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This repository contains initial work on a base WordPress project repo. The idea is that this repo will be included in a larger project repo (either as a submodule or as a subtree or maybe using something fancier yet). The larger project repo will include a Vagrant VM and configuration that can be based on a production scenario.

What's Here
WordPress is a submodule in wp.

The plugins, mu-plugins, uploads, and content directories are in the project root.

The content/themes directory includes TwentyThirteen just so there's something there and TwentyTwelve for people who don't like TwentyThirteen's color scheme. (This may change in the future.)

The project root includes both a shell script (for Linux/Mac) and a batch file (for Windows) to update the WordPress submodule. (These are untested at the moment and may have issues--especially the batch file.)

I'm setting this repo up so I can include it for the time being. I may throw it away if it doesn't work out the way I'm hoping it will.

This repo is based on other setups I've looked at including Mark Jaquith's WordPress-Skeleton and Matt Walters' post at from


A base WordPress site intended to be part of a larger project repo that includes a vagrant VM. (Highly experimental.)






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