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<title>DJ Jesse Jay</title> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "WebSite", "description": "Jesse Jay - Progressive Music Attack from Zürich", "headline": "DJ Jesse Jay - Progressive Music Attack from Zürich", "name": "DJ Jesse Jay", "url": "" } </script>

About DJ Jesse Jay

DJ Jesse Jay has been delivering the finest progressive music experience since 1997. With a passion for music and a unique selection of tracks, he creates soulful, heartwarming journeys that embrace the crowd with his radical sensitivity. Jesse grew up surrounded by infectious party vibes and legendary clubs in Zürich. He continues to share his sound and emotions with the audience, leaving them with unforgettable musical memories. Catch DJ Jesse Jay live and immerse yourself in the unconditional and passionate musical trip!

<section id="music">
  <p>Mixed by DJ JesseJay</p>
  <iframe allow="autoplay;" allowfullscreen="" style="border:none" src="" width="640" height="360"></iframe>
  <!-- Add more music tracks, videos, or SoundCloud embeds here -->
  <iframe width="100%" height="450" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src=""></iframe>

<section id="contact">
  <!-- Add contact information or a contact form here -->

© 2003-2023 DJ Jesse Jay & @(r)† from Zürich.

The tracks in the videos are not free to use. If you'd like to use the music in these videos, please contact the Artist or Label. All Backgrounds & Sounds that we use are licensed CC by 4.0. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C.SECTION 108(a)(3)).

This site is made with open source. Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004

Keybase proof

I hereby claim: I am jessejay-ch on github. I am djjessejay ( on keybase. I have a public key ASBg9KwglsY8vL_vbZ-m_3oINgzsgV1beCN6wq9ushSCywo To claim this, I am signing this object: { "body": { "key": { "eldest_kid": "012060f4ac2096c63cbcbfef6d9fa6ff7a08360cec815d5b78237ac2af6eb21482cb0a", "host": "", "kid": "012060f4ac2096c63cbcbfef6d9fa6ff7a08360cec815d5b78237ac2af6eb21482cb0a", "uid": "4d69b9f9742756d905fcebfa97a89219", "username": "djjessejay" }, "merkle_root": { "ctime": 1682967758, "hash": "9e6271ec3f8621a78871664eb145972860bb65cca6c31fd697ee2a2e308abc064ee596db5252b83bd8e421ca2e66744c86ef9233a52d88fa9424dc22ffd9f7c4", "hash_meta": "4e7ee72cde9171edec1114f704693e7fbb63723dd1fb2b3c863cf991723d434c", "seqno": 24400118 }, "service": { "entropy": "oOmmUcF8jjN9tJpPnAd57z7Z", "name": "github", "username": "jessejay-ch" }, "type": "web_service_binding", "version": 2 }, "client": { "name": " go client", "version": "6.0.1" }, "ctime": 1682967814, "expire_in": 504576000, "prev": "5e35dfceac34782d52eef42514748dc8d70fac159a7a285217907081e5b00947", "seqno": 4, "tag": "signature" } with the key ASBg9KwglsY8vL_vbZ-m_3oINgzsgV1beCN6wq9ushSCywo, yielding the signature: hKRib2R5hqhkZXRhY2hlZMOpaGFzaF90eXBlCqNrZXnEIwEgYPSsIJbGPLy/722fpv96CDYM7IFdW3gjesKvbrIUgssKp3BheWxvYWTESpcCBMQgXjXfzqw0eC1S7vQlFHSNyNcPrBWaeihSF5BwgeWwCUfEIC+BlpZxyXGJSR3DdRogcfnZ5+DLBCoKquUhIAzLwTmEAgHCo3NpZ8RAGzN3ukZzABUTHPrTeYjDrrr6fwMsZl8ad6B059O/WjQU2PSBEqL7KO6vAkN6vLQ9xng9adm2C+iA3zwWA1xHAKhzaWdfdHlwZSCkaGFzaIKkdHlwZQildmFsdWXEIJv47VAn3Vk3BG/YeNhByWqSFo6VyLbCOWJnWnAOBI7co3RhZ80CAqd2ZXJzaW9uAQ==

And finally, I am proving ownership of the github account by posting this as a gist.

My publicly-auditable identity:

From the command line: Consider the keybase command line program.

look me up

keybase id djjessejay `` </script> <script>anchors.add();</script>


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