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jvshahid edited this page Jan 30, 2011 · 9 revisions


Adding transitive dependencies to your project

Assuming that foo:bar:jar:1.1 depends on foo:foobar:jar:1.0

require 'buildr-dependency-extensions'

repositories.remote << ""

define 'foo-bar' do
  extend TransitiveDependencies

  # define the project-version
  project.version = '1.0.0'

  project.transitive_scopes = [:compile, :run]

  compile.with artifact('foo:bar:jar:1.1')
  run.with artifact('foo:foobar:jar:1.1')

In this example the runtime dependencies will be foo:bar:jar:1.1 and foo:foobar:jar:1.1 For more information about dependency management see Dependency Management.

Adding pom generation

require 'buildr-dependency-extensions'

repositories.remote << ""

define 'TestProject' do
  extend PomGenerator

  project.version = '1.0-SNAPSHOT' = ''
  run.with ['foo:bar:jar:1.0']
  compile.with ['foo:foobar:jar:1.0']
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


For more information about customizing the generated pom see Pom customization.