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[Docs] Re-sort all rules alphabetically #1742

merged 1 commit into from Jan 29, 2020
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5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion .travis.yml
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ before_script:
- 'if [ -n "${ESLINT-}" ]; then npm install --no-save "eslint@${ESLINT}" ; fi'
- 'if [ -n "${PRETEST-}" ]; then npm run pretest ; fi'
- 'if [ -z "${PRETEST-}" ] && [ -n "${TEST-}" ]; then npm run unit-test ; fi'
- 'if [ -n "${TEST-}" ]; then npm run unit-test ; fi'
- 'if [ -n "${README-}" ]; then npm run generate-list-of-rules:check ; fi'
- TEST=true
Expand All @@ -29,6 +30,8 @@ matrix:
- node_js: 'lts/*'
env: PRETEST=true
- node_js: 'lts/*'
env: README=true
- node_js: '4'
env: ESLINT=5
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114 changes: 60 additions & 54 deletions
Expand Up @@ -97,94 +97,100 @@ Enable the rules that you would like to use.

# List of supported rules

* [react/boolean-prop-naming](docs/rules/ Enforces consistent naming for boolean props
* [react/button-has-type](docs/rules/ Forbid "button" element without an explicit "type" attribute
* [react/default-props-match-prop-types](docs/rules/ Prevent extraneous defaultProps on components
* [react/destructuring-assignment](docs/rules/ Rule enforces consistent usage of destructuring assignment in component
* [react/display-name](docs/rules/ Prevent missing `displayName` in a React component definition
* [react/forbid-component-props](docs/rules/ Forbid certain props on Components
* [react/default-props-match-prop-types](docs/rules/ Enforce all defaultProps are defined and not "required" in propTypes.
* [react/destructuring-assignment](docs/rules/ Enforce consistent usage of destructuring assignment of props, state, and context
* [react/display-name](docs/rules/ Prevent missing displayName in a React component definition
* [react/forbid-component-props](docs/rules/ Forbid certain props on components
* [react/forbid-dom-props](docs/rules/ Forbid certain props on DOM Nodes
* [react/forbid-elements](docs/rules/ Forbid certain elements
* [react/forbid-foreign-prop-types](docs/rules/ Forbid using another component's propTypes
* [react/forbid-prop-types](docs/rules/ Forbid certain propTypes
* [react/forbid-foreign-prop-types](docs/rules/ Forbid foreign propTypes
* [react/no-access-state-in-setstate](docs/rules/ Prevent using this.state inside this.setState
* [react/no-array-index-key](docs/rules/ Prevent using Array index in `key` props
* [react/no-children-prop](docs/rules/ Prevent passing children as props
* [react/no-danger](docs/rules/ Prevent usage of dangerous JSX properties
* [react/no-danger-with-children](docs/rules/ Prevent problem with children and props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML
* [react/no-deprecated](docs/rules/ Prevent usage of deprecated methods, including component lifecycle methods
* [react/no-did-mount-set-state](docs/rules/ Prevent usage of `setState` in `componentDidMount`
* [react/no-did-update-set-state](docs/rules/ Prevent usage of `setState` in `componentDidUpdate`
* [react/no-direct-mutation-state](docs/rules/ Prevent direct mutation of `this.state`
* [react/no-find-dom-node](docs/rules/ Prevent usage of `findDOMNode`
* [react/no-is-mounted](docs/rules/ Prevent usage of `isMounted`
* [react/function-component-definition](docs/rules/ Standardize the way function component get defined (fixable)
* [react/no-access-state-in-setstate](docs/rules/ Reports when this.state is accessed within setState
* [react/no-adjacent-inline-elements](docs/rules/ Prevent adjacent inline elements not separated by whitespace.
* [react/no-array-index-key](docs/rules/ Prevent usage of Array index in keys
* [react/no-children-prop](docs/rules/ Prevent passing of children as props.
* [react/no-danger](docs/rules/ Prevent usage of dangerous JSX props
* [react/no-danger-with-children](docs/rules/ Report when a DOM element is using both children and dangerouslySetInnerHTML
* [react/no-deprecated](docs/rules/ Prevent usage of deprecated methods
* [react/no-did-mount-set-state](docs/rules/ Prevent usage of setState in componentDidMount
* [react/no-did-update-set-state](docs/rules/ Prevent usage of setState in componentDidUpdate
* [react/no-direct-mutation-state](docs/rules/ Prevent direct mutation of this.state
* [react/no-find-dom-node](docs/rules/ Prevent usage of findDOMNode
* [react/no-is-mounted](docs/rules/ Prevent usage of isMounted
