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Bootstrapping Terraform Cloud

This module provisions Terraform Cloud workspaces that you can use as remote state buckets.

You should keep a local state file in the repo that only manages the basic resources for bootstrapping:

  • Terraform Cloud organization
  • Terraform Cloud production workspace
  • Terraform Cloud sandbox workspace for testing

Make sure the repository has proper access control, as sensitive data (e.g. api tokens) are stored in plaintext within the local state file.

Usage for bootstrapping

module "bootstrap" {
  source = ""



Name Version
terraform ~> 1.0
tfe ~> 0.25


Name Version
tfe 0.25.3


No modules.


Name Type
tfe_organization.infra resource resource resource
tfe_organization.sandbox resource
tfe_variable.prod_hetzner_cloud_api_token resource
tfe_variable.prod_hetzner_dns_api_token resource
tfe_variable.sandbox_hetzner_cloud_api_token resource
tfe_variable.sandbox_hetzner_dns_api_token resource
tfe_workspace.infra_admin-global resource resource
tfe_workspace.prod_admin-global resource
tfe_workspace.sandbox_admin-global resource
tfe_workspace.sandbox_infra-global resource


Name Description Type Default Required
api_token_hetzner_cloud_prod API token for accessing the Hetzner Cloud API in production environment string n/a yes
api_token_hetzner_cloud_sandbox API token for accessing the Hetzner Cloud API in sandbox environment string n/a yes
api_token_hetzner_dns API token for accessing the Hetzner DNS API string n/a yes
enable_two_factor_auth Require two factor authentication for your Terraform Cloud organization? bool true no
org_email The admin email address for your Terraform Cloud organization. string n/a yes
org_name The name of your Terraform Cloud organization. Must be globally unique. string n/a yes
tf_version_prod The Terraform version for the production workspace. string "1.0.0" no
tf_version_sandbox The Terraform version for the sandbox workspace. string "1.0.0" no


No outputs.


Create a new directory in your Terraform config repository, e.g. terraform/org-root/bootstrap.

Add a bootstrap/ file as described in the example above. Make sure that the required hashicorp/tfe provider is available and configured:

terraform {
  required_providers {
    tfe = {
      source = "hashicorp/tfe"
      version = "~> 0.25"

provider "tfe" {
  token = var.token

Execute terraform to start the bootstrapping process:

terraform init && terraform plan

# Make sure the changes are as intended
terraform apply

A local state file has been generated. Make sure to commit this file to your repository.

Developer Setup

Install dependencies

go mod download
make ensure_pre_commit


Terratest is being used for automated testing with this module. Tests in the test folder can be run locally by running the following command:

make test