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Cropsin contracts



Ropsten address: 0x0cA63188F36714bEc074c493B33F5BAE6232A50d

Mumbai address: 0xa5D637B2d564fD79a30A626B44Ce891b88C04D55

It's an Ownable ERC1155Supply contract.

Why we chose ERC1155 instead of ERC721?

Because we wan to have a single contract with NFTs from multiple artists with multiple metadata.

In another hand, we also want to mint a ERC20 kind of token that will be used to pay for the NFTs, by doing so in the same contract we are saving pretty much gas.

Regarding the ERC1155Supply extension, is important to determine if a given token exists or not, so we are inheriting that contract that allows us certain validations prior to put a token on sale.

Find a detailed spec of the ERC1155 contract here

There are also some Extra methods or small changes to the Open Zeppelin implementation, those differences are the following:

constructor: it mints the fungible token (CRP) and transfers them to the owner of the contract.

setURI(string uri): allows the owner of the contract to change the base URI of all the tokens. We need it just in case the centralized server gets compromised.

mint: creates an amount of new tokens under the same id (using Counter library) and sends them to the to address. Remember that the metadata of that contract will be retrieved from the URI of the token, just need to replace {id} by the actual id of the desired token.

selfMint: mints an amount of tokens to the sender of the transaction.

fungibleTransfer: transfers an amount of token id 1 (the fungible one) to the desired recipient.

transferOwnership: transfers the ownership of the contract to the given address and also transfers the remaining balance of the token 1 to the new owner


Ropsten address: 0xD00f38B0F02957695AFb8b701E54fac4C14d4138

Mumbai address: 0x56bDCe430F890E940a8735d8Facb2F245f431D8c

It's an Ownable and Pausable contract that acts as a Marketplace of Cropsin tokens.

The main methods are the following:

putTokenOnSaleFrom: it adds the given token to the onSale list. Expects the from address (token holder), the tokenId, the quantity that want to be sold and the price per token. Take in account that the price is in CRP token. This method should be used also to update the listing, it can changes the price and quatity. IMPORTANT: make sure that the Marketplace contract has been granted as an operator of the Cropsin contract (the setApprovalForAll({{MarketPlaceAddress}}, true) method should have been invoked before)

removeTokenFromSaleFrom" it removes a token from the onSale list. Expects the from address (token holder) and the tokenId.

availability: expects a tokenId and a tokenHolder and returns the quantity and price available.

MISSING: buyTokenFrom: expects a tokenId, from address (current token holder) quantity. Prforms the buy/sell transaction, it transfers the tokenId quantity to the buyer and the price * quantity to the seller, also updates the onSale list of the token. IMPORTANT: (the setApprovalForAll({{MarketPlaceAddress}}, true) method should have been invoked before from both buyer and seller sides).


Create a .env file as the following:

ROPSTEN_RPC_URL=you can easily create an application in Alchemy for this
MUMBAI_RPC_URL=you can easily create an application in Alchemy for this
PRIVATE_KEY=the deployer private key. REQUIRED if you want to deploy to a non local blockchain
PUBLIC_KEY=the deployer address. REQUIRED if you want to deploy to a non local blockchain

To create the key pair, an easy way is using


Start local blockchain: npm run chain (RPC server exposed in http://localhost:8585)

Deploy to Ropsten (Ethereum): npm run deploy:ropsten

Deploy to Mumbai (Polygon): npm run deploy:mumbai

Run tests locally: npm run chain in one terminal and then npm run test

Deploy locally: npm run chain in one terminal and then npm run deploy:local


Contracts for the ETH Global Hackathon - NFT2022






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