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Jeremy Huffman edited this page Feb 23, 2017 · 1 revision

Upgrading to 0.5.


In version 0.5, dialyxir uses the Erlang :dialyzer module's API to perform analysis rather than shelling out and creating a second VM. Efforts have been made to preserve compatibility, but some flags/arguments no longer work as before. Previously dialyxir passed any arguments it didn't use, as well as any arguments in :flags directly to the Dialyzer CLI. This is no longer the case; :flags is relegated to the warning options, which are also supported at the command line.

Most of the Dialyzer command line arguments are not meaningful in dialyxir but if this has broken your work flow in some way, please open an issue. Known issues:

  • --fullpath argument is superfluous, as this is now the default behavior
  • --raw, --verbose, -o, --quiet are not supported - but probably could be - please leave an issue if you need this functionality

Ignore warnings

If you've been using the :ignore_warnings feature you may have to make small changes to the format of your file to match the output in 0.5. Note that if you were using :ignore_warnings only to get rid of unknown function warnings, and you want to get rid of all those warnings, you can now specify a remove_defaults: :unknown option in your mix.exs.