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Github Action that generates a changelog with the Conventional Changelog CLI


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Conventional Changelog action

This action will bump version, tag commit and generate a changelog with conventional commits.


  • Required github-token: Github token.
  • Optional git-message: Commit message that is used when committing the changelog.
  • Optional git-user-name: The git to use for the commit. Default Conventional Changelog Action
  • Optional git-user-email: The git to use for the commit. Default
  • Optional git-pull-method: The git pull method used when pulling all changes from remote. Default --ff-only
  • Optional preset: Preset that is used from conventional commits. Default angular.
  • Optional tag-prefix: Prefix for the git tags. Default v.
  • Optional output-file: File to output the changelog to. Default, when providing 'false' no file will be generated / updated.
  • Optional release-count: Number of releases to preserve in changelog. Default 5, use 0 to regenerate all.
  • Optional version-file: The path to the file that contains the version to bump. Default ./package.json.
  • Optional version-path: The place inside the version file to bump. Default version.
  • Optional skip-on-empty: Boolean to specify if you want to skip empty release (no-changelog generated). This case occured when you push chore commit with angular for example. Default 'true'.
  • Optional skip-version-file: Do not update the version file. Default 'false'.
  • Optional skip-commit: Do create a release commit. Default 'false'.
  • Optional pre-commit: Path to the pre-commit script file. No hook by default.

Pre-Commit hook

Function in a specified file will be run right before the git-add-git-commit phase, when the next version is already known and a new changelog has been generated. You can run any chores across your repository that should be added and commited with the release commit.

Specified path could be relative or absolute. If it is relative, then it will be based on the GITHUB_WORKSPACE path.

Script should:

  • be a CommonJS module
  • have a single export: exports.preCommit = (props) => { /* ... */ }
  • not have any return value
  • be bundled (contain all dependencies in itself, just like the bundled webapp)

preCommit function can be async.

Following props will be passed to the function as a single parameter:

interface Props {
  tag: string; // Next tag e.g. v1.12.3
  version: string; // Next version e.g. 1.12.3

export function preCommit(props: Props): void {}

A bunch of useful environment variables are available to the script with process.env. See to learn more.


  • changelog: The generated changelog for the new version.
  • clean_changelog: The generated changelog for the new version without the version name in it (Better for Github releases)
  • version: The new version.
  • tag: The name of the generated tag.
  • skipped: Boolean ('true' or 'false') specifying if this step have been skipped

Example usages

Uses all the defaults

- name: Conventional Changelog Action
  uses: TriPSs/conventional-changelog-action@v3
    github-token: ${{ secrets.github_token }}

Overwrite everything

- name: Conventional Changelog Action
  uses: TriPSs/conventional-changelog-action@v3
    github-token: ${{ secrets.github_token }}
    git-message: 'chore(release): {version}'
    git-user-name: 'Awesome Changelog Action'
    git-user-email: ''
    preset: 'angular'
    tag-prefix: 'v'
    output-file: ''
    release-count: '10'
    version-file: './my_custom_version_file.json' // or .yml, .yaml, .toml
    version-path: ''
    skip-on-empty: 'false'
    skip-version-file: 'false'
    skip-commit: 'false'

No file changelog

- name: Conventional Changelog Action
  uses: TriPSs/conventional-changelog-action@v3
    github-token: ${{ secrets.github_token }}
    output-file: "false"

Tag only

- name: Conventional Changelog Action
  uses: TriPSs/conventional-changelog-action@v3
    github-token: ${{ secrets.github_token }}
    skip-commit: "true"

Use a custom file for versioning

- name: Conventional Changelog Action
  uses: TriPSs/conventional-changelog-action@v3
    github-token: ${{ secrets.github_token }}
    version-file: "my-custom-file.yaml"

Use a pre-commit hook

- name: Conventional Changelog Action
  uses: TriPSs/conventional-changelog-action@v3
    github-token: ${{ secrets.github_token }}
    pre-commit: some/path/pre-commit.js

Github releases

- name: Conventional Changelog Action
  id: changelog
  uses: TriPSs/conventional-changelog-action@v3
    github-token: ${{ secrets.github_token }}
    output-file: "false"

- name: Create Release
  uses: actions/create-release@v1
  if: ${{ steps.changelog.outputs.skipped == 'false' }}
    GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.github_token }}
    tag_name: ${{ steps.changelog.outputs.tag }}
    release_name: ${{ steps.changelog.outputs.tag }}
    body: ${{ steps.changelog.outputs.clean_changelog }}


If you'd like to contribute to this project, all you need to do is clone and install act this project and run:

Make sure that main: 'src/index.js' is updated to main: '../src/index.js' inside the action.yml Note: The image used is 18 gb!

$ yarn install

# To run / test json versioning
$ act -j test-json -P ubuntu-latest=nektos/act-environments-ubuntu:18.04 -s github_token=fake-token

# To run / test git versioning
$ act -j test-git -P ubuntu-latest=nektos/act-environments-ubuntu:18.04 -s github_token=fake-token

# To run / test yaml versioning
$ act -j test-yaml -P ubuntu-latest=nektos/act-environments-ubuntu:18.04 -s github_token=fake-token

# To run / toml git versioning
$ act -j test-toml -P ubuntu-latest=nektos/act-environments-ubuntu:18.04 -s github_token=fake-token

# To run pre-commit test
$ act -j test-pre-commit -P ubuntu-latest=nektos/act-environments-ubuntu:18.04 -s github_token=fake-token

# To run / multiple files test
$ act -j multiple-files -P ubuntu-latest=nektos/act-environments-ubuntu:18.04 -s github_token=fake-token

Conventional Changelog Action is MIT licensed.


If you have questions or issues, please open an issue!


Github Action that generates a changelog with the Conventional Changelog CLI







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