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SQS Job Kicker is the simple worker to invoke command from SQS message


go get


package main
import (


func main() {
    // config
    conf := sqsjkr.NewConfig()
    conf.SetAWSAccount("aws_account_id", "aws_profile", "ap-northeast-1")
    conf.SetSQSQueue("your sqs queue name")
    conf.SetTriggerCommand("echo trigger")

    // run sqsjkr
    ctx := context.Background()
    sjkr := sqsjkr.New(conf)
    if err := sqsjkr.Run(ctx, sjkr, "debug"); err != nil {
        log.Println("[error] ", err)


  • [account] section
params type description
id string AWS account id
profile string AWS profile name
region string AWS region
  • [sqs] section
params type description
queue_name string AWS SQS queue name
  • [kicker] section
params type description
max_concurrent_num integer number of jobs concurrency
life_time_trigger string trigger command when to pass the lifetime
stats_port integer port number of sqsjkr stats

You can load config by toml format file:

id = "12345678"
profile = "default"
region = "ap-northeast-1"

queue_name = "sqsjkr_queue"

max_concurrent_num = 5
life_time_trigger = "echo 'stdin!' | ./test/"
stats_port = 8061
conf := sqsjkr.LoadConfig("/path/to/toml")

Job definition

params type description
command string job command
env map environment variables
event_id string job event uniq name (for example, AWS CloudWatch Event Scheduler ID(Name)).
life_time integer or string integer is fixed by second unit. string format requires unit name such as 'm', 's', and so on (e.g. 1s, 1m, 1h).
lock_id string locks another job
abort_if_locked bool if job is locked by lock_id, new job give up without retry.
disable_life_time_trigger bool disable lifetime trigger even though a job is over the lifetime (default false).
  • example:
    "command": "echo 'hello sqsjkr!'",
    "env": {
        "PATH": "/usr/local/bin/:/usr/bin/:/sbin/:/bin",
        "MAILTO": ""
    "event_id": "cloudwatch_event_schedule_id_name",
    "lock_id": "lock_id",
    "life_time": "1m",
    "abort_if_locked": false


The job waits for life_time if the other job which is same lock_id is executing. So, if a job requires too many time to process and don't want to execute frequently in short term, job should be set the proper life_time.


SQS Job Kicker provides Locker interface which is like a feature of 'setlock' to avoid to execute same lock_id. sqsjkr package's sample uses DynamoDB as Locker backend. Show the following Locker interface:

type Locker interface {
	Lock(string, string) error
	Unlock(string) error

You can set your custom Locker by SetLocker(locker Locker):

mylocker := NewMyLocker() // Your Locker


sqsjkr provides Throttler interface which avoid to execute duplicated job. This repository includes the Throttler sample using DynamoDB. Show following Throttler interface:

type Locker interface {
	Set(string, string) error
	UnSet(string) error

You can set your custom Throttler by SetThrottler(th Throttler):

myThr := NewMyThrottler() // Your Throttler

Stats HTTP endpoint

sqsjkr runs a HTTP server on port 8061 to get stats of myself.

$ curl -s localhost:8061/stats/metrics/v2
  "workers": {
    "busy": 4,
    "idle": 6
  "invocations": {
    "succeeded": 10,
    "failed": 2,
    "errored": 3