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⚠️ This project was the Proof-of-Concept implementation for what is now available as the Nitrokey NetHSM. ⚠️

keyfender Unikernel

Build Status


A simple demo case - nginx with pkcs#11 driver using a keyfender instance for private key storage - is available here.


To easily try out keyfender, use the docker container keyfender/keyfender:

Run it as a real kvm VM instance:

$ docker run --rm -ti --device=/dev/kvm:/dev/kvm --device=/dev/net/tun:/dev/net/tun --cap-add=NET_ADMIN -p4433:4433 keyfender/keyfender

If kvm is not available, you can run it as a normal unix process on a tap device:

$ docker run --rm -ti --device=/dev/net/tun:/dev/net/tun --cap-add=NET_ADMIN -p4433:4433 keyfender/keyfender

If even tap devices are not available, you can run it on a normal network socket:

$ docker run --rm -ti -p4433:4433 keyfender/keyfender


Install OCaml and MirageOS.

Install the following dependencies:

opam pin add irmin-http


On Unix, do:

$ make configure
$ make depend
$ make build
$ make run

This will run the HSM on localhost on port 8080, so you should be able to access http://localhost:8080/api/v0.

For debug output start keyfender by executing MIRAGE_LOGS=debug ./src/keyfender.

For a Xen DHCP kernel, do:

$ DHCP=true MODE=xen NET=direct make configure
$ make build

edit keyfender.xl to add a VIF, e.g. via:

vif = ['bridge=xenbr0']

And then run the VM via xl create -c keyfender.xl


The API is described in "docs" folder. You can view it in the browser here.


First, let's see what we have here:

$ curl -i -w "\n" -X GET localhost:8080/api/v0/system/information
HTTP/1.1 200 OK

See what the device's status is:

$ curl -i -w "\n" -X GET localhost:8080/api/v0/system/status

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Does it has some keys on it?

$ curl -i -w "\n" -X GET localhost:8080/api/v0/keys

HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized

Ohh, keyfender seems to have access control. In fact is has an Admin password and a User password. The Admin password is used to authenticate any kind of changes of the system, settings and keys. The User password is required to authenticate the usage of keyfender without any modification.

Before you can do anything with the system, the Admin password needs to be defined first. It doesn't has a default value.

$ curl -i -w "\n" -X PUT localhost:8080/api/v0/system/passwords/admin -H "content-type: application/json" -d '{ newPassword: "secret" }'

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
{ "status": "success" }

If you want to change the Admin password again, you need to authenticate:

$ curl -i -w "\n" -X PUT http://admin:secret@localhost:8080/api/v0/system/passwords/admin -H "content-type: application/json" -d '{ newPassword: "supersecret" }'

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
{ "status": "success" }

Define a User password:

$ curl -i -w "\n" -X PUT http://admin:supersecret@localhost:8080/api/v0/system/passwords/user -H "content-type: application/json" -d '{ newPassword: "usersecret" }'

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
{ "status": "success" }

You can generate RSA keys:

$ curl -i -w "\n" -X POST http://admin:supersecret@localhost:8080/api/v0/keys -H "content-type: application/json" -d '{"purpose":"signing", "algorithm":"RSA", "length":4096}'

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": "success",
  "data": {
    "location": "/api/v0/keys/Im4bPvqXM8w4SZxEvxvi"

Here you got the location of the newly generated key. The last part of the URL is the key ID: Im4bPvqXM8w4SZxEvxvi

Instead of dealing with generated key IDs, you can specify the key ID yourself:

$ curl -i -w "\n" -X POST http://admin:supersecret@localhost:8080/api/v0/keys -H "content-type: application/json" -d '{"purpose":"authentication", "algorithm":"RSA", "length":2048, "id":"myKey"}'

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": "success",
  "data": {
    "location": "/api/v0/keys/myKey"

You can also import existing keys:

$ curl -i -w "\n" -X POST http://admin:supersecret@localhost:8080/api/v0/keys -d '{"purpose":"encryption", "algorithm":"RSA", "privateKey":{"publicExponent":"AQAB","primeP":"4P7TWJety3bZ47tp_WnB8BEbBX9kd_ONa6bOnPd2nxfXmLl1W61yQbZAw8bTReBfYsre8wYe8jVSs-nNGgR19-FPnXMg8xAgFrdcVvfj8OverK-q3MJhZTT2X-ZAhN5H-wWf_xXPJPMtPsPXXs914fU7WchZoBIVcarQq0eGHMM=","primeQ":"x8QUQ4aPrh33oBip_PBpzRHMRtg4isr8CwXQq8ijSd8dvYjaC8mTYPB0Nytsi047XjXBLq0HyvpjxpcVWYBzqrPKFFcafTdk80SQNtD5EUyGy_rFRbowDaG5UoMVSL1VrJLx6xI8OToUP2J1ZiuZG0I-Ms2YQcanZzYRANppLYM="}}'

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": "success",
  "data": {
    "location": "/api/v0/keys/kfG8H2z2cddUMXeiK5Ky"

You can overwrite an existing key with PUT or delete with DELETE.

