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@dbr dbr released this 16 Jan 09:36
· 114 commits to main since this release

Main changes

Most notable change is the update from Dear ImGui 1.89.2 (previously was on v1.87). As it impacts the Rust bindings, the most significant change is the event based IO system, which is now used by the winit and sd2l support crates by default. As with the upstream change, this should be backwards compatible with old platform-support code (i.e no changes should be required), but updating to the new should be quite straight forward, might result in simpler code, and acts better at low frame rates (e.g when there are multiple mouse-clicks within one frame)

See the upstream changelogs for more details: 1.88, 1.89, 1.89.1, 1.89.2

The freetype feature should be easier to use on Windows by being able source freetype via vcpkg (in addition to pkg-config more typically used on Linux)

Finally, the examples have been rearranged to be more consistent, and hopefully easier to find. Mainly just all the crates now have an examples folder (with the exception of the low-level imgui-sys crate), and there is an example of how to use imgui-glium-renderer which is consistent with imgui-glow-renderer

Thanks everyone for the PR's and the testing/feedback in the Issues section!

Automatic notes

What's Changed

  • Removing im_str! marco by @dbr in #680
  • Implement DataTypeKind for usize and isize by @Ararem in #693
  • Update ImGui and use event-based io by @Rob2309 in #688
  • Reorganization of examples by @dbr in #692
  • sdl2-support to event based API by @dbr in #698
  • add vcpkg-rs for locating freetype by @ruifengx in #582
  • Update to imgui 1.89.2 by @dbr in #700
  • Fix keyboard modifiers in Winit with the new ImGui version. by @rodrigorc in #701

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.9.0...v0.10.0