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Antidox: Use Doxygen sanely from within Sphinx

An antidote to doxy-madness

Documentation Status PyPI


antidox is a Sphinx extension that can read Doxygen XML "databases" and insert documentation for entities in Sphinx documents, similar to Breathe.

It is intended to be fast and simple, though easily customizable.

Document generation (i.e. conversion between doxy-xml and reStructuredText) is driven by XML stylesheets (powered by lxml,) while indexing and selection of documentable entities is done by a SQL database (sqlite3.)

Here is an example project showing showing this extension in action.

Example usage

Generate the documentation for an entire header, and include all entities defined in that header:

.. doxy:c:: lua_run.h::*

The syntax <path>::<identifier> can be used to disambiguate between entities with the same name in different files.

To document a Doxygen group:

.. doxy:c:: [CborPretty]

You can manually specify which children should be documented:

.. doxy:c:: be_uint16_t
    :children: u16

Cross references are provided by a custom role, e.g.:


The complete syntax is decribed in the docs.

Stub generation

The script shows how stub files can be automatically generated. You can adapt this script to your own project.

Generating API docs this way is fast and convenient, but may be suboptimal, since the spirit of this extension (and of Sphinx) is to generate narrative documentation and not merely an API reference.

Note: Beta

Though usable, this extension is still under development. Backwards compatibility will be kept for all releases with the same major/minor version.

Be aware, however, that after updating this extension you may need to do a clean build of your docs to see the results.


  • Reuse API docs made with Doxygen in a Sphinx project.
  • Provide a smooth transition between 100% automatic API docs (what Doxygen generates) and semi-manual documentation (autodoc-style).
  • Have sensible defaults for automatic documentation generation while allowing customization.
  • Deal with big projects efficiently: the main tool in use now (Breathe) has resource usage issues when dealing with large XML files.