Now we are going to perform key operations. For this we don't need the Admin password anymore but can use the User password instead. What we have got?

$ curl -i -w "\n" -X GET http://user:usersecret@localhost:8080/api/v0/keys

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-length: 199
content-type: application/json
vary: Accept, Accept-Encoding, Accept-Charset, Accept-Language

  "status": "success",
  "data": [
    { "location": "/api/v0/keys/cphQSDP1n2q4BxnPVI4y" },
    { "location": "/api/v0/keys/kfG8H2z2cddUMXeiK5Ky" },
    { "location": "/api/v0/keys/myKey" }

Here is how you get a public key:

$ curl -i -w "\n" -X GET http://user:usersecret@localhost:8080/api/v0/keys/kfG8H2z2cddUMXeiK5Ky
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-length: 558
content-type: application/json
vary: Accept, Accept-Encoding, Accept-Charset, Accept-Language

  "status": "success",
  "data": {
    "id": "kfG8H2z2cddUMXeiK5Ky",
    "purpose": "encryption",
    "algorithm": "RSA",
    "publicKey": {
      "publicExponent": "AQAB"

You can get it also in PEM format:

$ curl -i -w "\n" -X GET http://user:usersecret@localhost:8080/api/v0/keys/kfG8H2z2cddUMXeiK5Ky/public.pem

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-length: 451
content-type: application/x-pem-file
vary: Accept, Accept-Encoding, Accept-Charset, Accept-Language

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

With each key you can execute decrypt and signing operations (Technical restriction to the designated key purpose is not enforced yet.) Signing can invoke hashing, or you send a hash instead.

$ curl -i -w "\n" -X POST -d '{"message":"DOTvDL7e547MJ5tTWqjU5W3-wDFFh0f-g4GHbdgl7iPh6wQe53JV25nxDWgEi3HJcw5YkoBGIbj1XfRbTZbsI77lfIK_lhpf5XVqeKrU0YCRPYDZ2qDFdJyMajyjDieUwTmyxLdrJ_UrwdyFtNPQ27XvjUUF71DLTNMrbKnRNeqVoAWy3PK3Asqo62DRAwLvwRuuz6UhmoDNdJdVzHCi8KJdNQHI5Q8Nhn2SAwVO85IRceOrzIoU00l2QmR0WGNtTwli1lWqfvtE21wExA9ys7mqvJpUCUzPamlsESBveh7c3FboTkekUzZlB6YOUhoWmaV8gxaMBzRFKqKBulbJ8Q=="}' http://user:usersecret@localhost:8080/api/v0/keys/myKey/actions/pkcs1/sign

Decrypting data is similarly easy:

$ curl -i -w "\n" -X POST -d '{"encrypted":"DOTvDL7e547MJ5tTWqjU5W3-wDFFh0f-g4GHbdgl7iPh6wQe53JV25nxDWgEi3HJcw5YkoBGIbj1XfRbTZbsI77lfIK_lhpf5XVqeKrU0YCRPYDZ2qDFdJyMajyjDieUwTmyxLdrJ_UrwdyFtNPQ27XvjUUF71DLTNMrbKnRNeqVoAWy3PK3Asqo62DRAwLvwRuuz6UhmoDNdJdVzHCi8KJdNQHI5Q8Nhn2SAwVO85IRceOrzIoU00l2QmR0WGNtTwli1lWqfvtE21wExA9ys7mqvJpUCUzPamlsESBveh7c3FboTkekUzZlB6YOUhoWmaV8gxaMBzRFKqKBulbJ8Q=="}' http://user:usersecret@localhost:8080/api/v0/keys/myKey/actions/decrypt

Available key actions:

  • decrypt
  • pkcs1/decrypt
  • oaep/md5/decrypt
  • oaep/sha1/decrypt
  • oaep/sha224/decrypt
  • oaep/sha256/decrypt
  • oaep/sha384/decrypt
  • oaep/sha512/decrypt
  • pkcs1/sign
  • pss/sha1/sign
  • pss/sha224/sign
  • pss/sha256/sign
  • pss/sha384/sign
  • pss/sha512/sign