* [react/no-multi-comp](docs/rules/ Prevent multiple component definition per file
* [react/no-redundant-should-component-update](docs/rules/ Prevent usage of `shouldComponentUpdate` when extending React.PureComponent
* [react/no-render-return-value](docs/rules/ Prevent usage of the return value of `React.render`
* [react/no-set-state](docs/rules/ Prevent usage of `setState`
* [react/no-typos](docs/rules/ Prevent common casing typos
* [react/no-string-refs](docs/rules/ Prevent using string references in `ref` attribute.
* [react/no-this-in-sfc](docs/rules/ Prevent using `this` in stateless functional components
* [react/no-unescaped-entities](docs/rules/ Prevent invalid characters from appearing in markup
* [react/no-redundant-should-component-update](docs/rules/ Flag shouldComponentUpdate when extending PureComponent
* [react/no-render-return-value](docs/rules/ Prevent usage of the return value of React.render
* [react/no-set-state](docs/rules/ Prevent usage of setState
* [react/no-string-refs](docs/rules/ Prevent string definitions for references and prevent referencing this.refs
* [react/no-this-in-sfc](docs/rules/ Report "this" being used in stateless components
* [react/no-typos](docs/rules/ Prevent common typos
* [react/no-unescaped-entities](docs/rules/ Detect unescaped HTML entities, which might represent malformed tags
* [react/no-unknown-property](docs/rules/ Prevent usage of unknown DOM property (fixable)
* [react/no-unsafe](docs/rules/ Prevent usage of unsafe lifecycle methods
* [react/no-unused-prop-types](docs/rules/ Prevent definitions of unused prop types
* [react/no-unused-state](docs/rules/ Prevent definitions of unused state properties
* [react/no-will-update-set-state](docs/rules/ Prevent usage of `setState` in `componentWillUpdate`
* [react/no-unused-state](docs/rules/ Prevent definition of unused state fields
* [react/no-will-update-set-state](docs/rules/ Prevent usage of setState in componentWillUpdate
* [react/prefer-es6-class](docs/rules/ Enforce ES5 or ES6 class for React Components
* [react/prefer-read-only-props](docs/rules/ Enforce that props are read-only
* [react/prefer-stateless-function](docs/rules/ Enforce stateless React Components to be written as a pure function
* [react/prefer-read-only-props](docs/rules/ Require read-only props. (fixable)
* [react/prefer-stateless-function](docs/rules/ Enforce stateless components to be written as a pure function
* [react/prop-types](docs/rules/ Prevent missing props validation in a React component definition
* [react/react-in-jsx-scope](docs/rules/ Prevent missing `React` when using JSX
* [react/require-default-props](docs/rules/ Enforce a defaultProps definition for every prop that is not a required prop
* [react/require-optimization](docs/rules/ Enforce React components to have a `shouldComponentUpdate` method
* [react/react-in-jsx-scope](docs/rules/ Prevent missing React when using JSX
* [react/require-default-props](docs/rules/ Enforce a defaultProps definition for every prop that is not a required prop.
* [react/require-optimization](docs/rules/ Enforce React components to have a shouldComponentUpdate method
* [react/require-render-return](docs/rules/ Enforce ES5 or ES6 class for returning value in render function
* [react/self-closing-comp](docs/rules/ Prevent extra closing tags for components without children (fixable)
* [react/sort-comp](docs/rules/ Enforce component methods order (fixable)
* [react/sort-comp](docs/rules/ Enforce component methods order
* [react/sort-prop-types](docs/rules/ Enforce propTypes declarations alphabetical sorting
* [react/state-in-constructor](docs/rules/ Enforce the state initialization style to be either in a constructor or with a class property
* [react/static-property-placement](docs/rules/ Enforces where React component static properties should be positioned.
* [react/style-prop-object](docs/rules/ Enforce style prop value being an object
* [react/void-dom-elements-no-children](docs/rules/ Prevent void DOM elements (e.g. `<img />`, `<br />`) from receiving children
* [react/state-in-constructor](docs/rules/ State initialization in an ES6 class component should be in a constructor
* [react/static-property-placement](docs/rules/ Defines where React component static properties should be positioned.
* [react/style-prop-object](docs/rules/ Enforce style prop value is an object
* [react/void-dom-elements-no-children](docs/rules/ Prevent passing of children to void DOM elements (e.g. `<br />`).

