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General dependency-free wrapper and extension classes for Kohana


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A set of useful extra classes for Kohana - including wrappers that make it easier to inject or fake parts of the core Kohana underlying behaviour.

Installing kohana-extras

This isn't in packagist yet : you'll need to add our package repository to your composer.json:

  "repositories": [
    {"type": "composer", "url": ""}

$> composer require ingenerator/kohana-extras

Using the debug bar

This package provides a debug bar you can use in development to show logs / doctrine queries and similar.

To use it:

  • composer require maximebf/debugbar
  • include DebugBarFactory::definitions() in your dependency container
  • initialise the debug bar in your bootstrap when appropriate:
// Initialise the debug bar if in the development environment
if (\Kohana::$environment === Kohana::DEVELOPMENT) {
    $bar = $deps->get('');
    /** @var DebugBar $bar */
  • render the bar in your template when appropriate:
$debug_bar      = $dependencies->get('');
<?php if ($debug_bar->isActive()):?>
<?php endif ;?>

Using the garbage collection endpoint

The package provides classes to give your app a shared HTTP endpoint to trigger garbage collection. Garbage collection is often a fairly light-touch process, and in a containerised environment is ideal for running as a regular HTTP ping within an existing appserver pool rather than the overhead of a dedicated background job / service.

By default the package provides a garbage collector for our MysqlSession database-backed session handler. This can be disabled and/or you can easily register app-specific garbage collectors that trigger off the same HTTP ping.

To add this to your application:

// routes.php
use Ingenerator\KohanaExtras\GarbageCollector\GarbageCollectionController;
use Ingenerator\KohanaExtras\Routing\HttpMethodRoute;
// register on a URL to suit your routing / path structure
HttpMethodRoute::createExplicit('_gc', '_internal/garbage_collect', GarbageCollectionController::class);
// application/config/application.php
return [
    // This is used for basic authentication of the HTTP request. Generally, your garbage collectors should be written
    // to have limited side-effects / misuse potential. For example, always just delete records that are older than 
    // a fixed lifetime. This makes it unlikely that misuse of this token could cause any major implications for your
    // app - unauthorised requests will at worst clear a few records that would have gone soon anyway, and at best be a
    // no-op. There is a theoretical possibility of DDOS type attacks - but for most sane garbage collector
    // implementations it would be hard to do more damage than just hitting your site's public interfaces.
    'garbage_collection_token' => 'take-out-the-trash'
    // ... Your other app config ...
// application/config/dependencies.php
use Ingenerator\KohanaExtras\DependencyFactory\GarbageCollectorFactory;
return [
  '_include' => [
     // See this method for information on registering your own custom collectors
     /* your other includes and definitions */

You can then call it from anywhere e.g.

curl --fail -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer take-out-the-trash"


Contributions are welcome but please contact us before you start work on anything to check your plans line up with our thinking and future roadmap.


This package has been sponsored by inGenerator Ltd

  • Andrew Coulton acoulton - Lead developer


Licensed under the BSD-3-Clause Licence