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πŸ‘‹ Hey, I'm insyri, a highschool student who does software engineering as a hobby.

I started programming seriously in 2021-2022, creating developer tools and small projects. From then, I've evolved to become more intentive and careful with the way I create programs, investigating optimizations heavily within my study.

I'm currently studying Linear Algebra (leading into computer graphics), models of computation, the history and philosophy of mathematics and efficient memory management practices for system-critical programs. I apply these bits of knowledge into some projects of mine, but eventually, I plan to create programs specific to these topics to prove my own mastery to myself.

I'm currently the president of computer science club at my school, providing an introduction to programming architecture and software tooling by developing mini-programs (like Michele Pratusevich's Terminus) and encouraging students to go out and make something they've always wanted to makeβ€” you wanna make a game on Roblox? Go for it, I'll help you find resources.

Before the summer, I showed just how approachable computer science is with the right mindset; from building a simple snow program (with written assessments and proposals of the code!) to hosting an (incomplete) course on learning software development. Over the summer, I'm teaching students the Kotlin programming language. When we come back, we'll be building an app to save students from missing their buses at school.

🌌 software socials

πŸ–₯ development information

πŸ— projects

rsource is a project aimed to create services around the Roblox StrafesNET ecosystem, including map development support, game unifying creations, and constructing transcendent experiences. View the full introductory showcase at the rsource github organization and at the rsource website.


This project has been postponed and temporarily discontuned as the StrafesNET API, the services that this project is built on, has been out of commision for a long time, and has no anticipated reinstitution date.

A strongly typed Pylon API client.


πŸ“‚ Server for pasting, uploading, and downloading files.

🏫 learning soon


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