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Demos: ShortestPathDemo

Semen Chudakov edited this page Jun 28, 2020 · 3 revisions

This is a high-level comparison of the available shortest path algorithms in the JGraphT library.


The ShortestPathAlgorithm interface consists of the following 3 methods:

public interface ShortestPathAlgorithm<V, E>{
     *  Computes shortest paths between source and sink vertices.
    GraphPath<V, E> getPath(V source, V sink);
     * Computes weight of the shortest path between source and sink vertices.
    double getPathWeight(V source, V sink);
     * Computes shortest paths tree routed at source vertex.
    SingleSourcePaths<V, E> getPaths(V source);

There is a sub-interface ManyToManyShortestPathsAlgorithm for the case when it is needed to find the shortest path between every source s from a set of vertices S to every target t from a set of vertices T. The ManyToManyShortestPathsAlgorithm interface adds 1 method to the ShortestPathAlgorithm interface:

public interface ManyToManyShortestPathsAlgorithm<V, E>
    ShortestPathAlgorithm<V, E> {

     * Computes shortest paths from all vertices in sources to all vertices in
     * targets.
    ManyToManyShortestPaths<V, E> getManyToManyPaths(Set<V> sources, Set<V> targets);

The inheritance tree of the ShortestPathAlgorithm interface looks the following way:

All available shortest paths algorithms can be divided into the following non-disjoint groups.

  • Algorithms, which solve the single source single destination problem and provide a non-default implementation of the getPath() method.

    • DijkstraShortestPath
    • IntVertexDijkstraShortestPath
    • BFSShortestPath
    • DeltaSteppingShortestPaths
  • Algorithms, which solve the single-source all destinations problem and provide a non-default implementation of the getPaths() method.

    • DijkstraShortestPath
    • IntVertexDijkstraShortestPath
    • AStarShortestPath
    • BellmanFordShortestPath
    • BidirectionalDijkstraShortestPath
    • BidirectionalAStarShortestPath
    • ContractionHierarchyBidirectionalDijkstra
    • TransitNodeRoutingShortestPath
  • Algorithms, which solve the all-pairs shortest path problem.

    • JohnsonShortestPaths
    • FloydWarshallShortestPaths
  • Algorithms, which solve the many-to-many shortest path problem.

    • DefaultManyToManyShortestPath
    • DijkstraManyToManyShortestPath
    • CHManyToManyShortestPath
  • Additionally, there are a number of auxiliary pre-computation algorithms which are used to speed up shortest path computations.

    • ALTAdmissibleHeuristics
    • ContractionHierarchyPrecomputation
    • TransitNodeRoutingPrecomputation

Use cases

The efficiency of some algorithms listed above depends on the type of graph they are used on. Generally, the following guidelines apply:

  1. The DeltaSteppingShortestPath is designed to operate on random or nearly-complete graphs. The algorithm outperforms the DijkstraShortestPath and BellmanFordShortestPath on graphs generated by such random graphs generators, as GnpRandomGraphGenerator, GnmRandomGraphGenerator, BarabasiAlbertGraphGenerator, etc. Performance of the DeltaSteppingShortestPath is demonstrated by the DeltaSteppingShortestPathPerformance benchmark class.

  2. ContractionHierarchyPrecomputation implements contraction hierarchy algorithm. It shows the best performance on sparse graphs with low average out-degree of vertices. Its ideal use case scenario are graphs which represent real-world roadmaps. Therefore, the following algorithms are also limited to the type of graphs:

    • ContractionHierarchyBidirectionalDijkstra
    • TransitNodeRoutingShortestPath
    • CHManyToManyShortestPath
  3. Finally, every algorithm has a different performance. That is why this demo also provides a number of benchmark results for random graphs as well as a roadmap. Note, that those results might be different for other graph types.


The next chunk of code demonstrates a completed usage example for the following algorithms.

- BidirectionalAStartShortestPath
- ContractionHierarchyBidirectionalDijkstra
- TransitNodeRoutingShortestPath
- CHManyToManyShortestPaths
import org.jgrapht.Graph;
import org.jgrapht.alg.interfaces.AStarAdmissibleHeuristic;
import org.jgrapht.alg.interfaces.ManyToManyShortestPathsAlgorithm;
import org.jgrapht.alg.interfaces.ShortestPathAlgorithm;
import org.jgrapht.generate.GnpRandomGraphGenerator;
import org.jgrapht.graph.DefaultWeightedEdge;
import org.jgrapht.graph.DirectedWeightedMultigraph;
import org.jgrapht.util.CollectionUtil;
import org.jgrapht.util.SupplierUtil;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;

import static org.jgrapht.alg.interfaces.ManyToManyShortestPathsAlgorithm.ManyToManyShortestPaths;
import static org.jgrapht.alg.shortestpath.ContractionHierarchyPrecomputation.ContractionHierarchy;

public class ShortestPathDemo {
    private static final long SEED = 19l;
    private static Random rnd = new Random(SEED);
    private static int numberOfLandmarks = 2;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Graph<Integer, DefaultWeightedEdge> graph = generateGraph();

