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v4.99.0 🎁

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@github-actions github-actions released this 24 Oct 07:42
· 12 commits to refs/heads/master since this release

πŸ”§ Internal Changes

In order to simplify the development process in the future I decided to split the functionality of this plugin into two parts that will be delivered independently by two plugins. The old part with the deprecated step publishCoverage will stay here in this plugin and will only receive security fixes.

The new part with the step recordCoverage has been moved to the separate Coverage Plugin. The new plugin will be the new place where features are implemented and bugs are fixed. The transition for users should be transparent: I added a dependency to the new coverage plugin to the code-coverage-api plugin, so you automatically get both plugins installed. Unless you have jobs that use the publishCoverage step, you can remove the olde and deprecated code-coverage-api plugin.