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Gradle plugin for the requirement tracing suite OpenFastTrace.

Project Information

Java CI with Gradle Sonarcloud Quality Gate Coverage


  1. Preconditions: Java 11 and Gradle 8.5

  2. Add plugin org.itsallcode.openfasttrace to your project:

    plugins {
      id "org.itsallcode.openfasttrace" version "1.2.0"
  3. Configure your project, see examples

  4. Run

    ./gradlew traceRequirements
  5. Report is written to build/reports/tracing.txt by default.

General Configuration

requirementTracing {
  inputDirectories = files('custom-dir')
  reportFile = file('build/custom-report.txt')
  reportFormat = 'plain'
  reportVerbosity = 'failure_details'
  detailsSectionDisplay = 'collapse'

You can configure the following properties:

  • inputDirectories: Files or directories to import
  • reportFile: Path to the report file
  • reportFormat: Format of the report
    • plain - Plain Text (default)
    • html - HTML
  • reportVerbosity: Report verbosity
    • quiet - no output (in case only the return code is used)
    • minimal - display ok or not ok
    • summary - display only the summary, not individual specification items
    • failures - list of defect specification items
    • failure_summaries - list of summaries for defect specification items
    • failure_details - summaries and details for defect specification items (default)
    • all - summaries and details for all specification items
  • detailsSectionDisplay: Initial display status of the details section in the HTML report
    • collapse - hide details (default)
    • expand - show details

Configuring the short tag importer

The short tag importer allows omitting artifact type and the covered artifact type. Optionally you can add a prefix to the item name, e.g. a common module name.

requirementTracing {
  tags {
    tag {
      paths = fileTree(dir: 'src/').include '*.impl.*'
      coveredItemNamePrefix = 'prefix'
      tagArtifactType = 'impl'
      coveredItemArtifactType = 'dsn'
    tag {
      paths = fileTree(dir: 'src/').include '*.test.*'
      tagArtifactType = 'utest'
      coveredItemArtifactType = 'dsn'

As a benefit the tags are much shorter and contain only the name and revision:

// [[tagname:1]]

See multi-project/sub1 for a basic example.

Sharing requirements

In bigger setups you might want to share requirements between multiple projects.

Example: The Software Architecture Design project swad contains overall requirements that must be fulfilled by projects component-a and component-b.

  1. The swad project publishes its requirements as a zip file swad-req to a Maven repository.
  2. Both components import these requirements and cover them in their Software Detailed Design (swdd).
  3. Both components publish their requirements as artefacts component-a-req and component-b-req to the shared Maven repository.
  4. A regular job check that all requirements from swad are covered by tracing swad-req, component-a-req and component-b-req.

Publishing requirements to a Maven repository

If you want to publish requirements to a Maven repository you can use the following configuration in your build.gradle:

plugins {
  id 'org.itsallcode.openfasttrace'
  id 'maven-publish'

requirementTracing {
  inputDirectories = files('doc')

task requirementsZip(type: Zip, dependsOn: collectRequirements) {
 from collectRequirements.outputFile
 into '/'

publishing {
  publications {
    maven(MavenPublication) {
      artifact requirementsZip

See publish-config for a basic example.

Importing external requirements

You can import requirements from another project using the importedRequirements configuration. The requirements must be published to a repository as a zip file and can be referenced using the usual gradle dependency syntax:

repositories {
  maven {
    url ""
requirementTracing {
  importedRequirements = ['com.example:swad:1.0.0@zip']

See dependency-config for a basic example.


git clone
./gradlew check
# Test report: build/reports/tests/index.html

Use openfasttrace from source

To use openfasttrace from source during development:

  1. Clone to ../openfasttrace

  2. Create file with the following content:

    oftSourceDir = ../openfasttrace

Using eclipse

Import into eclipse using buildship plugin:

  1. Select File > Import... > Gradle > Gradle Project
  2. Click "Next"
  3. Select Project root directory
  4. Click "Finish"

Check if dependencies are up-to-date

./gradlew dependencyUpdates

Check dependencies for vulnerabilities

./gradlew ossIndexAudit

Run sonar analysis

./gradlew clean sonar --info -Dsonar.token=[token]

Publish to


Add your API key to ~/.gradle/

gradle.publish.key = <key>
gradle.publish.secret = <secret>

Publish release

  1. Make sure that property oftSourceDir in file is commented out, i.e. OpenFastTrace is not used from source.

  2. Update version number in build.gradle and

  3. Add changes in new version to

  4. Commit and push changes.

  5. Run

    ./gradlew clean publishPlugins --info

    Plugin will be published at

  6. Create a release in GitHub