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Pansim is a pandemic simulation framework of PPCU university. It uses agent-based modelling to simulate the spread of the disease. Every agent represents a person, which has movement depending on its schedule and locations. Infectiousness is spreading between agents in the same locations in a stochastic way. The main goal and the default parameters are specialized for the current COVID-19 pandemic, but with correct parameters it can be applied for many epidemic situations.

Technical parameters

The simulation can be run on CPU only using OpenMP to accelerate or it can also use CUDA capable GPU. On a larger 16 GB RAM GPU we can simulate up to 50 million agents, but even on a smaller regular GPU a few million agent can be simulated safely.


Don't forget to clone with --recursive or run:

git submodule update --init

Input options

Details about the format and contents in input json files are discussed here

short long details
-w --weeks Length of simulation in weeks (default: 12)
-t --deltat Length of timestep in minutes (default: 10)
-n --numagents Number of agents (default: -1)
-N --numlocs Number of dummy locations (default: -1)
-P --progression Path to the config file for the progression matrices. (default: inputConfigFiles/progressions/transition_config.json)
-a --agents Agents file, for all person in the experiment. (default: inputRealExample/agents.json)
-A --agentTypes List and schedule of all type fo agents. (default: inputConfigFiles/agentTypes.json)
-l --locations List of all locations in the simulation. (default: inputRealExample/locations.json)
-L --locationTypes List of all type of locations (default: inputConfigFiles/locationTypes.json)
-p --parameters List of all general parameters for the simulation except the progression data. (default: inputConfigFiles/parameters.json)
-c --configRandom Config file for random initialization. (default: inputConfigFiles/configRandom.json)
--closures List of closure rules. (default: inputConfigFiles/closureRules.json)
-r --randomStates Change the states from the agents file with the configRandom file's stateDistribution.
--outAgentStat name of the agent stat output file, if not set there will be no print (default: "")
--diags level of diagnositcs to print (default: 0)
--otherDisease Enable (1) or disable (0) non-COVID related hospitalization and sudden death (default: 1)
--infectiousnessMultiplier infectiousness multiplier for different strains of tje virus (default: 1.0)
-k --infectionCoefficient Infection: >0 :infectiousness coefficient (default: 0.000374395)
--dumpLocationInfections Dump per-location statistics every N timestep (default: 0)
--diseaseProgressionScaling disease progression scaling for various strains of the virus (default: 1.0)
--dumpLocationInfectiousList Dump per-location list of infectious people (default: "")
--trace Trace movements of agent (default: 4294967295)
--quarantinePolicy Quarantine policy: 0 - None, 1 - Agent only, 2 - Agent and household, 3 - + classroom/work, 4 - + school (default: 3)
--quarantineLength Length of quarantine in days (default: 10)
--testingProbabilities Testing probabilities for random, if someone else was diagnosed at home/work/school, and random for hospital workers: comma-delimited string random,home,work,school,hospital,nurseryHome (default: 0.00005,0.01,0.0005,0.0005,0.005,0.05)
--testingRepeatDelay Minimum number of days between taking tests (default: 5)
--testingMethod default method for testing. Can be PCR (default) on antigen. Accuracies are provided in progression json input (default: PCR)
--enableClosures Enable(1)/disable(0) closure rules defined in closureRules.json (default: 1)
--disableTourists enable or disable tourists (default: 1)
--immunizationStart number of days into simulation when immunization starts (default: 0)
--immunizationsPerDay number of immunizations per day (default: 0)
--immunizationOrder Order of immunization (starting at 1, 0 to skip) for agents in different categories health workers, nursery home worker/resident, 60+, 18-60 with underlying condition, essential worker, 18+ (default: 1,2,3,4,5,6)
-h --help Print usage

Using Docker image

There are many ways to run this simulation. There are ready to use docker images at khbence/covid_ppcu.

To run on CPU and accelerate it using OpenMP use the following command:

docker run khbence/covid_ppcu:cpu args...

To utilise CUDA capable GPU: (this version will be available soon, now you have to build from source for GPU)

docker run khbence/covid_ppcu:gpu args...

The images contain the inputFiles directory with the default config files, but be aware that a docker container not going to see the directories of the host system by default (for example for input and output). For that you need to mount the needed directories.

If you want to create your own image from this project, you can use the make commands from the Makefile. Use dbuildCPU/dbuildGPU to build and then use similar docker run commands with the created images names, which is the same as the ones from the Docker Hub links above.

make dbuildCPU


make dbuildGPU

Using local source build

Use the Makefile to build it for GPU or CPU, run the buildCPU or buildGPU. The compiler need to be C++17 with OpenMP capabilities and the CUDA Toolkit for CUDA-GPU builds.

make buildCPU


make buildGPU

Parameters for Szeged simulation

To run a simplified Szeged simulation with a default scenario, use the following arguments:

./pansim -w 52 --mutationMultiplier 1.66 --immunizationStart 100 --immunizationsPerDay 360 --mutationProgressionScaling 1.2 -r

Input files

The inputConfigFiles directory contains good COVID-19 specific defaults and general location and agent types. There are simplified locations and agents example files for the town of Szeged (Southern Hungary), uncompress it before use. If you use local or downloaded Docker image, then it will already contain it or uncompress it automatically during docker build.

If you want to generate random amount of agents and locations use the -n and -N flags described above.

Matlab interface

If matlab is detected, CMake will build a shared library (mex) that can be used from Matlab. The matlab script in the 'matlab' directory named run_cpp.m shows an example of how to use the mex file. The script will run the simulation with a few non-default parameters, and trigger a set of closures. You have to run this script from the root directory of the project. In order to have matlab find the .m files, you have to add the 'matlab' directory to the matlab path, as well as your build directory, containing mexPanSim.mexa64. For example, if you are using the default build directory, you can run the following commands from the root directory of the project:

addpath('matlab') addpath('build')


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