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Bump archunitVersion from 1.2.1 to 1.3.0 #1790

Bump archunitVersion from 1.2.1 to 1.3.0

Bump archunitVersion from 1.2.1 to 1.3.0 #1790

Triggered via pull request April 15, 2024 07:38
Status Success
Total duration 6m 1s


on: pull_request
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15 warnings
Java 8, temurin, ubuntu, America/New_York, tr_TR
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: burrunan/gradle-cache-action@v1. For more information see:
Java 8, temurin, ubuntu, America/New_York, tr_TR
distributionSha256Sum is not set in gradle/wrapper/ Please consider adding the checksum, see
Java 8, temurin, ubuntu, America/New_York, tr_TR
distributionSha256Sum is not set in gradle/wrapper/ Please consider adding the checksum, see
Java 8, temurin, macos, America/New_York, ru_RU, stress JIT
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: burrunan/gradle-cache-action@v1. For more information see:
Java 8, temurin, macos, America/New_York, ru_RU, stress JIT
distributionSha256Sum is not set in gradle/wrapper/ Please consider adding the checksum, see
Java 8, temurin, macos, America/New_York, ru_RU, stress JIT
distributionSha256Sum is not set in gradle/wrapper/ Please consider adding the checksum, see
Java 11, microsoft, windows, America/New_York, ru_RU, stress JIT
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: burrunan/gradle-cache-action@v1. For more information see:
Java 11, microsoft, windows, America/New_York, ru_RU, stress JIT
distributionSha256Sum is not set in gradle\wrapper\ Please consider adding the checksum, see
Java 11, microsoft, windows, America/New_York, ru_RU, stress JIT
distributionSha256Sum is not set in gradle\wrapper\ Please consider adding the checksum, see
Java 21, microsoft, macos, Pacific/Chatham, ru_RU, stress JIT
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: burrunan/gradle-cache-action@v1. For more information see:
Java 21, microsoft, macos, Pacific/Chatham, ru_RU, stress JIT
distributionSha256Sum is not set in gradle/wrapper/ Please consider adding the checksum, see
Java 21, microsoft, macos, Pacific/Chatham, ru_RU, stress JIT
distributionSha256Sum is not set in gradle/wrapper/ Please consider adding the checksum, see
Java 17, zulu, windows, Pacific/Chatham, fr_FR, stress JIT
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: burrunan/gradle-cache-action@v1. For more information see:
Java 17, zulu, windows, Pacific/Chatham, fr_FR, stress JIT
distributionSha256Sum is not set in gradle\wrapper\ Please consider adding the checksum, see
Java 17, zulu, windows, Pacific/Chatham, fr_FR, stress JIT
distributionSha256Sum is not set in gradle\wrapper\ Please consider adding the checksum, see