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πŸŽ‰ Gitmoji commit message helper written in Go.


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Gitmoji helper written with ❀️ in Go. Inspired by gitmoji-cli.

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Mac OS X

Install using Homebrew:

brew install jamesdobson/gogitmoji/gogitmoji


gitmoji help
gogitmoji helps you write git commit messages containing gitmoji!

  gitmoji [flags]
  gitmoji [command]

Available Commands:
  commit      ⚑️  Compose a commit message and execute git commit (default command)
  export      🚒  Export a commit template
  help        πŸ“—  Help about any command
  info        🌍  Open gimoji information page in gyour browser
  list        πŸ“œ  List all available gitmoji
  update      πŸ”„  Update the list of gitmoji
  version     ℹ️  Display the version of this program

      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.gitmoji/config.yaml)
  -h, --help            help for gitmoji

Use "gitmoji [command] --help" for more information about a command.


Guides the user through the process of composing a commit message, and then executes git commit.

gitmoji commit

commit is the default command, so just the following is equivalent:


Git Hook

You can configure git to run gogitmoji automatically when you execute git commit, so that you don't always have to remember to type gitmoji. To do so, just set up a git hook in your git repositories:


exec < /dev/tty
gitmoji hook do $1
exit $?

Place the above in the file <my repo>/.git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg and ensure the file is executable (e.g. chmod a+x prepare-commit-msg)


Prints the list of gitmoji.

gitmoji list
🎨  - :art: Improving structure / format of the code.
⚑️  - :zap: Improving performance.
πŸ”₯  - :fire: Removing code or files.
πŸ›  - :bug: Fixing a bug.
πŸš‘  - :ambulance: Critical hotfix.
✨  - :sparkles: Introducing new features.
πŸ“  - :pencil: Writing docs.
πŸš€  - :rocket: Deploying stuff.
πŸ’„  - :lipstick: Adding or updating the UI and style files.
πŸŽ‰  - :tada: Begining a project.
βœ…  - :white_check_mark: Adding or updating tests.
πŸ”’  - :lock: Fixing security issues.
πŸ”–  - :bookmark: Releasing / Version tags.
🚨  - :rotating_light: Removing linter warnings.
🚧  - :construction: Work in progress.
πŸ’š  - :green_heart: Fixing CI Build.
⬇️  - :arrow_down: Downgrading dependencies.
⬆️  - :arrow_up: Upgrading dependencies.
πŸ“Œ  - :pushpin: Pinning dependencies to specific versions.
πŸ‘·  - :construction_worker: Adding or updating CI build system.
πŸ“ˆ  - :chart_with_upwards_trend: Adding or updating analytics or tracking code.
♻️  - :recycle: Refactoring code.
βž•  - :heavy_plus_sign: Adding a dependency.
βž–  - :heavy_minus_sign: Removing a dependency.
πŸ”§  - :wrench: Adding or updating configuration files.
πŸ”¨  - :hammer: Adding or updating build scripts.
🌐  - :globe_with_meridians: Internationalization and localization.
✏️  - :pencil2: Fixing typos.
πŸ’©  - :poop: Writing bad code that needs to be improved.
βͺ  - :rewind: Reverting changes.
πŸ”€  - :twisted_rightwards_arrows: Merging branches.
πŸ“¦  - :package: Adding or updating compiled files or packages.
πŸ‘½  - :alien: Updating code due to external API changes.
🚚  - :truck: Moving or renaming files.
πŸ“„  - :page_facing_up: Adding or updating license.
πŸ’₯  - :boom: Introducing breaking changes.
🍱  - :bento: Adding or updating assets.
♿️  - :wheelchair: Improving accessibility.
πŸ’‘  - :bulb: Adding or updating comments in source code.
🍻  - :beers: Writing code drunkenly.
πŸ’¬  - :speech_balloon: Adding or updating text and literals.
πŸ—ƒ  - :card_file_box: Performing database related changes.
πŸ”Š  - :loud_sound: Adding or updating logs.
πŸ”‡  - :mute: Removing logs.
πŸ‘₯  - :busts_in_silhouette: Adding or updating contributor(s).
🚸  - :children_crossing: Improving user experience / usability.
πŸ—  - :building_construction: Making architectural changes.
πŸ“±  - :iphone: Working on responsive design.
🀑  - :clown_face: Mocking things.
πŸ₯š  - :egg: Adding or updating an easter egg.
πŸ™ˆ  - :see_no_evil: Adding or updating a .gitignore file
πŸ“Έ  - :camera_flash: Adding or updating snapshots
βš—  - :alembic: Experimenting new things
πŸ”  - :mag: Improving SEO
🏷️  - :label: Adding or updating types (Flow, TypeScript)
🌱  - :seedling: Adding or updating seed files
🚩  - :triangular_flag_on_post: Adding, updating, or removing feature flags
πŸ₯…  - :goal_net: Catching errors
πŸ’«  - :dizzy: Adding or updating animations and transitions
πŸ—‘  - :wastebasket: Deprecating code that needs to be cleaned up.


