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jwalter1-quest edited this page Jan 30, 2019 · 5 revisions

The first, and unofficial Python Netgear Arlo camera library wiki!

Contributions are welcome and appreciated

This project started out as a personal project that I hacked together over a weekend because there weren't any libraries for interacting with my Arlo cameras and I was tired of manually deleting the recordings and wasn't about to pay Netgear for a subscription after forking over $$$$ for the camera system.

This library is basically a wrapper around the Arlo API used by their web app (and mobile app). This library lets you do almost everything you can do from the web app UI.

It works by connecting to the Arlo server through their API. With this library, you can download/delete videos (which are stored in aws), start/stop recordings, take snapshots, arm/disarm cameras, manage camera/basestation settings, manage account information, etc. Basically, anything you can do from the web app UI.

As an open-source project, this library has gotten more usage than I had anticipated, which is awesome! :) As such, the current goal of this project is to take things beyond a hobbyist project.

My personal goals for the project are as follows:

  • Expose as much (all) of the Arlo API as possible in an easy to use, understand, and maintain package.
  • Refactor the library to conform to PEP 8
  • Write unit tests
  • Bring people into the project to help with these goals. :)

I'm still basically a one man show, but would be really happy to have "official" regular contributors to the project. If you're interested, please shoot me an email at jeffreydwalter at gmail or take a look at our Help Wanted section.