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fix: lib.fetch types using experimental ts-graft discover mode
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lib.fetch.d.ts includes all type definitions from the dom and
dom.iterable libs which were reachable from the original cross-fetch
index.d.ts file:

git checkout 7b19cda -- index.d.ts

lib.fetch.d.ts was generated with the following command:

cat <<EOF > .ts-graftrc.yaml \
&& npx ts-graft@2.0.0-1 \
&& rm .ts-graftrc.yaml \
  - source: index.d.ts
    output: lib.fetch.d.ts
      - dom
      - dom.iterable

index.d.ts was then updated to its new state and verified with the
following command:

npx tsc --lib ES6 index.d.ts

Issue lquixada#95 was validated as follows:

cat <<EOF > test.ts \
&& npx tsc --target ES6 --moduleResolution node --noEmit  test.ts \
&& rm test.ts
import fetch from "./";
export const customFetch = (
  input: RequestInfo,
  init: RequestInit,
): Promise<Response> => {
  let url = "";
  url += input;
  return fetch(url, init);

n.b. consumers must include the dom.iterable lib, which is implied by
the ES6 target, lest their globals lack the required members defined
by dom.iterable.
  • Loading branch information
jstewmon committed Mar 22, 2021
1 parent d46e33f commit c08d9c7
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Showing 4 changed files with 272 additions and 257 deletions.
47 changes: 14 additions & 33 deletions index.d.ts
@@ -1,33 +1,14 @@
import type {
Headers as BaseHeaders,
} from "./lib.fetch"
import type { Headers as IterHeaders } from "./lib.fetch.iterable";
type Headers = BaseHeaders & IterHeaders;

export const fetch: (input: RequestInfo, init?: RequestInit) => Promise<Response>;

export const Request: {
prototype: Request;
new(input: RequestInfo, init?: RequestInit): Request;

export const Response: {
prototype: Response;
new(body?: BodyInit | null, init?: ResponseInit): Response;
error(): Response;
redirect(url: string, status?: number): Response;

export const Headers: {
prototype: Headers;
new(init?: HeadersInit): Headers;

export default fetch;
/// <reference lib="dom" />

declare const _fetch: typeof fetch;
declare const _Request: typeof Request;
declare const _Response: typeof Response;
declare const _Headers: typeof Headers;

declare module "cross-fetch" {
export const fetch: typeof _fetch;
export const Request: typeof _Request;
export const Response: typeof _Response;
export const Headers: typeof _Headers;
export default fetch;

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