Checks to see if there is a new list of gitmoji online, updating the local cache if there are new gitmoji.

gitmoji update


The configuration file is stored at ~/.gitmoji/config.yaml. The config file can specify the following:

  • Default commit template
  • Enable "scope" prompt
  • Emoji format
  • New commit templates

Set the Default Commit Template

Specify the name of the default commit template:

template: "conventional"

Enable the "scope" Prompt

Enable / disable prompting for commit scope:

scope: True

Note: this is used by the default gitmoji template, but has no effect on the default conventional template. This can be changed by defining a custom template and using the enablesetting field on the corresponding Prompt.

Set the Emoji Format

The emoji format can be set to either emoji (its default value) or code:

format: code

When set to emoji, the UTF-8 bytes encoding the emoji will be used in the commit message. When set to code, an text string (e.g. :sparkles:) will be used. GitHub will render this as an emoji.

Define New Commit Templates

The configuration file allows the definition of new commit templates. A commit template has three parts:

  • The command to run
  • Arguments to the command
  • User prompts of inputs for the arguments

The following example demonstrates all three elements:

    Command: echo
    - Hello, {{ .name }}, I'm pleased to meet you.
    - prompttype: text
      mandatory: true
      prompt: Enter your name
      valuecode: name

This example prompts the user to enter their name, and then echoes it back to them as a polite greeting:

jamesdobson@MacBook-Pro gitmoji % gitmoji commit -t example
Using config file: /Users/jamesdobson/.gitmoji/config.yaml
βœ” Enter your name: James
Going to execute: echo "Hello, James, I'm pleased to meet you."

Execute: y
Hello, James, I'm pleased to meet you.

gogitmoji done.

In this example, the command is echo. In most cases, however, Command should be set to git.

The arguments to the command are expressed as an array under the CommandArgs section. Each argument is a Go template that can refer to inputs that come from the user prompts. If an argument evaluates to the empty string, it is skipped.

The final section, Prompts, is an array of user prompts. There are 3 kinds of user prompt, differentiated by their Type field:

  • text: Prompts the user with the text in Prompt, and waits for the user to enter a text response.
  • choice: Prompts the user with a selection of options as given by the Choices field.
  • gitmoji: Prompts the user with a list of gitmoji.

The result of the prompt is stored under the name given by the Name field and is made available in the command arguments via the {{ .xyz }} syntax, where xyz is whatever was specified in the Name field.

There is an additional section, Messages, that is used when gogitmoji is called as a commit hook. In this case, no command is executed (because commit is already running) however the Messages are evaluated and written to the file that git provides to the commit hook as an argument.

Default gitmoji commit template

This is the default gitmoji commit template:

    Command: git
    - commit
    - -m
    - '{{if eq (getString "format") "emoji"}}{{.gitmoji.Emoji}} {{else}}{{.gitmoji.Code}}{{end}}
      {{with .scope}}({{.}}): {{end}}{{.title}}'
    - '{{with .message}}-m{{end}}'
    - '{{.message}}'
    - '{{if eq (getString "format") "emoji"}}{{.gitmoji.Emoji}} {{else}}{{.gitmoji.Code}}{{end}}
      {{with .scope}}({{.}}): {{end}}{{.title}}'
    - '{{.message}}'
    - Type: gitmoji
      Mandatory: true
      Name: gitmoji
    - Type: text
      Prompt: Enter the scope of current changes
      Name: Scope
      Condition: scope
    - Type: text
      Mandatory: true
      Prompt: Enter the commit title
      Name: title
    - Type: text
      Prompt: Enter the (optional) commit message
      Name: message

Default conventional commit template

This is the default conventional commit template:

    Command: git
    - commit
    - -m
    - '{{.type}}: {{.description}}'
    - '{{with .body}}-m{{end}}'
    - '{{.body}}'
    - '{{with .footer}}-m{{end}}'
    - '{{.footer}}'
    - '{{.type}}: {{.description}}'
    - '{{.body}}'
    - '{{.footer}}'
    - Type: choice
      Mandatory: true
      Prompt: 'Choose the type of commit:'
      Name: type
      - Value: feat
        Description: A new feature.
      - Value: fix
        Description: A bug fix.
      - Value: docs
        Description: Documentation only changes.
      - Value: perf
        Description: A code change that improves performance.
      - Value: refactor
        Description: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature.
      - Value: test
        Description: Adding missing or correcting existing tests.
      - Value: chore
        Description: Changes to the build process or auxiliary tools and libraries
          such as documentation generation.
    - Type: text
      Mandatory: true
      Prompt: Enter the commit description, with JIRA number at end
      Name: description
    - Type: text
      Prompt: Enter the (optional) commit body
      Name: body
    - Type: text
      Prompt: Enter the (optional) commit footer
      Name: footer


Licensed under the MIT license.

The gitmoji database is from Gitmoji.

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