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Boost Docker Development Environment (BDDE)

Provides a docker container for development of Boost that is easy to use and accelerates development and debugging:

  • Containers marked 'complete' include all optional dependencies for boost to build completely.
  • Multiarch containers allow you to build and test easily against other architectures.

Supported combinations of architecture and OS:

DISTRO EDITION ARCH Endian Complete? Clang GCC CMake Cppcheck Valgrind
ubuntu focal x86_64 little Yes 10.0 9.3 3.16 1.90 3.15
ubuntu focal arm64 little Yes 10.0 9.3 3.16 1.90 3.15
fedora 34 s390x big No 12.0 11.2 3.20 2.6 3.18

To use any image that is not native to your host architecture and endianness, you must satisfy the prerequisites of running a multiarch docker container:

  1. Install the binfmt-support and qemu-user-static packages.
  2. Run docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes


Branch GitHub Actions
main Build Status

Future Plans

  • Support for a Visual Studio 20xx Build Tools environment is planned, enabling Windows containerized builds with all of the required and optional dependencies prepared.

Linux Development

Linux development is possible on any platform with a linux-capable docker container environment. Complete containers include:

  1. All of the required and optional dependencies for boost repositories.
  2. All of the documentation build dependencies.
  3. Both libstdc++ and libc++ are provided.
  4. Components for static code analysis (cppcheck, ubsan, valgrind).

BDDE will either use BOOST_ROOT, or determine it automatically based on your current working directory inside a boost source tree.

BDDE creates a docker container with the boost sources mounted into /boost, using a regular user named boost with a sudo password of boost. The use of a regular user ensures there are no root dependencies for building boost.


Unless specified, the ubuntu-focal.x86_64 container is the one that will be used. See the Environment Variables section below to learn how to control which container is used.

Add the bin/linux path to your environment (or do this in your .profile to make it permanent):

user@ubuntu:~/bdde$ export PATH=$(pwd)/bin/linux:$PATH

Pull or build the linux docker image for the architecture you want, for example:

user@ubuntu:~/bdde$ bdde-pull

If you do not have the boost source tree locally, obtain it:

user@ubuntu:~$ export BOOST_ROOT=~/boost
user@ubuntu:~$ bdde-clone

The entire boost source collection is downloaded into BOOST_ROOT, and the develop branch is checked out. Each sub-repository in libs/ and 'tools/' will be set to a detached head, with the git commit synchronized with the top level.

Now navigate to a location within your boost source tree and use bdde to jump into a docker container at that location where you can start a build.

user@ubuntu:~$ cd $BOOST_ROOT
user@ubuntu:~/boost$ bdde

Now you are inside a docker container. Anything you do inside the /boost directory will be preserved to your BOOST_ROOT. Anything you do outside of the /boost directory is destroyed when you exit the docker container shell prompt. Type exit to leave the container and go back to your host prompt.

Boost provides its own build system, Boost.Build, previously known as Boost Jam. You need to build it one time using the bootstrap shell script. By adding bdde in front of the command you want to run, whatever follows is run inside the development container. This will generate the b2 executable:

user@ubuntu:~/boost$ bdde


BDDE makes it easy to jump into and out of the docker build container. When you run bdde from a subdirectory in your BOOST_ROOT, the shell within the container is set to the same working directory. For example:

user@ubuntu:~/boost/libs/uuid$ bdde
boost@47ee8d52a242:/boost/libs/uuid$ b2 -q

The top level boost directory is added to your path inside the container allowing you to run b2 without using relative paths back to BOOST_ROOT.


You can invoke a command inside the container and then return to your shell by adding arguments to the end of the bdde command:

user@ubuntu:~/boost/libs/uuid$ bdde b2 -q -j3 variant=debug cxxstd=11
... build output ...

More information on building boost with Boost.Build can be found at:


BDDE provides a convenience to make it easy to run anything under a sanitizer. This is a modification of the b2 command with options added to invoke the sanitizer and to print a stacktrace on error:

user@ubuntu:~/boost/libs/format$ bdde-asan
user@ubuntu:~/boost/libs/format$ bdde-tsan
user@ubuntu:~/boost/libs/format$ bdde-ubsan
user@ubuntu:~/boost/libs/format$ bdde-valgrind


The following environment variables control the behavior of bdde:


Set the architecture to use in the container. Choices are based on the available Dockerfiles. The default is x86_64.


Set the operating system for the docker container. Choices are based on the available Dockerfiles. The default is ubuntu.


Additional options to pass to docker. Not commonly used.


Set the distribution edition (release). Choices are based on the available Dockerfiles. The default is focal.


Set the Docker Hub repository name to pull from. The default is jeking3/bdde.


The shell to use. The default is /bin/bash.


This points to the boostorg/boost superproject cloned locally. If this is not set, it is determined automatically when entering the container.


