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Ketch Mobile SDK for Android

The Ketch Mobile SDK allows to manage and collect a visitor's consent preferences for an organization on the mobile platforms.


Minimum Android API version supported is 28

The use of the Mobile SDK requires an Ketch organization account with the application property configured.

Adding KetchSDK in your project

1. Using sources

  1. Copy and paste ketchsdk module to your project
  2. Add "include ':ketchsdk'" to settings.graddle
  3. Add dependency into your main module:
       implementation project(':ketchsdk')

2. Using .aar lib

  1. Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
        repositories {
           maven { url '' }
  1. Add the dependency:
        implementation 'com.github.ketch-com:ketch-android:main-SNAPSHOT'

If you want you can use our Sample

3. Add user-permissions to AndroidManifest.xml

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
    <uses-permission android:name="" />

4. Add constants to companion object of your activity

        private const val ORG_CODE = "<your organization code>"
        private const val PROPERTY = "<property>"
        private const val ENVIRONMENT = "production"

5. Add listener and Ketch to your activity :

   private val listener = object : Ketch.Listener {

6. Create the Ketch Object:

     * Creates the Ketch
     * @param context - an Activity Context to access application assets
     * @param fragmentManager - The FragmentManager this KetchDialogFragment will be added to.
     * @param organization - your organization code
     * @param property - the property name
     * @param environment - the environment name.
     * @param listener - Ketch.Listener
     * @param ketchUrl - Overrides the ketch url
     * @param logLevel - the log level, can be TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR
    private val ketch: Ketch by lazy {

7. Add your user identities and call load() method

    with(ketch) {
                "aaid" to advertisingIdCode,
                "email" to "",
                "account_id" to "1234"

Developer's Documentations

class Ketch - Main class where the SDK functionality resides.


     * Loads a web page and shows a popup if necessary
    fun load()

     * Retrieve a String value from the preferences.
     * @param key The name of the preference to retrieve.
     * @return Returns the preference value if it exists
    fun getSavedString(key: String): String?

     * Retrieve IABTCF_TCString value from the preferences.
     * @return Returns the preference value if it exists
    fun getTCFTCString(): String?

     * Retrieve IABUSPrivacy_String value from the preferences.
     * @return Returns the preference value if it exists
    fun getUSPrivacyString(): String?

     * Retrieve IABGPP_HDR_GppString value from the preferences.
     * @return Returns the preference value if it exists
    fun getGPPHDRGppString(): String?

     * Display the consent, adding the fragment dialog to the given FragmentManager.
    fun showConsent()

     * Display the preferences, adding the fragment dialog to the given FragmentManager.
    fun showPreferences()

     * Display the preferences tab, adding the fragment dialog to the given FragmentManager.
     * @param tabs: list of preferences tab
     * @param tab: the current tab
    fun showPreferencesTab(tabs: List<PreferencesTab>, tab: PreferencesTab)

     * Dismiss the dialog
    fun dismissDialog()

     * Set identities
     * @param identities: Map<String, String>
    fun setIdentities(identities: Map<String, String>)

     * Set the language
     * @param language: a language name (EN, FR, etc.)
    fun setLanguage(language: String)

     * Set the jurisdiction
     * @param jurisdiction: the jurisdiction value
    fun setJurisdiction(jurisdiction: String?)

     * Set Region
     * @param region: the region name
    fun setRegion(region: String?)

class KetchSdk - Class used to initialize the Ketch SDK


     * Creates the Ketch
     * @param context - an Activity Context to access application assets
     * @param fragmentManager - The FragmentManager this KetchDialogFragment will be added to.
     * @param organization - your organization code
     * @param property - the property name
     * @param environment - the environment name.
     * @param listener - Ketch.Listener. Optional
     * @param ketchUrl - Overrides the ketch url. Optional
     * @param logLevel - the log level, can be TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR. Default is ERROR
    fun create(
        context: Context,
        fragmentManager: FragmentManager,
        organization: String,
        property: String,
        environment: String?,
        listener: Ketch.Listener?,
        ketchUrl: String?,
        logLevel: Ketch.LogLevel
    ): Ketch

interface Ketch.Listener - Interface used to list events from the sdk.


         * Called when a dialog is displayed
        fun onShow()

         * Called when a dialog is dismissed
        fun onDismiss()

         * Called when the environment is updated.
        fun onEnvironmentUpdated(environment: String?)

         * Called when the region is updated.
        fun onRegionInfoUpdated(regionInfo: String?)

         * Called when the jurisdiction is updated.
        fun onJurisdictionUpdated(jurisdiction: String?)

         * Called when the identities is updated.
        fun onIdentitiesUpdated(identities: String?)

         * Called when the consent is updated.
        fun onConsentUpdated(consent: Consent)

         * Called on error.
        fun onError(errMsg: String?)

         * Called when USPrivacy is updated.
        fun onUSPrivacyUpdated(values: Map<String, Any?>)

         * Called when TCF is updated.
        fun onTCFUpdated(values: Map<String, Any?>)

         * Called when GPP is updated.
        fun onGPPUpdated(values: Map<String, Any?>)

Sample app

We provide a complete sample app to illustrate the integration: here