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Make tables from data in your terminal.


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This small utility takes JSON or EDN files with multiple maps and creates a table for ease of viewing. For example:

$ cat test.json
$ cat test.json | tabl -j
 :baz | :foo
 4    | bar
 4    | oof

There are several table rendering modes available:

library modes
fancy fancy
doric org, csv, html, raw
built-in md, k8s
$ cat test.json | tabl -j -m org
| Foo | Baz |
| bar | 4   |
| oof | 4   |

Babashka pod support

The following namespaces and functions are exposed via the pod interface:

  • pod.tabl.fancy (see here for more information)
    • render-table - returns table as a list of strings
    • print-table - prints a table based on data
  • pod.tabl.doric
    • table - returns table as a list of strings (see here for more information)
    • print-table - prints a table based on data


#!/usr/bin/env bb

(require '[babashka.pods :as pods])
(pods/load-pod "tabl")

(require '[pod.tabl.fancy :as fancy])
(require '[pod.tabl.doric :as doric])

(fancy/print-table [{:foo 1 :bar 2} {:foo 2 :bar 3}])
(doric/print-table [{:foo 1 :bar 2} {:foo 2 :bar 3}])
(doric/print-table {:format '} [{:foo 1 :bar 2} {:foo 2 :bar 3}])

See pod_test.clj for more examples.


Not quite ready yet. This depends on a soon-to-be-released library.

Thank you to Michiel Borkent and Lee Read for spearheading the GraalVM efforts, documented here.


Copyright © 2019-2022 Nate Jones

Distributed under the EPL License. See LICENSE.

This project contains code from:

babashka, which is licensed under the same EPL License.