


64-bit floating point numbers are used to represent scores in sorted sets. However, the mantissa is only 52 bits, so integers requiring close to or more than 52 bits cannot be represented precisely, so it becomes impossible to compare scores correctly.

This implementation uses Big Integers where is this no practical upper bound on the number of bits needed to represent an Integer.

Integers are used as they are simpler, and it's hard to make an argument where fractional scores are need.

Tie Breaking

In Redis sorted sets, tie breaking is based on the lexical ordering of the member keys. This is not exactly fair as members with some lexical orderings will always win over other members in a tie.

Some leaderboard implementations (sometimes based in Redis) also track of the time the score was set/incremented. The tie favors either early or late scores. When scaling out a leaderboard across multiple nodes, the clocks will not be perfectly in sync. Other techniques, such as GUID/UUID suffer similar fairness issues.

This implementation is based on random numbers, which are generally fair across multiple nodes.



Akka is used as it's a fairly effective way to implement Reactive applications.

Akka Cluster

Akka Cluster is used for the implementation, where the micro-service may comprise one or more nodes. In a multi-node deployment, each node represents the same data, with eventual consistency.

Akka Typed

Akka Typed was used as both a learning experience, and a belief this is a better way to do actors anyway.


Scala is used as the programming language as Lightbend tend to give better support for Scala than Java.


Scoring is implemented by a combination of TrieMap and ConcurrentSkipListMap, both of which are non-blocking concurrent data structures. This is so the implementation can 'scale up' simply by adding more cores and/or hardware threads to a given node (JVM).


It is assumed that updates for the same member are not likely to conflict in real time, while non-members are very likely to conflict.


At the lowest level, thread safe concurrency is handled by using concurrent data structures. These are supported in the Java Virtal Machine (JVM) using hardware support such as Test And Set, Compare And Swap, and similar instructions.

Scorekeeping Spinlock

At the heart of scorekeeping two concurrent data structures need to be updated free of race condictions. In this case a critical section is protected with a Spinlock to avoid Java Synchronization or actors. It has not been tested whether this is still a better design choice, only a hunch.

Java syncronization was ruled out in that the thread blocks, and overall blocking operations are to be avoided in a Reactive design. On the other hand, the spinlock wastes time calling Thread.yield which essentially blocks the thread as well.

A scorekeeping actor was ruled out, as then only one thread can keep score, which limits scalability.


Leaderboard Microservice







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