## JSX-specific rules

* [react/jsx-boolean-value](docs/rules/ Enforce boolean attributes notation in JSX (fixable)
* [react/jsx-child-element-spacing](docs/rules/ Enforce or disallow spaces inside of curly braces in JSX attributes and expressions.
* [react/jsx-child-element-spacing](docs/rules/ Ensures inline tags are not rendered without spaces between them
* [react/jsx-closing-bracket-location](docs/rules/ Validate closing bracket location in JSX (fixable)
* [react/jsx-closing-tag-location](docs/rules/ Validate closing tag location in JSX (fixable)
* [react/jsx-curly-newline](docs/rules/ Enforce or disallow newlines inside of curly braces in JSX attributes and expressions (fixable)
* [react/jsx-curly-spacing](docs/rules/ Enforce or disallow spaces inside of curly braces in JSX attributes and expressions (fixable)
* [react/jsx-equals-spacing](docs/rules/ Enforce or disallow spaces around equal signs in JSX attributes (fixable)
* [react/jsx-closing-tag-location](docs/rules/ Validate closing tag location for multiline JSX (fixable)
* [react/jsx-curly-brace-presence](docs/rules/ Disallow unnecessary JSX expressions when literals alone are sufficient or enfore JSX expressions on literals in JSX children or attributes (fixable)
* [react/jsx-curly-newline](docs/rules/ enforce consistent line breaks inside jsx curly (fixable)
* [react/jsx-curly-spacing](docs/rules/ Enforce or disallow spaces inside of curly braces in JSX attributes (fixable)
* [react/jsx-equals-spacing](docs/rules/ Disallow or enforce spaces around equal signs in JSX attributes (fixable)
* [react/jsx-filename-extension](docs/rules/ Restrict file extensions that may contain JSX
* [react/jsx-first-prop-new-line](docs/rules/ Enforce position of the first prop in JSX (fixable)
* [react/jsx-first-prop-new-line](docs/rules/ Ensure proper position of the first property in JSX (fixable)
* [react/jsx-fragments](docs/rules/ Enforce shorthand or standard form for React fragments (fixable)
* [react/jsx-handler-names](docs/rules/ Enforce event handler naming conventions in JSX
* [react/jsx-indent](docs/rules/ Validate JSX indentation (fixable)
* [react/jsx-indent-props](docs/rules/ Validate props indentation in JSX (fixable)
* [react/jsx-key](docs/rules/ Validate JSX has key prop when in array or iterator
* [react/jsx-key](docs/rules/ Report missing `key` props in iterators/collection literals
* [react/jsx-max-depth](docs/rules/ Validate JSX maximum depth
* [react/jsx-max-props-per-line](docs/rules/ Limit maximum of props on a single line in JSX (fixable)
* [react/jsx-no-bind](docs/rules/ Prevent usage of `.bind()` and arrow functions in JSX props
* [react/jsx-no-comment-textnodes](docs/rules/ Prevent comments from being inserted as text nodes
* [react/jsx-no-duplicate-props](docs/rules/ Prevent duplicate props in JSX
* [react/jsx-no-literals](docs/rules/ Prevent usage of unwrapped JSX strings
* [react/jsx-no-script-url](docs/rules/ Prevent usage of `javascript:` URLs
* [react/jsx-no-target-blank](docs/rules/ Prevent usage of unsafe `target='_blank'`
* [react/jsx-no-bind](docs/rules/ Prevents usage of Function.prototype.bind and arrow functions in React component props
* [react/jsx-no-comment-textnodes](docs/rules/ Comments inside children section of tag should be placed inside braces
* [react/jsx-no-duplicate-props](docs/rules/ Enforce no duplicate props
* [react/jsx-no-literals](docs/rules/ Prevent using string literals in React component definition
* [react/jsx-no-script-url](docs/rules/ Forbid `javascript:` URLs
* [react/jsx-no-target-blank](docs/rules/ Forbid target="_blank" attribute without rel="noopener noreferrer"
* [react/jsx-no-undef](docs/rules/ Disallow undeclared variables in JSX
* [react/jsx-no-useless-fragment](docs/rules/ Disallow unnecessary fragments (fixable)
* [react/jsx-one-expression-per-line](docs/rules/ Limit to one expression per line in JSX
* [react/jsx-curly-brace-presence](docs/rules/ Enforce curly braces or disallow unnecessary curly braces in JSX
* [react/jsx-fragments](docs/rules/ Enforce shorthand or standard form for React fragments
* [react/jsx-one-expression-per-line](docs/rules/ Limit to one expression per line in JSX (fixable)
* [react/jsx-pascal-case](docs/rules/ Enforce PascalCase for user-defined JSX components
* [react/jsx-props-no-multi-spaces](docs/rules/ Disallow multiple spaces between inline JSX props (fixable)
* [react/jsx-props-no-spreading](docs/rules/ Disallow JSX props spreading
* [react/jsx-props-no-spreading](docs/rules/ Prevent JSX prop spreading
* [react/jsx-sort-default-props](docs/rules/ Enforce default props alphabetical sorting
* [react/jsx-sort-props](docs/rules/ Enforce props alphabetical sorting (fixable)
* [react/jsx-space-before-closing](docs/rules/ Validate spacing before closing bracket in JSX (fixable)
* [react/jsx-tag-spacing](docs/rules/ Validate whitespace in and around the JSX opening and closing brackets (fixable)
* [react/jsx-uses-react](docs/rules/ Prevent React to be incorrectly marked as unused
* [react/jsx-uses-vars](docs/rules/ Prevent variables used in JSX to be incorrectly marked as unused
* [react/jsx-uses-react](docs/rules/ Prevent React to be marked as unused
* [react/jsx-uses-vars](docs/rules/ Prevent variables used in JSX to be marked as unused
* [react/jsx-wrap-multilines](docs/rules/ Prevent missing parentheses around multilines JSX (fixable)

