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This repo contains the step-by-step guide files for an Azure DevOps, Terraform and Azure Kubernetes Service tutorial. You can learn how to define and prepare a CI/CD process for the creation of the Kubernetes cluster on Azure and the deploy of the applications.

To do that you can follow the guide in this way:

  1. Prerequirements and Infrastucture deployment
  2. Applications deployments via CI/CD on Azure DevOps

There are other 3 repos:

  • Terraform scripts define the infrastructure on Azure iac
  • A sample application to process messages msgprocessor
  • A sample API that sends messages to an Azure Event Hub msgsenderapi

This tutorial is though as a quickstart guideline for concepts like Infrastructure-as-Code and CI/CD with Kubernetes.

If you want you can also execute the steps for a manual configuration, following the file marked as [Manual], in this order:

  1. Configure and install all required tools on the development machine
  2. Create AKS cluster
  3. Registry setup
  4. Configure OSBA
  5. Deploy images on AKS using Helm

It is still a work-in-progress project, some topics that will come are:

  • cluster monitoring
  • identity management in the cluster
  • cluster autoscaler
  • KEDA, Kubernetes Event-Driven Autoscaling
  • using Virtual Node with Azure Container Instances


Azure DevOps, Terraform and AKS tutorial






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