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A portable .NET library for converting between various CAD file types.


Convert DXF to SVG

var dxf = DxfFile.Load(@"C:\path\to\file.dxf");

// specify the DXF bounds to plot; left, right, bottom, top
var dxfRect = new ConverterDxfRect(0.0, 800.0, 0.0, 600.0);

// specify the SVG element size
var svgRect = new ConverterSvgRect(400.0, 300.0);

// create options
var convertOptions = new DxfToSvgConverterOptions(dxfRect, svgRect);

// and finally convert
var svg = new DxfToSvgConverter().Convert(dxf, convertOptions);

// optionally write the svg to disk

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git submodule update --init --recursive

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git submodule update --recursive --remote