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DIDComm V2 Mediator Test Suite

Test Suite for DIDCommV2-compatible Mediators

What protocols are tested

The following protocols are tested:

What is not tested:

  • Multiple recipients for Pickup 3.0 are not supported
  • Live mode for Pickup 3.0 are not supported

For the full list of scenarios and their description, please, refer to features folder.

Compatible mediators

The following mediators are compatible with DIDComm V2 and tested with this test suite:

Mediator Trust ping Mediator coordination 2.0 Pickup 3.0
PRISM Mediator
RootsID Mediator
Blocktrust Mediator

If you want to add your mediator to the list, please, create a PR with the updated table.


To run the test suite, it is required to configure mediator and recipient endpoints.

The configuration file is placed at src/test/resources/mediator.conf:

mediator {
    did = ${?MEDIATOR_DID}

recipient {
    host = "host.docker.internal"
    host = ${?RECIPIENT_HOST}
    port = 9999
    port = ${?RECIPIENT_PORT}

Some things to consider:

  1. is set to host.docker.internal by default to allow running tests VS the Docker containers. You could change this to localhost if you're working with the mediator and recipient available at the host network.
  2. recipient.port is set to 9999 by default to avoid conflicts with other services running on the host machine.
  3. mediator.did is mandatory parameter. Please, set it to the actual mediator DID and make sure its service endpoint is correctly set inside Peer DID services.


This project uses the following tools:

  1. Serenity BDD for test execution engine
  2. Hoplite for configuration management
  3. Ktor for HTTP listener (async DIDComm messages receiver)

Scenarios execution

To run tests locally, execute the following command from the top-level directory:

./gradlew test

Before tests execution, make sure that you have configured the environment variables correctly (see Configuration section).


Full HTML-report ("living documentation")

After test execution, full HTML reports are available in ./target/site/serenity folder. You could start by opening index.html file in your browser.

Summary reports

In addition to the full HTML report, Serenity BDD generates summary reports in JSON and HTML formats.

To do so, execute the following command from the top-level directory:

./gradlew reports

After the command is finished, you will see the following output:

> Task :reports
Generating Additional Serenity Reports for didcomm-v2-mediator-test-suite to directory ~/didcomm-v2-mediator-test-suite/target/site/serenity
  - Single Page HTML Summary: file:///didcomm-v2-mediator-test-suite/target/site/serenity/serenity-summary.html
  - JSON Summary: file:///didcomm-v2-mediator-test-suite/target/site/serenity/serenity-summary.json

And summary reports themselves will be available in ./target/site/serenity folder.

JUnit XML report

JUnit XML reports are also generated under ./target/site/serenity folder with names SERENITY-JUNIT-*.xml.

For more information about the reports, please refer to Serenity BDD reports documentation.

GitHub Actions integration

This project can be integrated in GitHub actions workflow with the following snippet:

  # Checkout repository
  - name: Checkout
    uses: actions/checkout@v3
      repository: input-output-hk/didcomm-v2-mediator-test-suite
      path: './didcomm-v2-mediator-test-suite'
  # Execute tests
  - name: Run tests
    run: |
      cd ./didcomm-v2-mediator-test-suite
      ./gradlew test || true
      ./gradlew reports
  # Upload HTML reports to workflow run artifacts
  - name: Upload test results
    uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
      name: didcommv2-suite-test-results
      path: ./didcomm-v2-mediator-test-suite/target/site/serenity
  # Publish JUnit XML reports as GitHub check and PR comment
  - name: Publish didcommv2 suite test results
    uses: EnricoMi/publish-unit-test-result-action@v2
      junit_files: "${{ env.REPORTS_DIR }}/SERENITY-JUNIT-*.xml"
      comment_title: "DIDComm V2 suite test results"
      check_name: "DIDComm V2 suite test results"

Contributing to project

Please, refer to file.


This project is licensed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0.