        Set<Integer> landmarks = selectRandomLandmarks(graph, numberOfLandmarks);

        // create heuristic for the algorithm
        AStarAdmissibleHeuristic<Integer> heuristic = new ALTAdmissibleHeuristic<>(graph, landmarks);
        ShortestPathAlgorithm<Integer, DefaultWeightedEdge> shortestPath
                = new BidirectionalAStarShortestPath<>(graph, heuristic);
        System.out.println("Shortest path between vertices 1 and 4:");
        System.out.println(shortestPath.getPath(1, 4));

        ContractionHierarchyPrecomputation<Integer, DefaultWeightedEdge> precomputation
                = new ContractionHierarchyPrecomputation<>(graph);
        ContractionHierarchy<Integer, DefaultWeightedEdge> hierarchy
                = precomputation.computeContractionHierarchy();

        ShortestPathAlgorithm<Integer, DefaultWeightedEdge> chDijkstra
                = new ContractionHierarchyBidirectionalDijkstra<>(hierarchy);
        System.out.println("Shortest path computed by ContractionHierarchyBidirectionalDijkstra between vertices 1 and 4:");
        System.out.println(chDijkstra.getPath(1, 4));

        TransitNodeRoutingShortestPath<Integer, DefaultWeightedEdge> tnr = new TransitNodeRoutingShortestPath<>(graph);
        System.out.println("Shortest path computed by TransitNodeRoutingShortestPath between vertices 1 and 4:");
        System.out.println(tnr.getPath(1, 4));

        // it is possible to supply an already computed hierarchy to the CHManyToManyShortestPaths algorithm
        ManyToManyShortestPathsAlgorithm<Integer, DefaultWeightedEdge> chManyToMany
                = new CHManyToManyShortestPaths<>(hierarchy);
        ManyToManyShortestPaths<Integer, DefaultWeightedEdge> manyToManyShortestPaths
                = chManyToMany.getManyToManyPaths(Collections.singleton(1), Collections.singleton(4));
        System.out.println("Shortest path computed by CHManyToManyShortestPaths between vertices 1 and 4:");
        System.out.println(manyToManyShortestPaths.getPath(1, 4));

     * Selects random landmark vertices from the provided graph
     * @param graph             a graph
     * @param numberOfLandmarks needed number of vertices
     * @return set of landmarks
    private static Set<Integer> selectRandomLandmarks(Graph<Integer, DefaultWeightedEdge> graph, int numberOfLandmarks) {
        Object[] vertices = graph.vertexSet().toArray();

        Set<Integer> result = CollectionUtil.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(numberOfLandmarks);
        while (result.size() < numberOfLandmarks) {
            int position = rnd.nextInt(vertices.length);
            Integer vertex = (Integer) vertices[position];

        return result;

     * Generates G(n,p) random graph with 10 vertices and edge probability of 0.5.
     * @return generated graph.
    private static Graph<Integer, DefaultWeightedEdge> generateGraph() {
        DirectedWeightedMultigraph<Integer, DefaultWeightedEdge> graph
                = new DirectedWeightedMultigraph<>(DefaultWeightedEdge.class);

        GnpRandomGraphGenerator<Integer, DefaultWeightedEdge> generator
                = new GnpRandomGraphGenerator<>(20, 0.5);

        for (DefaultWeightedEdge edge : graph.edgeSet()) {
            graph.setEdgeWeight(edge, rnd.nextDouble());
        return graph;


Performance evaluation was conducted on a machine running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS equipped with 16GB of DDR4/2 RAM and Intel Core i7-8750H CPU which has 6 cores and supports up to 12 threads.

Several notes about the benchmarking process:

  1. Two types of graphs were used:

    • G(n, p) random graphs with n = 250 and p = 0.5.
    • Roadmap of Andorra which is available as part of the OSM project.
  2. Unlike other algorithms, BFSShortestPath is tested on unweighted random graphs.

  3. ContractionHierarchyBidirectionalDijkstra and TransitNodeRoutingShortestPath are tested only on roadmaps since they use Contraction Hierarchy pre-computation step which has good performance only for sparse graphs with low average out-degree of vertices.

  4. Many-to-many algorithms are tested only on roadmap of Andorra since CHManyToManyShortestPath uses Contraction Hierarchy pre-computation.

  5. Algorithms based on A* search use 2 following types of heuristics for random graphs:

    • no heuristic which always returns 0.0 for the distance estimate
    • ALT heuristic with 4 landmarks.
  6. Algorithms based on A* search use 3 following heuristics on the roadmap of Andorra:

    • no heuristic which always returns 0.0 for the distance estimate
    • the great-circle distance (GC).
    • ALT heuristic with 8 landmarks.
  7. For some plots, there is a scaled version to show too small or indistinguishable values.

  8. Benchmarks for the many-to-many the shortest paths algorithms use a constant number of source vertices (100) and a variable number of targets.

Benchmark results for random graphs

Benchmark results for roadmap of Andorra

Benchmark results of many-to-many algorithms for roadmap of Andorra

Benchmark results of pre-computation algorithms for roadmap of Andorra

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