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Lua binding for lol-html

This library is a Lua binding for lol-html, a Low output latency streaming HTML parser/rewriter with CSS selector-based API.

It can be used to either extract data from HTML documents or rewrite them on-the-fly.


You need a functional setup of Rust and Cargo to be able to build this module. Please refer to the Rust website or install it with your distribution's package manager.

Luarocks (version >= 3.0 required)

You can install this module with Luarocks:

luarocks install

Manual build

First, be sure to clone this repository with its submodules. Then the provided Makefile should be able to build the module.

git clone --recursive

Running the tests require my fork of Telescope:

luarocks install
tsc spec/lolhtml.lua

Quick start

The workflow is usually:

  1. Create a rewriter builder object:
    local lolhtml = require "lolhtml"
    local my_builder = lolhtml.new_rewriter_builder()
  2. Attach callbacks to it with the logic to transform your documents:
    my_builder:add_element_content_handlers {
      selector = lolhtml.new_selector("h1"),
      element_handler = function(el) el:set_attribute("class", "title") end
  3. Use the previous builder to create rewriter objects, one for each HTML page you want to work on:
    local my_rewriter = lolhtml.new_rewriter {
      builder = my_builder,
      sink = function(s) print(s) end,
  4. Feed the rewriter with the actual HTML stream:
    for l in io.stdin:lines() do

The examples directory contains a port of the original Rust examples from lol-html. You can run them by feeding an HTML page as input:

curl -NL | lua examples/defer_scripts.lua



This binding is not finished yet. Even if the test coverage is quite good and pass and Valgrind is not complaining, bugs might still be present.

Also, the API is dot frozen and might change. Here are a non-exhaustive list of things that I still consider:

  • API naming: stay close of the original names, or choose shorter ones
  • Selectors: should they be exposed at all? or compiled and cached transparently
  • Some data could be exposed as attributes rather than methods, is it better?
  • Tables vs. lots of arguments for some functions
  • Error handling: when to raise errors, when to return nil, err


This library tries to stay close of the original API, while being more Lua-ish when appropriate. In particular it should not panic (as in triggering SIGABRT), such case would be considered as a bug.

Top-level objects

Object constructors:


  • lolhtml.CONTINUE
  • lolhtml.STOP

Selector objects

Selector object represent a parsed CSS selector that can be used to build rewriter builders.

Selector objects don't have any methods or attributes. They are exposed only for garbage collection purposes (and also as an optimization if you need to reuse the same selector in multiple builders).

lolhtml.new_selector(sel: string) => Selector | nil, err

Builds a new Selector object out of the give string. Returns nil, err in case of syntax error.

RewriterBuilder objects

The RewriterBuilder encapsulate the logic to make rewrites, usually they are created at program startup and are used to instantiate many Rewriter objects.

All callbacks functions are called with a single argument whose type depend on the type of callback. This argument should not outlive the callback and any attempt to keep a reference of it to use it later will result in an error.

These functions can return:

  • lolhtml.CONTINUE: instructs the parser to continue processing the HTML stream
  • lolhtml.STOP: causes the parser to stop immediately, write() or end() methods of the rewriter will return an error code
  • nothing: same as lolhtml.CONTINUE

If a callback raises an error, it will also causes the rewriter to stop immediately. The error object or message will be returned as error by the write() or end() methods of the rewriter.

lolhtml.new_rewriter_builder() => RewriterBuilder

Create a new RewriterBuilder object.

RewriterBuilder:add_document_content_handlers(callbacks) => self

Adds new document-level content handlers. This function might be called multiple times to add multiple handlers.

The callback parameter must be a table with callbacks for different types of events, the possible fields are:

  • doctype_handler: called after parsing the Document Type declaration with a Doctype object.
  • comment_handler: called whenever a comment is parsed with a Comment object.
  • text_handler: called when text nodes are parsed with a TextChunk object.
  • doc_end_handler: called at the end of the document with a DocumentEnd object.

All of the fields are optional. Calling a callback has a cost so leave out any callback you don't need.