This is an example of running a big-endian ppc64 Fedora based image on a little-endian x86_64 host running Ubuntu Bionic:

Installing Prerequisites

user@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install -y binfmt-support qemu-user-static
user@ubuntu:~$ sudo docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes

Running a unit test in Boost.Predef while emulating a big-endian system

user@ubuntu:~/boost$ export BDDE_DISTRO=fedora
user@ubuntu:~/boost$ export BDDE_EDITION=34
user@ubuntu:~/boost$ export BDDE_ARCH=s390x
user@ubuntu:~/boost$ bdde
+ docker run --rm --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --security-opt seccomp=unconfined -v /home/jking/boost-root:/boost:rw -v /home/jking/jking/bdde:/bdde:ro -v /home/jking/.vimrc:/home/boost/.vimrc:ro --workdir /boost/. -it jeking3/bdde:fedora-34.s390x /bin/bash -c ''
### Using 'gcc' toolset.

g++ (GCC) 11.2.1 20210728 (Red Hat 11.2.1-1)
Copyright (C) 2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO


> g++ -x c++ -std=c++11 -O2 -s -DNDEBUG builtins.cpp class.cpp command.cpp compile.cpp constants.cpp cwd.cpp debug.cpp debugger.cpp execcmd.cpp execnt.cpp execunix.cpp filesys.cpp filent.cpp fileunix.cpp frames.cpp function.cpp glob.cpp hash.cpp hcache.cpp hdrmacro.cpp headers.cpp jam_strings.cpp jam.cpp jamgram.cpp lists.cpp make.cpp make1.cpp md5.cpp mem.cpp modules.cpp native.cpp object.cpp option.cpp output.cpp parse.cpp pathnt.cpp pathsys.cpp pathunix.cpp regexp.cpp rules.cpp scan.cpp search.cpp startup.cpp subst.cpp sysinfo.cpp timestamp.cpp variable.cpp w32_getreg.cpp modules/order.cpp modules/path.cpp modules/property-set.cpp modules/regex.cpp modules/sequence.cpp modules/set.cpp -o b2
> cp b2 bjam
Unicode/ICU support for Boost.Regex?... not found.
Backing up existing B2 configuration in project-config.jam.14
Generating B2 configuration in project-config.jam for gcc...

Bootstrapping is done. To build, run:


To generate header files, run:

    ./b2 headers

The configuration generated uses gcc to build by default. If that is
unintended either use the --with-toolset option or adjust configuration, by
editing 'project-config.jam'.


user@ubuntu:~/boost$ cd libs/predef/test
user@ubuntu:~/boost/libs/predef/test$ bdde
[boost@b36ab70f591f test]$ b2 toolset=gcc stdlib=gnu11 -a info_as_cpp
MPI auto-detection failed: unknown wrapper compiler mpic++
You will need to manually configure MPI support.
Performing configuration checks

    - default address-model    : 64-bit [1]
    - default architecture     : s390x [1]
    - symlinks supported       : yes

[1] gcc-11
...found 40 targets...
...updating 11 targets...
mklink-or-dir ../../../boost
mklink-or-dir ../../../boost/predef
link.mklink ../../../boost/predef.h
gcc.compile.c++ ../../../bin.v2/libs/predef/test/info_as_cpp.test/gcc-11/debug/stdlib-gnu11/threading-multi/visibility-hidden/info_as_cpp.o ../../../bin.v2/libs/predef/test/info_as_cpp.test/gcc-11/debug/stdlib-gnu11/threading-multi/visibility-hidden/info_as_cpp
testing.capture-output ../../../bin.v2/libs/predef/test/info_as_cpp.test/gcc-11/debug/stdlib-gnu11/threading-multi/visibility-hidden/
**passed** ../../../bin.v2/libs/predef/test/info_as_cpp.test/gcc-11/debug/stdlib-gnu11/threading-multi/visibility-hidden/info_as_cpp.test
...updated 12 targets...
[boost@b36ab70f591f test]$ ../../../bin.v2/libs/predef/test/info_as_cpp.test/gcc-11/debug/stdlib-gnu11/threading-multi/visibility-hidden/info_as_cpp | head -10
** Detected **
BOOST_ARCH_SYS390 = 1 (0,0,1) | System/390
BOOST_ARCH_WORD_BITS = 32 (0,0,32) | Word Bits
BOOST_ARCH_WORD_BITS_32 = 1 (0,0,1) | 32-bit Word Size
BOOST_COMP_GNUC = 110200001 (11,2,1) | Gnu GCC C/C++
BOOST_ENDIAN_BIG_BYTE = 1 (0,0,1) | Byte-Swapped Big-Endian
BOOST_LANG_STDC = 1 (0,0,1) | Standard C
BOOST_LANG_STDCPP = 470300001 (47,3,1) | Standard C++
BOOST_LIB_C_GNU = 23300000 (2,33,0) | GNU
BOOST_LIB_STD_GNU = 510700028 (51,7,28) | GNU