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Certificate Authority Container

This is intended to be offline at all times except for when issuing new certificates.

  • build the image with docker build -t <img-name>:<tag> ./

This compose project has two functions:

  1. Generate a rootCA pair (private key + certificate):

    • run with ROOTCA_BIND="/bind/path" docker compose -f compose-rootCA.yaml up
      • this is a one-shot run which will generate a CA private key and certificate
      • ROOTCA_BIND path must contain the two files found in dummy/rootCA (don't forget to adjust their contents accordingly)
        • point variable ROOTCA_BIND to a secure path where to write the rootCA private key and certificate (preferably a USB stick that will be unmounted and stored somewhere when not using the CA)
  2. Generate ssl certificate for a client (user/server):

    • run with ROOTCA_BIND="/rootCA/bind/path" CLIENT_BIND="/client/bind/location" docker compose -f compose-client.yaml up
      • this is a one-shot run which will generate a client private key, csr and certificate which will be signed with previously generated rootCA
      • ROOTCA_BIND see point 1 -CLIENT_BINDpath must contain the two files found indummy/client` (don't forget to adjust their contents accordingly)
        • for security use this variable the same way as ROOTCA_BIND

Exit Codes:

  • 10: A private key file called rootCA.key is already present in the ROOTCA_BIND path. RootCA Key+Cert generation interrupted.