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Releases: imevro/flexboxgrid2

7.2.0 — really explicit col-* styles

28 Feb 15:38
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7.0.0-alpha12 introduced the two new bugs (#11):

  1. If col- is not at the start of a class name, like class=" col-md-6" or class="first-xs col-md-6", then it will mismatch the selector.
  2. When using css-loader, [class=^col-] won't be exported, because css-loader's CSS Module only works with class name selector.

Since flexboxgrid2 used in react-flexbox-grid, we are responsible to their users, so we can't degrade their experience.

Now we reverted that selector and explicitly add paddings to all .col-* styles, thankfully to @jacargentina for his PR.

7.1.0 — flex-basis: 100% by default

20 Jan 18:09
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So, you want drop col-xs-12 because since alpha12 we have implicit paddings and flex if any col-* presented to element.

But it have led to bug: if you drop col-xs-12, element doesn't have any flex-basis and max-width, so it will looks like overflowed content.

Now it's fixed.


7.0.1 — project is stable

18 Jan 12:00
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Project is stable 🙌🏻

No breaking changes, just remove alpha from version number, so you can use it without worries 🎉


  • updated readme

7.0.0-alpha12 — box-sizing and implicit col-* behaviour across all screen sizes

09 Nov 14:21
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Two major features:

  • box-sizing: border-box at .container to get rid of overfows (thanks @akronb, #7),
  • implicit .col-* styles at all screensizes if presented at least one — no more col-xs-12 if you want just paddings!
- <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-6 col-xl-3"></div>
+ <div class="col-md-6 col-xl-3"></div>

Breaking changes

  • box-sizing: border-box at .container

When stable?

If this release will not cause any bugs, we'll release stable 7.0.0 at 16 Nov.

7.0.0-alpha7 — hidden-* and initial-order-* modifiers

16 Aug 09:37
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🔥 New modifiers: hidden-* and initial-order-*

As you requested (#1, #3), we added some utils modifiers. Thanks to @claviska!


  • (#1) modifiers hidden-xs, hidden-sm, hidden-md, hidden-lg, hidden-xl,
  • (#3) reset order-* via order: initial modifiers initial-order-xs, initial-order-sm, initial-order-md, initial-order-lg, initial-order-xl,
  • (#4 (comment)) rems → pxs in breakpoints,
  • ❗️ import 'flexboxgrid2/dist/flexboxgrid.css'import 'flexboxgrid2/flexboxgrid2.css'

Breaking changes

  • rename all files to flexboxgrid2 for consistency,
  • move compiled files from dist/ folder to root for shorter path,
  • switch from rems to pxs in breakpoints (see motivation here: #4 (comment))

7.0.0-alpha6 — bring back life for project

02 Aug 13:03
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Hi everyone!

Seems like original flexboxgrid was abandoned by @kristoferjoseph, I decided fork and continue develop at my own (probably with contributors).

What is already done:

flexboxgrid2 right now is alpha6, so if you can test it and fills issues (or PRs!) I'll be very grateful.