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Kevin Zhuang edited this page Oct 5, 2021 · 10 revisions

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This page documents the guide to customize the style of the prompt.


style1 style2 style3

Before Answered

All prompts contains at least one window with the following components. These can be supplied to the prompt via parameters.

    ? What's your name: (full name) Kevin█
    - ----------------- ----------- -----
    ↑      ↑                ↑         ↑
    ↑      ↑                ↑         ↑
  qmark message         instruction  input

    ? Select prefered methods: (j/k)
      ---------      ← separator
pointer & marker

After Answered

    ? What's your name: Kevin Zhuang
    ? Select prefered methods: ["Pick-up", "Delivery"]
    - ------------------------ -----------------------
    ↑      ↑                               ↑
    ↑      ↑                               ↑
  qmark message                          answer

Style - Components Mapping

The following table contains the mapping between configurable components and their style class.

You will find these components as a parameter in individual prompt documentation →→→

Style class Components
questionmark qmark
question message
instruction instruction
pointer pointer
checkbox enabled_symbol/disabled_symbol
marker marker

Customizing Style


Skip this section if you are coming from PyInquirer / using the "classic syntax" (i.e. using the prompt module)

When using the "alternate syntax" (i.e. interacting with the inquirer module), each prompt class requires a InquirerPyStyle object instead of a dictionary. You can get this object by using the get_style method.

def get_style(
    style: Dict[str, str] = None, style_override: bool = True
) -> InquirerPyStyle:
from InquirerPy import get_style
from InquirerPy import inquirer

style = get_style({"questionmark": "#ffffff", "answer": "#000000"})
result = inquirer.confirm(message="Confirm?", style=style)


style: Dict[str, str]

The dictionary of style classes and their colors, reference Default Style. If nothing is passed, the style will be resolved to the default style.

style_override: bool

A boolean to determine if the supplied style parameter should be merged with the default style or override the entire default style.

By default, the supplied style will overwrite the entire default style.

Set to False if you like the default onedark style or just playing around the styling options to have the supplied style merge with the default style.

Default Style

The default style is based on onedark color scheme (reference).

    "questionmark": "#e5c07b",
    "answer": "#61afef",
    "input": "#98c379",
    "question": "",
    "instruction": "",
    "pointer": "#61afef",
    "checkbox": "#98c379",
    "separator": "",
    "skipped": "#5c6370",
    "validator": "",
    "marker": "#e5c07b",
    "fuzzy_prompt": "#c678dd",
    "fuzzy_info": "#98c379",
    "fuzzy_border": "#4b5263",
    "fuzzy_match": "#c678dd",

Color Syntax

Applying basic style.

    "questionmark": "blue"

Coloring both foreground and background.

    "questionmark": "fg:#e5c07b bg:#ffffff"

Adding additional styles to text.

    "questionmark": "fg:#e5c07b bg:#ffffff underline bold"

Available Options


  • ANSI color palette: ansired
  • Named color: red
  • Hexadecimal notation: #ffffff


  • underline
  • italic
  • bold
  • reverse
  • hidden
  • blink
Negative Variants
  • noblink
  • nobold
  • nounderline
  • noreverse
  • nohidden
  • noitalic


The styling functionality leverages prompt_toolkit. For more reference of the styling options, visit prompt_toolkit documentation.

The colors and styling support will be limited by the terminal and font and experince may vary. Avoid adding styles such as italic since lots of font or terminal doesn't support it.