## Other useful plugins

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/rules/void-dom-elements-no-children.js
Expand Up @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ function errorMessage(elementName) {
module.exports = {
meta: {
docs: {
description: 'Prevent passing of children to void DOM elements (e.g. <br />).',
description: 'Prevent passing of children to void DOM elements (e.g. `<br />`).',
category: 'Best Practices',
recommended: false,
url: docsUrl('void-dom-elements-no-children')
Expand Down
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions markdown.config.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
'use strict';

const {rules} = require('./index');

const ruleListItems = Object.keys(rules)
.map((id) => {
const {meta} = rules[id];
const {fixable, docs} = meta;
return `* [react/${id}](docs/rules/${id}.md): ${docs.description}${fixable ? ' (fixable)' : ''}`;

const BASIC_RULES = () => ruleListItems.filter(rule => !rule.includes('react/jsx-')).join('\n');
const JSX_RULES = () => ruleListItems.filter(rule => rule.includes('react/jsx-')).join('\n');

module.exports = {
transforms: {
callback: () => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.log('The auto-generating of rules finished!');
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion package.json
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,9 @@
"pretest": "npm run lint",
"test": "npm run unit-test",
"type-check": "tsc",
"unit-test": "istanbul cover node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha tests/lib/**/*.js tests/util/**/*.js tests/index.js"
"unit-test": "istanbul cover node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha tests/lib/**/*.js tests/util/**/*.js tests/index.js",
"generate-list-of-rules": "md-magic --path",
"generate-list-of-rules:check": "npm run generate-list-of-rules && git diff --exit-code"
"files": [
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -47,6 +49,7 @@
"eslint-plugin-eslint-plugin": "^2.1.0",
"eslint-plugin-import": "^2.18.2",
"istanbul": "^0.4.5",
"markdown-magic": "^1.0.0",
"mocha": "^5.2.0",
"sinon": "^7.5.0",
"typescript": "^3.7.2",
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