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Demonstration of how to convert a C++ library into a Python package using pybind11

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pybind11 demo

This project serves as a demonstration of how to convert a C++ library into a Python package using pybind11.


Python is the language of modern machine learning and AI, but C++ is superior to Python in its fast and optimized execution of code. This is why most "fast" libraries in the Python data stack are simply pre-compiled C++ code wrapped in a Python interface (e.g. numpy). Many cutting edge algorithms that are being developed and implemented by academics are written in low-level languages like C++ due to its speed and flexibility.

I love Python, but as a former C++ developer, I also know that it is occasionally preferable to write algorithms in a low-level language, where one no longer needs to fear nested for-loops as "bad practice", nor wonder whether the code being written feels "Pythonic" enough.

But it doesn't have to be zero sum; we can have the best of both worlds---the speed of C++ and the zen of Python---by referencing C++ functions and classes from within Python. And with pybind11, it's really easy to do.

Case study

Recently, I needed to train a Dynamic Topic Model. The model is currently available as a pure Python algorithm in the gensim package, but it is orders of magnitude slower than the C++ version released by the Blei lab (the inventors of DTM). The Python version would've been fine if I just needed to train one model, but I also needed to do hyperparameter tuning. It was actually faster for me to wrap the C++ code in Python bindings and train the models than it would have been for me to use the available gensim version. As a bonus, the Python-wrapped DTM model is now available as a Python package that I can use in the future: dtmpy.


This project wraps a C++ library named double_pendulum with Python bindings and integrates it into a Python package of the same name.

The library itself contains a single class DoublePendulum, which runs a physics simulation of a double pendulum. Python bindings allow the class to be initialized and its methods accessed from within Python. The bindings also include a special method that converts an internal C++ data array of simulation data into a numpy array.

The configuration in uses cmake to compile the C++ library and export the bindings as an intermediary Python module named _double_pendulum, which is imported and used by the main Python module double_pendulum. This setup allows you to write functions and classes in both Python and C++, and use them all in one module---speed and zen.

Project structure

The project has the following organization structure:

├── Makefile                    <- Makefile for building/launching Docker container
├── docker                      <- Directory for Docker build and config files
│   ├── Dockerfile
│   └── docker-compose.yml
├── CMakeLists.txt              <- Top-level CMakeLists, builds all C++ code using CMake
├──                    <- Setup file compiles C++ and builds Python package
├── double_pendulum             <- Python module directory
│   ├──             <- Identifies directory as a Python module
│   └──           <- Module Python code
└── src                         <- Folder for all C++ source code
    ├── CMakeLists.txt          <- References CMakeLists in child directories
    ├── double_pendulum         <- Source directory for a C++ library
    │   ├── CMakeLists.txt      <- CMakeLists for compiling library
    │   ├── double_pendulum.hpp <- Library header file
    │   └── double_pendulum.cpp <- Library source file
    ├── executable              <- Source directory for a C++ executable
    │   ├── CMakeLists.txt      <- CMakeLists for compiling executable
    │   └── main.cpp            <- Executable source code
    └── bindings                <- Source directory for Python bindings with pybind11
        ├── CMakeLists.txt      <- Compiles Python bindings
        └── bindings.cpp        <- Source code for Python bindings for C++ library

Noteworthy file descriptions

This file is used by pip to compile the C++ code with cmake and build and install the Python module. This is all done using one command:

pip install .

The only section of the code that needs to be modified for other projects is the final call to setup()

    author="Jeff Moore",
    description="Python wrapper for double pendulum simulation",
    cmdclass={"build_ext": CMakeBuild},


This is the file that cmake uses to find and compile all C++ code in the project (for more insight into how it works, visit my cmake_tutorial project). Subdirectories with CMakeLists.txt are referenced by their parents. The top-level CMakeLists.txt is referenced by to automatically compile the C++ library and bindings.