RewriterBuilder:add_element_content_handlers(callbacks) => self

Adds new element content handlers associated with a selector. This function might be called multiple times to add multiple handlers for different selectors.

The callback parameter must be a table with the selector and the callbacks for different types of events, the possible fields are:

  • selector: the CSS selector to call the callbacks on (required)
  • comment_handler: called whenever a comment is parsed with a Comment object.
  • text_handler: called when text nodes are parsed with a TextChunk object.
  • element_handler: called when an element is parsed with a Element object.

All of the fields are optional (except selector). Calling a callback has a cost so leave out any callback you don't need.

Rewriter objects

Rewriter object are processing a single HTML document and are instantiated with a RewriterBuilder object.

Each rewriter has an associated sink, which is a function called to output the rewritten HTML.

lolhtml.new_rewriter(options) => Rewriter | nil, err

Creates a new reriter object. The options argument must be a table, the following fields are allowed:

  • builder: a RewriterBuilder object (required)
  • encoding: the text encoding for the HTML stream. Can be a label for any of the web-compatible encodings with an exception for UTF-16LE, UTF-16BE, ISO-2022-JP and replacement (these non-ASCII-compatible encodings are not supported). (optional, default is "utf-8")
  • preallocated_parsing_buffer_size: Specifies the number of bytes that should be preallocated on HtmlRewriter instantiation for the internal parsing buffer. See lol-html documentation for details. (optional, default is 1024)
  • max_allowed_memory_usage: Sets a hard limit in bytes on memory consumption of a Rewriter instance. See lol-html documentation for details. (optional, default is SIZE_MAX)
  • strict: boolean, if set to true the rewriter bails out if it encounters markup that drives the HTML parser into ambigious state. See lol-html documentation for details. (optional, default is false)

Returns the new Rewriter on success, or nil and an error message on failure.

Rewriter:write(s) => self | nil, err

Write HTML chunk to rewriter. Returns the rewriter itself on success, or nil and an error message on failure. Failure happens if (incomplete list):

  • A callback or a sink raises an error
  • A previous invocation returned an error
  • Called after close

Rewriter:close(s) => self | nil, err

Finalizes the rewriting process. Should be called once the last chunk of the input is written. Returns the rewriter itself on success, or nil and an error message on failure. Failure happens if (incomplete list):

  • A callback or a sink raises an error
  • A previous invocation returned an error
  • Called more than once

Doctype objects

Doctype:get_name() => string|nil

Doctype:get_id() => string|nil

Doctype:get_system_id() => string|nil

Comment objects

Comment:get_text() => string

Comment:set_text(string) => self|nil, err

Comment:before(string, is_html) => self|nil, err

Comment:after(string, is_html) => self|nil, err

Comment:replace(string, is_html) => self|nil, err

Comment:remove() => self|nil, err

Comment:is_removed() => boolean

TextChunk objects

TextChunk:get_text() => string

TextChunk:is_last_in_text_node() => boolean

TextChunk:before(string, is_html) => self|nil, err

TextChunk:after(string, is_html) => self|nil, err

TextChunk:replace(string, is_html) => self|nil, err

TextChunk:remove() => self|nil, err

TextChunk:is_removed() => boolean

Element objects

Element:get_tag_name() => string

Element:get_namespace_uri() => string

Element:get_attribute(name) => string|nil

Element:has_attribute(name) => boolean

Element:set_attribute(name, value) => self|nil, err

Element:remove_attribute(name) => self|nil, err

Element:attributes() => iterator

Returns a Lua iterator triplet so the following construction is valid:

for attr_name, value in element:attribute() do

Element:before(string, is_html) => self|nil, err

Element:after(string, is_html) => self|nil, err

Element:prepend(string, is_html) => self|nil, err

Element:append(string, is_html) => self|nil, err

Element:set_inner_content(string, is_html) => self|nil, err

Element:replace(string, is_html) => self|nil, err

Element:remove() => self|nil, err

Element:remove_and_keep_content() => self|nil, err

Element:is_removed() => boolean

DocumentEnd objects

DocumentEnd:append(string, is_html) => self|nil, err


Lua binding for the lol-HTML rewriter/parser








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