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STAT client

This project was generated with Angular CLI version 1.0.1. You will need to download this first. It was written in Typescript (the language Angular 2 uses). I recommend using Visual Studio Code to review the project as it understands Typescript.

General project structure

Angular 2 uses a component model. Each component consists of a class (my.component.ts), template (my.component.html), and a style (my.component.css)

  • src/index.html - entry point for the app
  • src/main.ts - bootstraps the app
  • src/app/app.module.ts - configure the app:
    • imports other modules
    • declares components
    • sets up services for dependency injection
    • sets up routing
    • provides a bridge from redux to angular
  • src/app/app.component.ts
    • basic shell
  • src/app/home
    • the container component
    • listens to UI events from presentational components
    • dispatches redux actions
    • subscribes to the redux store and pushes data to presentational components
    • transforms rankings data from api to chart data format
  • src/app/filters
    • contains controls to filter ranking data and upload a CSV
  • src/app/uploader
    • uploads a file
  • src/app/line-chart
    • the chart component
  • src/app/store
    • redux store, actions, reducer
  • src/app/shared
    • app services, route definitions, and model
  • src/environments
    • configs for prod / dev environments

Running the app

Once you install Angular CLI, cd into the project folder and run npm install. Once packages are installed, run ng serve --prod to point the app at the api running on Azure. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Using the app

There are a few quirks to be aware of when using this MVP:

  • Please use Chrome as this was the only browser I tested with.
  • A keyword is required to get rankings (api doesn't require it, but the client app does).
  • There is no error checking for date ranges (ie. end_date < start_date)
  • When importing a CSV file
    • it must be tab delimited I can change this to comma delimited, but the .csv file I received for the project was tab delimited.
    • Import button is at the far right on the toolbar
    • All existing data is wiped on import
    • Filters in toolbar do not refresh after import. Reload the page to update the filters
  • When downloading a CSV file it will be comma delimted. I opted to do this as it's the format most people expect.
  • I didn't have time to improve the layout of the charts to better fit the width of the screen

Kanban board

For simplicity, I used a Kanban board instead of a Scrum board.

The board can be found here

The stories are prioritized by their position in the column. Stories at the top are higher priority than ones at the bottom The columns in the boards are: Backlog - backlog of stories for the project. These can be fully-formed stories, half-baked ideas, or epics. Stories in this column are not scheduled to be worked on Approved - stories that have been fully-specified and ready to be worked on. In progress - stories currently being developed and tested Done - stories have been fully tested. All acceptance criteria met. Ready for deployment. In the interest of time, I have only fleshed out a few of the stories on the STAT Client board. You can open the stories for "Visualize rankings as line chart", "Filter rankings", "Import raw ranking data", and "Client shell" to see some examples. I have also purposely put stories into the different columns so that you get a sense for how they would flow through a Kanban board (the same would apply to Scrum).


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