You can build the C++ code manually using cmake with:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

This will build the library and executable binary. Since there are no install targets, the compiled binary is located in the build/src/executable directory. The binary can be ran with:

cp src/executable/double_pendulum_sim .
./double_pendulum_sim 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 45 75 100000 0.0001 1000


This file contains the C++ code that generates the Python bindings. It contains all references to the pybind11 library. This is an example of how the bindings file is formatted:

#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include "path/to/my_lib.hpp"

namespace py = pybind11;

// Create a Python module named py_lib from C++ library my_lib. The C++ and Python
// names need not be different, but they are here for added clarity.
PYBIND11_MODULE(py_lib, m) {
    m.doc() = R"pbdoc(
    This is my module docstring.

    // Reference a function named my_func defined in my_lib.hpp to create a Python
    // function py_lib.py_func
    m.def("py_func", &my_func,
        This is the docstring for function py_func.

            x: Description of argument x.
            y: Description of argument y, defaults to 1.
        // Define function arguments and defaults values
        py::arg("x"), py::arg("y") = 1

    // Reference a class named MyClass defined in my_lib.hpp to create a Python
    // class py_lib.PyClass
    py::class_<MyClass>(m, "PyClass")
    // Assuming the initializer takes an integer: MyClass(int)
        This is the docstring for class py_lib.PyClass
        // Define an argument with a default value
        py::arg("x") = 0
    // Binding for public class method Foo
    .def("Foo", &MyClass::Foo,
        This is the docstring for class method PyClass.Foo.
        py::arg("x"), py::arg("y") = 1
    // Lambda functions can be used to extend beyond existing class methods:
    // use class attribute to generate a __repr__ string.
    .def("__repr__", [] (MyClass &a) {
            return "<py_lib.PyClass named '" + + "'>";

// Add version info to the module
    m.attr("__version__") = VERSION_INFO;
    m.attr("__version__") = "dev";

This is the where the main Python module is defined. It implements and extends the module defined in bindings.cpp so that the module feels like a Pure Python package, but runs like C++ under the hood.

For example, if I wanted to extend the py_lib module defined in the bindings.cpp example above, I could name the final Python package pylib and create the file pylib/

# pylib/

from py_lib import PyClass as pc

# The Python version of the class, implementing and extending the C++ version
class PyClass:
    def __init__(self, x: int = 0):
        """Description of my class PyClass."""
        self.x = x
        self.pc = pc(self.x)
    def foo(self, y: int = 1):
        """Description of class method foo."""
        self.pc.Foo(self.x, y)
    def summary(self):
        """Description of a new Python method I want to add."""
        # TODO: extend PyClass with new methods written in Python

The accompanying file could look like this:

# pylib/

# Import the Python version of PyClass
from pylib.module import PyClass
# Import py_func directly from the C++ bindings module
from py_lib import py_func

Build and install

Using Docker and Makefile

Build the project Docker container with:

make dev-start

This will automatically pip install the contents of the project in the container, which uses the file to build the C++ library and install the double_pendulum Python package.

Test with Jupyterlab

Use docker ps to check which local port is mapped to Jupyterlab, and point your browser to the corresponding localhost:<PORT>. Alternatively, if on Mac, you can do make nb.

You can test the build of the package by importing the package in a fresh notebook and running a test simulation:

import double_pendulum as dp

# Initialize pendulum parameters
p = dp.DoublePendulum()
# Run a simulation
# Read simulation data

There is also a sample notebook in the notebooks directory that animates the motion of the double pendulum.

Test using CLI in container

You can also test the build from the CLI within the Docker container by running make bash, then opening a Python console and running the above code.

Building manually

To build manually, you need to have gcc, cmake, and pybind11-dev installed. Then you can build the package with:

git clone
cd pybind11_demo
pip install .

You can then test the build by opening a Python console and running the Python code above.


Demonstration of how to convert a C++ library into a Python package using pybind11






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